《My Amber Flower》~Mystery Magma~


"I swear I just saw Magma.."

After the contest, I've been hearing rumours about Team Magma being in the area "Corphish..let's try and find Magma and stop there plans" "Phish!"

I walk to the museum, where I saw them head towards "Mightyena, Shadow Ball!"

"Corphish, Bubblebeam lets go!"

Bubblebeam countered Mightyena's shadow ball attack "stay behind me! Now you, give back that Rock!" I shouted "there gone!" I growl as I run out "there not getting away!"


"Get back here!" I shouted as I continue to run after them, I saw two Pokémon sent out in front of them "a Cacnea and a Serviper..Team Rocket!"

*now I have to deal with two bad guys!*

"Serviper, Poison Tail!"

"Mightyena, Tackle!"

"Cacnea Pin Missile!"

"Use Double Team!"

*Very skilled..*

Mightyena hit them sending them flying "Ash's Pikachu!"

"Pikachu!" I turn seeing Ash, Max and a kid "Phish! Corphish phish!"

"Hold on! Leave these guys to me. Sealio lets go!" *not a bad choice..but let's see if Magma can defeat it*

"Aurora Beam!" The attack hit Mightyena sending it flying towards its owner, making him let go of the case. The kid with the hat caught in, his teammates sent out there Pokémon to get the case back.

"That was fun..but I'll take back that sample now" he said "no way!" I shouted *whatever that rock is..it has to be connected to Groundon*

"Mightyena, hyper beam!"

"Corphish, Bubblebeam, Pikachu Thunderbolt!"

"Sealio, Aurora Beam!"

"Altaria, Flamethrower! And Corphish, Bubblebeam!"

Altaria came out and helped Ash and the Captain with the Hyper Beams, Max and the kid ran "Shadow Ball!" They both jumped into the before they got hit.


*there safe..now just to handle them..*

I look back seeing how angry the Mightyena are, I saw the Captain give Ash the case "now Sealia use Blizzard!" Sealio sent out Blizzard making it hard to see for Magma. Ash ran away with the case "no you don't! Mightyena use Shadow ball!"

The Shadow ball hit them "oh no!" Ash let the case go, it opened when it hit the ground. The rock snapped into a tiny piece, Mightyena grabbed it before Pikachu "Mightyena, Shadow Ball!"

The Shadow ball made it hard to see anything that was happening "oh no you don't!" I shouted running through the clouds of smoke, when I was free from the smoke..it was to late "not again! How could I let them get away!" I shouted "Phish.."

"Next time I see them..there going to hear it from me!"


"So..tell me about that mark on your hand" Jenny said "there marks of the legendary Pokémon of sea and land, both Magma and Aqua are after me. But mostly Magma..cause my father is the leader. Maxie"

"Your Maxie's Daughter..so he wants you to help him with his plan, correct?" Jenny asked as I nodded "but I have no intention on helping him. His plans will only bring disaster to all! So I'm going to stop him!" I said "leave this to us kid, your in more danger then any of us. But thanks for the information"

"No prob.." I get up and walk outside looking up at the sky "Father..you won't win"

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