《My Amber Flower》~Troubles of the battle!~


Finally making it to Petalburge city..where badge number five is, I head to the centre to think of a strategy "okay..let's see, my team is, Manetrick..Grovlye, Altaria, Cacturne and Crawdaunt. All three of Norman's Pokémon will be tough to beat.."

"Turne! Cacturne!" "You wanna battle?" Cacturne nodded "alright..then the others..Manetrick and Grovyle"




"Norman! Are you here?!" I shouted "hm? Amber, what a surprise! I guess your here to a battle" Norman said as I nodded "I'm pretty sure you had a battle with Ash, so I'm here for my battle!"

"Alright then..Kenny! We have another battle!" Norman shouted as Kenny ran in "alright! This'll be a three on three Pokémon battle..this battle will be over once either trainers side is unable to battle. And only the challenger can exchange Pokémon, alright..and begin!"

"Vigoroth, I chose you!"

"Manetrick..your up!"

"Vigoroth, Flamethrower!"

"Dodge and use Iron tail!" Manetrick jumped above the Flamethrower heading down hitting Vigoroth with Iron tail "Scratch let's go!"

"Dodge and Thunder fang!" Manetrick moved to the left as she bit Vigoroth's arm "now..Discharge!"

A giant smoke cloud happened after the attack..it cleared showing Vigoroth fainted "Vigoroth is unable to battle..Manetricks the winner!"

"Great job, bud. Take a nice rest" I said returning him "nice job, Amber..now let's continue. Slakoth, I chose you!"

"Grovyle..your up!"

"Grovyle, Energy ball!"

"Slakoth, Shadow Ball"

A big smoke cloud was created from both attacks "Leaf Blade!"

"Hidden powers lets go!"

Grovyle sliced through the hidden power hitting Slakoth "Energy ball!" Grovlye charged up a Energy ball "Blizzard!" Slakoth sent a Blizzard towards Grovyle "now, swallow it!"


"Huh?!" Grovyle ate the Energy ball "nothing.. happened?"

"Leaf blade!" Grovlye leaf blade was showing the Energy ball that she ate "whoa.." "now..Solar Beam!"

"Quick use Shadow ball!" Slakoth fired a Shadow ball, Grovyle sliced it as she fired the Solar beam fainting Slakoth

"Slakoth is unable to battle..Grovyle wins!"

"Nice job! Get some rest. So Norman..you ready to lose?" "I won't be losing this battle! Slaking lets go!"

"Cacturne..it's time to end this!" I smile as I looked at Slaking "Slaking, Focus Punch!"

"Dodge and use Needle Arm!" I shouted as Cacturne moved left and hit Slaking "nothing..it's really tough!"

"Slaking grab Cacturne, and throw him!" Shaking grabbed Cacturne by the arm and threw him to the other side "Pin Missile!"

"Focus Punch!" Slaking ran fast towards Cacturne hitting him to the wall "Cacturne!"


"Cac..Turne!" Cacturne stood up and punched Slaking "what was that?!" I asked "Drain Punch?!" I was surprised Cacturne learned a new move "Focus Punch!"

"Dodge and finish this with..Drain Punch!" Cacturne jumped up and hit Slaking hard draining it's power.

"Slaking is unable to battle..The victor is Cacturne and Amber!" I smile as I returned Cacturne "well done Amber..you and Cacturne were great, and so I give you..the Balance Badge"

I grabbed it as I smiled "I earned..the Balance Badge!"

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