《My Amber Flower》~Slateport Contest~


"Altaria..Dragon Dance!"


"Perfect! I knew you evolving was a sign!" I said "Altaria!" I grab some Pokémon food and feed it "alright Altaria..let's show them what were made of!" I said "Taria!"

"Now then..let's get inside and get ready!"


I was brushing Altaria's wings making them nice and smooth "just focus on the moves k..don't look at the audience. Just focus on everything we've practiced" I said "Altaria!"

"And next we have..Miss Amber!"


Altaria came out flying around in a beautiful way "alright..Dragon Dance!" Altaria started using the move Dragon Dance "now..Sing!"

The musical notes went around Altaria as she started flying up "now..Sunny Day!"

A bright light shined on Altaria..making her shine like a flower that's just bloomed "what an amazing performance! But what do the judges think?"

(Don't know what they score out of so..)

"And almost a perfect score! But will our next contestant beat, Amber and her Altaria?" I smile as me and Altaria walked off the stage "next it's Drew!"

I turn to the Tv seeing Drew "Roselia Go!"

He started off with Roselia using Petal Dance, next was Stun Spore. With a touch of Magical Leaf "amazing.." they finished off with another Petal Dance.

Roselia vanished then it cut the petals with magical leaf, ending there performance.



"It beat my score..Drew's worked hard to get it.." "Altaria?" I look down as I sighed "if we don't make it..let's focus on the gym till we figure out how to get through in the next one.." I said "Altaria.."


May already went..and Robert, a famous coordinator also went "i'm not going to make it..those coordinators are better then me.." I said "even May! Her and her Beautifly..were amazing!" I said "Altaria! Taria Altaria!"


"Now the results are in..and I thank you for your patience"

I looked up..seeing my face in the screen "I made it..May, Drew and Robert made it as well.." the battles were then randomized, I was facing a familiar face "I remember that guy..Chris.."


"And our next battle..it's Chris verses Amber! So let's get started!"

"Breloom, lets go!"

"Altaria, Showtime!"

"Breloom, Stun Spore!"

"Dragon Pulse and Sunny Day!"

"Taria!" "What a beautiful Dragon Pulse! But will it be enough?"

"Go Breloom, Mach Punch!"

"Breloom!" Breloom hit the Dragon Pulse back at Altaria "dodge it quick!" I Commanded as Altaria flew up "Solar Beam!"

"Quickly while it's charging..Dragon Pulse!" But the Solar Beam was faster then expected "oh no! My Sunny day must've.."

It hit Altaria making her fly down "Altaria!" "Taria.." "if I don't think of something then..I'll lose..what do I do?" I tried to think..but nothing came into my head "don't give up!" "Huh? May?" I look seeing her at the stands "you need to win this! Show Drew you can be strong!"

"Drew.." I close my eyes as I smiled "Altaria..use Sing!" Altaria started to sing a beautiful song "Breloom Stun Spore!"

"Dragon Dance!"

Altaria dodged the Stun spore with her Dragon Dance "Mach Punch!" "Dodge it! Then let's use that Sunny day to our advantage..Flamethrower! Put a spin into it!"

"Al..Taria!" Altaria spun around making the Flamethrower hit Breloom "and that's that! Amber moves onto the next round "return Altaria.."


It was the final match, I was up against Milotic and Robert "battle Begin!"


"This is for May and Drew, Altaria lets go!"

"Milotic..your up!"

"Altaria..Sing lets go!"


The twister canceled out Sing "alright..Dragon Dance!"


Both our points went down at the same time "looks like there equal! But who'll win and get this ribbon?!"

"Use Iron tail!"

"Wait for it!" I shouted as Milotic jumped towards Altaria "now..Flamethrower!"


"Milotic!" I smile as his points went down "what a move! Amber waited for the moment to use Flamethrower!" *I have an Idea!*

"Altaria, this might be crazy..but it could get us the win. Can you trust me?" I asked as she nodded "alright..charge up and Dragon Pulse

"What is she..Miltoic stop them with Twister!"

Once I saw it was charged up..I smile "now absorb it!" Altaria ate the Dragon pulse making her wings look beautiful "amazing!"

"Fly into the Twister!" I Commanded as she followed "Spin while using Arial Ace and Flamethrower!"

"Quick, Safeguard!" But Altaria's speed was faster, Milotic was hit as the timer went out "and..Amber wins!"

"We did it! Altaria we really did it!" I said hugging her "you did great!" I said as I turned to Vivi "congratulations Amber..here is the Slateport ribbon"

As I grabbed it, I saw Drew walk out of the stadium "Drew?"


"May! Where did Drew go?!" I Asked "he already left..why what's up?" Ash asked "I wanted to talk to him..but guess I missed the opportunity" I said "well he shouldn't be far.."

"I know but..he probably doesn't want to talk to me right now. Since I won."

"What do you mean?" May asked as I sighed and looked at her "the last time I a battle, it was against Drew..he didn't like how I won easily. And that was with my mothers Pokémon, I was using her Swampert and Drew was using a Milotic. I somehow won and..he said I cheated and ran away throwing me Milotic's pokeball"

"Oh..I'm sorry I.." "no it's fine..but, I want to see Drew win the Grand Festival. It's always been his dream to become Top Coordinator, so..I'm going to make it there and..give him that win!" I said "we'll help, so you can see Drew smiling again."

*Drew..just you wait..everything will be going your way!*

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