《My Amber Flower》~Name of Rose~


"Alright Grovyle..lets do this!" "Vyle!"

I return Grovyle into her ball as I put a leaf seal on my pokeball "these seals were a good idea!"

Drew: I'm in the stands..can't wait to see how much you've improved

Drew just messaged me, I was surprised he isn't in the contest "I feel bad..his Roselia is hurt..I'll do my best for you Drew!" I said as I looked at the screen

*i win this..it'll be one more ribbon before the grand festival*


"And next..its Amber!"

"Let's do this..Grovlye, Showtime!" Leafs surrounded the area making Grovyle come out with a huge leaf storm "how did she do that?! It's incredible!"

"Grovlye dear..lets show them your..Solar Beam!" Grovyle charged up a beautiful solar beam "now..swallow it!" Grovyle ate the attack "um..nothing happened?"

"Leaf blade my dear!" "Vyle!" As Grovlye used Lead blade, it was glowing with beautiful lights "amazing! Now what do the judges think?"


"Not a bad score! But will it be enough for her to move onto the next round?"


"Great job, bud..but don't you worry..we don't make it..we can just try again next time" I said "sorry for the wait..here are the results" I smile as I got up and grabbed my bag "let's go Grovyle..and find Viper"

"Excuse me..it's nice to see you again, Amber" I froze as I heard a Magma voice "not you! Why are you here.."

"Your father sent me, now come along with me" I back away as Grovyle did the same "don't you run..!"

"Grovyle..go and find someone.." I said as she ran towards the stands "Mightyena..after that Pokémon" "arg.."


"Now for you" he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him "let go!" I shouted "Ariados..String shot!"

A string shot came out of no where "wait..Harley!" He ran in front of me as I saw Grovyle "stay behind me..now you better leave! Or else!" Harley shouted "a bodyguard..Mightyena return! I'll be back for


He ran as I sighed "thanks Harley..Grovyle get some rest" I said as she went back into her ball "you better head outta here and make sure to get to the centre, safe" Harley said as I nodded "thanks again Harley!"


I was walking towards the path, when I heard someone call my name "Drew.." he stopped catching his breath "you okay? Your never running after me" I said "I'm fine..but your performance was great!" He said as I blushed "t..thanks.." he then held out a rose "is this for my Grovyle?" I asked

"Nope..it's for you, and only you" I grabbed it as I blushed even more "your special to me Amber, don't you forget that" Drew said as he did a hair flip and walked off

*I'm Special to him..? What does he mean by that? Does Drew..Like me?!*

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