《My Amber Flower》~Third Ribbon Tastic!~


I was in Maville town where a Pokémon contest was "alright..let's win this Cacnea" I said as he nodded "Nea!"

I return my Cacnea as I placed my special seal that I made "this should get me a perfect score" I said as I saw a staff member walk in "miss valley..your up next"

"It's show time.."


"And next..we have Amber!"

The light came on as I ran out "Cacnea..Showtime!" Ribbons came out of the pokeball, once Cacnea was out..the ribbons formed a heart "amazing!"

"Cacnea..Pin Missile!"

"Cacnea!" He started spinning around sending out Pin Missiles "now sandstorm!"

A sandstorm made the needles break into sparkles

"A wonderful performance..but what do the judges think?"

Judges: 10,10,10


"A perfect score! And that means..we have our four contestants moving on!"

"Let's do this Cacnea!"


It was the final round..it was me facing off against a girl name Moon "alright..Declatty let's go!"

"Cacnea..it's Showtime!"

"Delcatty, Hyper Voice!"

"Dodge and use Needle Arm!"

Cacnea jumped up heading down hitting Delcatty "Delcatty, Thunderbolt!"

"Dodge that..and use Sand Storm!" Cacnea jumped up again summoning a sandstorm "Double team!"

"Pin Missile lets go!"

All the fakes disappeared..but the real one vanished "Giga Impact!"

"Dodge it! Then let's end this with..huh?!" Cacnea started to glow, he got bigger and bigger.."oh my! What an amazing sight! Since her Pokémon evolved..Moon loses some points."

"Alright..Needle Arm!"

"Cac..Turn!" Cacturne charged up a solar beam and fired it at Delcatty "and times up! The winner of the Maville Pokémon contest is..Amber and Cacturne!"

I run to Cacturne hugging him "we did it! And it's all thanks to you!" I said "Cacturne!"


"Here ya go..the Maville Ribbon" I grabbed it as I turned to Cacturne "alright! I just got..my third ribbon!" I placed it in my case and smiled one more time at Cacturne

"Next stop..is another Pokémon gym and contest! Let's win them both!"


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