《My Amber Flower》~Pokemon Contest, May Goes The Way~


"This is it..it's our turn to perform" I said as I returned Vibrava

"And next we have..Amber Valley!"

I run out smiling "alright..Viper, Showtime!"

"Alright Viper..Dragon Tail!" I threw a furisby up in the air, Viper hit it with Dragon tail getting it back to me "alright now..Charge up and Solar Beam!"

"What's she doing?! Is she going to do what Altaria did?"

"Alright..now sallow and use Sunny Day!" The sun made her wings shine beautifully



"Great work..now let's see if we made it" I said as I petted Vibrava, the faces were shown and..I didn't make it "it was bound to happen..but May and Drew made it, which is great" I said

"Brava.." I turn to Vibrava seeing her anger "Viper? What's wrong?" I asked "Brava!" She flew off grabbing her pokeball "Viper wait! Corphish, go after her please" I said as she nodded and ran out *whats wrong with you, Viper?*


The first battle was with, Jessica and May

Dustox and Beautifly were battling, Dustox started by following the order of using tackle. Beautifly was commanded to dodge the rainbow Tackle attack, May then commanded it to use String shot on Dustox.

A rainbow whirlwind was order by Jessica, hitting Beautifly making May lose points. Dustox was commanded to use a rainbow Poison Sting, which made me think if something is up

May commanded Beautifly to use gust sending the poison stings back at Dustox, Dustox spun while following the order of using rainbow tackle

May commanded her Pokémon to use Silver wind, making Jessica lose a lot of points. Jessica commanded Dustox to use a rainbow Psybeam, but nothing happened. May finished the battle with a Tackle, making her go to the next stage.


"She was beautiful..anything Corphish?" I asked "Phish.." "what's going on. Viper isn't like this, maybe something happened.."

"Phish..Corphish Phish.."

"After the contest..I'm going to go and look for her. And make sure she's okay" I said "can you go and look around again, I want to make sure the contest is really over k" Corphish nodded as she ran back to look.

*whats happened, Viper?*


(Skipping Grace's and Drew's battle, and May's and Graces)

I felt bad for Drew for him losing so.."Drew..where'd he go?" I walked around seeing if he was still here "maybe he already left" I said heading towards the exit "hm..?"

"Well you did it May" I heard Drew's voice around the corner "of course if you were battling against me in the first round, things would've been a whole lot different" I look seeing him talking to May and the others. He was holding a rose in his hand.

He threw it towards May, I thought it was for her performance..but maybe I thought wrong "I suppose this rose is got, Beautifly right?" May asked, Drew turned and did a hair flip walking and saying this "ya..something like that"

I knew what he meant by that..the tone of his voice when he said it, made my heart shatter "Phish!" "Oh Corphish..why am I so dumb for ever falling for him!" I said falling to my knees and crying "Phish.."

"If only Viper was here..she would know what to do!" I said as I brought my head up "but she's gone and..she's not going to come back! She left me cause I'm a weak Pokémon trainer! I wasn't good enough for her and..she left to go find a better trainer! Maybe Harley or even Drew..or even Steven!"


"Pika?" I lift my seeing seeing Ash's Pikachu "Amber? What's wrong?" I look seeing the others in front of me "don't bother with me k..it's nothing.." I said "it's not nothing..why are you crying?" May asked as I sighed "Viper's gone..she's my Vibrava. After she saw we didn't make it, she left.."

"What! But why?" "Probably to find another trainer who is stronger then me.." I said "cmon Amber..let's head to the centre and cheer you up" May said helping me up "alright..let's go Corphish" I said walking to the centre

~Viper POV~

"I'll evolve..just for you, Amber! I won't let you down no more!"

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