《My Amber Flower》~Love at first Flight~


Lake May..a beautiful lake where the May festival is "I heard Viper..that this festival..will bring luck to anyone in love.." "Vi?"

"I wonder if..my love for Drew will become lucky and he says nice things about me.." I felt someone tap my shoulder "hey there.." I blink as I yell falling from my seat "you idiot! You startled me!" I shouted

"Sorry.." I look at Harley angry "Cmon..it's not my fault. I was saw you and wanted to say hi, so..what's this about Drew?" I blush as I looked away "it was nothing! Now I'm going to go and..see what Ash and the others are up to. So good day!" I shouted walking away.

*that Harley..always in my hair!*


I sigh as I walked around the forest, I check my phone seeing nothing from Drew "I sent him a text saying I was at, Lake May. But he didn't say anything back..maybe he's busy" It was starting to turn night time, I was on my way towards the Pokémon centre, when I saw a volbeat light.

"That's strange..whys a Volbeat shining its light? Maybe it's hurt or something..Viper let's go and check it out" I said walking towards the light, I walk over to the lake..seeing Team Rocket!

I saw them take Illuimse get taken by them "Viper..follow them and report to me of where they went" I said as she nodded and flew off

"Don't worry..I'll get you back!"



"Team Rocket!" Viper flew towards me landing on my head as I stared at them "now time for the best part, Volbeat mind down!" They started sucking up four Volbeats "oh no!"


"And..one rare legendary chosen one!" I hand grabbed me pulling me up towards Team Rocket "let me go!"

"Use Quick attack on that cage, Beat!" Volbeat freed Illuisme from its cage "drat! Illuimse's free!" Jessie said "Mewoth, make sure we catch Pikachu!" James said, Mewoth pressed a button sucking in both Ash and Pikachu.

They were about to get Illuimse and Voltbeat, but Pikachu stopped them by using Thunderbolt "double edge now!"

"May! Grab Altaria's ball out of my bag and tell her to use, Arial ace!" I shouted "right! Altaria Cmon out and use Arial Ace to free Amber!"

Once I was free, Altaria caught me flying over to Viper "Seviper, caught them again!"

"Illuimse, use your sweet scent to lure them in!" Juliet said as the Volbeat followed the scent

"Signal Beam!"

Team rocket was blasted away by the Signal Beam "thanks Altaria and Viper" I said "Brava!" "Taria!"

*If only my love for Drew..was as sweet as for Romeo and Juliet..*


The May Festival started as I only thought about my love for Drew "why do I even bother..he probably likes someone else. I come all the way here..and it wasn't worth anything. Huh?" I felt my phone buzz, I grab it seeing a message

Drew: sorry I didn't answer..I was Uh..trying to find where the lake was..but didn't turn out well so, I hope your enjoying the festival

"He..wanted to see me.." I smile as I sent a text back to him..and looked up at the sky blushing and smiling

Amber: I am..but wish you were here with me ❤️

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