《My Amber Flower》~True Blue Swablu~


"Remember this place Altaria?" I asked as she nodded "if we continue through this path..we'll be at our fifth gym battle" I said "let's take a nice break!" "Taria! Al?"

"What's wrong?" I asked as she ran into the forest, I ran after her seeing a huge tree gone "whoa! What happened here?!" "Blu..Blu.." I heard a Swablu's cry not far, I ran looking for the little one

"Pikachu, Torchic!" "Pika!" "Tor!" I was an injured Swablu on the ground, I picked it up holding it in my arms "Amber!" I saw Ash and the others run towards me "this Swablu is hurt..we need to take care of it!"

"Blu Blu.." "Altaria! Altar..Taria!"

I grabbed a potion out of my bag, I sat down holding Swablu's wing up "this'll only sting a little" I said spraying the spot "Blu.."

"Nice job, Amber" I smile as I stood up with Swablu, badged Swablu's wing up and placed her on Altaria. We heard something coming from the bushes

"Nuzleaf Nuz!" A Nuzleaf and it's trainer came running in "who are you?" He asked, Swablu for scared and hid more into Altaria's wings "I'm sorry..I didn't meant to frighten you all. I'm the ranger for this nature preserve, I'm Mureda. Can I help you out?"

"Ya..you can.."


As the others were looking at Swablu, I was with Altaria "no sign of her?" I asked "Taria.." "that's just great..Viper must be nice okay.."

~Viper POV~

"Must become stronger for, Amber! Can't let her lose another contest battle!"

"Your really going back?" Wormpul asked "of course! She's my owner!" "A owner..you never told that you were going to train by yourself "


"Well ya..I was angry and left. I wasn't thinking k! Now keep up those attacks! I know I'll evolve soon!"

~Amber's POV~


"Altaria..maybe we should give up. We're not going to find her..she won't come back to me.." I said sitting outside on a tree branch "Taria.." "after the gym..we'll head towards the next one k. No looking for Viper, we can find a new buddy to travel with..I know she's safe and sound, so..it be nice to forget"

I look up as I remembered the times I had with Viper "she was the perfect partner..but now, it's time to leave all of that behind and..find someone new"


The days went as followed, I had my bags with me ready to start going "Altaria, Cmon out" I said sending her out "it's time to go..Ash and the others can handle Swablu..."

I smile as I looked back at the cabin "there having fun..I'm glad Swablu is better, Altaria..it's time to leave" she nodded as I sat on her back "Altar!" I noticed something up with my Altaria's wing

"Oh no..Altaria did you injure yourself while looking for Viper?" I asked "Altaria.." I saw she was upset and hurt "why didn't you tell me..you were worried for me right?" "Taria.." I smile as I hugged her "you shouldn't be..Viper is only the first thing on my mind yes, but caring for my Pokémon is always number one..so please, never do that again.."

"Taria!" "Guess we should stay..and make sure you wing is healed up. The gym can wait..you come first bud!"


The next day came along, Altaria's wing was looking better "let's just walk..I want you to stay off that wing k" I said as she smiled and nodded "Taria?" "What's wrong?" I asked "Altaria!"


"Hey wait up!"


I heard something get hit not to far ahead, I run and run seeing a car. Ash and the others were by it..which means someone hit them "Ash! What's going on?!" I asked "we don't know" "who's out there?!" We all saw two hands come out of the bush, one grabbing Swablu and the other with my Altaria.

"Not them again!"


"Give Swablu and Altaria back!" I shouted "not a chance..there going to be the boss's sleep bed" *Sleep Bed!?*

I knew if we tried to do anything..Swablu and Altaria will be hurt "I got it! Swablu and Altaria..sing lets go!"

They both started singing a song, putting Team Rocket to sleep, Cacnea fell asleep using Pin Missile..it went everywhere, it hit the metal part of the ballon making a fire

"Altaria!" We ran after Team Rocket *think Amber, think!*

"Altaria..get out using Dragon Pulse!" I shouted as she freed herself flying with Swablu into the air

They both flew back to us "Altaria! Thank goodness your alright! Now time for payback!"

Brock sent out Lombre and Mudkip to get the water out "let me do the rest guys..Cacturne and Grovyle..Solar Beam!" I said as they came out charging up "Altaria..Dragon Pulse!"

All three of my Pokémon fired at Team Rocket..sending them flying "that will teach you to..ever mess with my friends!" I shouted "Vyle!" "Cacturne!"



The lake were the Swablu and Altaria were..that's where I found something..that made my day "it's..Vipers pokeball. She was here"

"Taria?" I smile as I got up "Altaria..she'll come back, I just know it"

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