《My Amber Flower》~Tracking Vibrava~


"Anything, Altaria?!" I asked, but nothing yet "alright! Go and get some rest" I shouted as I returned her "this isn't going to be easy..Viper, please come back to me.."

I sighed as I walked around the area "hey it's Amber!" I turn my head seeing Ash and the others "hey guys.." I said waving "hi, my names Julie"

"I'm Amber.." I said "Julie, mind if she comes along to?" May asked "of course! Anyone is welcome at my place, as long as there friendly" "thanks so much, I'm going to need it" I said

*After my break..Viper, my search continues*


"Still nothing, Altaria?" I asked "Taria.." "thanks again Altaria..take a rest" I said sighing "Viper..why did you leave" "Phish..Corphish Phish.."

"Sorry Corphish..I'm alright, don't worry about me" I said "Phish.." "why don't we get some rest..it'll be dark soon and, I wanna rest before going to my search again"



It was night time..I was outside looking up at the moon "the day Viper left..was the same day I was heartbroken..I'm never good enough for anyone.." I then heard a sound coming from where the Numels were, I walk over seeing Team Rocket

"Hey! Stop that!" I shouted "hey..your that Twerp target for Magma and Aqua"

"Are you working with them now? Cause if you are..I wanna know where my father is right now" I said "father? Mewoth you know anything about this?"

"Nope! But let's grab her and the Numel, and Scram outta here"

"Right!" A hand grabbed me blocking me from screaming "hey what's going on here?!"


"Team Rocket!"

"What do you think, you're doing with my Numel?!" Julie asked "we don't think, we know! We're stealing them all!" Jessie said *cmon guys..notice that I'm captured!*


"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" But nothing worked *thats never good!* I felt the machine moving, like they were leaving *cmon..gotta grab Corphish's pokeball..*

*no good..can't do anything..let's hope the others can help me and these Numel*


I tried my best to wiggle myself out of the hand, but I couldn't. The hand uncovered my mouth but..it held my hands tightly "man.." I heard a sound coming from the hump of the machine "the Numel.."

I felt the heat getting turned up, it stopped for a minute..but went back up, the machine fell to the ground as I was set free "yes! I'm free!"

I shouted "oh no you don't!" I saw Mewoth grab me and tie me up again "why you!"

*I need Corphish..*

I tried to grab my pokeball that had Corphish "almost..got it! Corphish..let's go-!" My hand felt like it was burning "why is it..glowing?!"

"Amber!" I saw Ash and the others run towards me, Julie untied me as the glowing stopped "thanks guys..that's the second time, Team Rocket captured me." I said "your right..maybe you should get to the next town, Jenny might be there"

"Right. Altaria lets go!" I said sending her out "I'll see you guys there k! Altaria, to lavarich town" I said flying off

*I'll ask around if anyone seen a Vibrava, with a bow on it..cause if they have, I'm going to make sure your alright Viper!*

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