《My Amber Flower》~Battle with Wattson~


"This is it! My third badge it almost in my hand.." I said as I entered the gym, the door fell to the floor as I started to move "w..whoa!"

It stopped in front of a battle field "well! You must be my next challenger!"

"So your Wattson..I'm here for a battle" I said "Then let's see if you ready for this..Magnemite your first!"

"Manetrick, your up!"

"Alright..each trainer will use three Pokémon each, and only the challenger can exchange Pokémon. So let the battle..begin!"

"Magnemite, Swift lets go!"

"Manetrick..dodge and use, Fire Fang!" Manetrick jumped up heading down one hitting Magnemite "Magnemite is unable to battle..Manetrick wins!"

"Great bud, now return. Cacnea your up!"

"Voltorb, your turn!"

"Cacnea, Pin Missile!"

"Screech lets go!"

"Now jump! And use Poison Sting and Pin Missile!" I Commanded as Voltorb was Poisoned "Voltorb!"

"Now..Needle Arm!"

"Voltorb is unable to battle..Cacnea's the winner!"

I return Cacnea and bring out Vibrava, to take on Magneton "Vibrava, Dragon Tail!"

"Dodge and use, Zap Cannon!"

"Dodge that! And why don't we end this with a powerful attack..Earth Power!"


The battle ended..with me getting the badge and Viper with a perfect Pokeblock recipe

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