《My Amber Flower》~No good Magam~


"Alright, Corphish..Bubblebeam!"

After my battle at the gym..I decided to wait for Ash and the others, so we could head to Slateport together

I look at my phone seeing my alarm going off "there here..Corphish, lets check the area and.."

"What?! Why are they both here?!" I asked "Phish?" "Something important is on this island..and I'm going to find out what!"


"Cmon Corphish! We need to hurry and find these Magma and Aqua grunts!" I said as we kept on running, I heard something up ahead in the cave I was in "that must be them!"

I saw a door and an open room "Team Magma!" The one near the wall turned smiling "grab her.." I felt hands grab my arms holding them tight "now be corporative! And we'll tell Maxie not to punish you"

I saw there machine got deeper into the cave "proceed" I growl as I saw Corphish in a cage, I take out one of my pokeballs and sent it out "Manetrick..go and find Ash and the others!"


"Hey! No funny business" one grunt said "don't worry..I won't do anything" I said trying to work with them *I need to get free..but how?*

The machine stopped revealing a strange structure, Team Magma placed lights on the ceiling making it easier to see. I felt my red mark glow, making my left hand burn *have to hide it..can't let them know..*

A voice was heard from my head..I didn't understand, truth? What truth was it talking about? I was placed down by a rock as they got to work

*Cmon..Ash..anyone..please hurry!*

"Now then..let's see that hand of yours" he pulled my hand seeing it glowing red "your father was right..you were chosen..guess that means, we can take you back to him!" He shouted grabbing me and bringing me inside the tower thing.


"Now search! Your glow will help a lot" I nod as I walked around *i need to do as they say..and wait for someone to help*

"Mightyena, Shadow ball!"

"Hydro pump!"

A smoke cloud was created after the attacks, once cleared..both Aqua and Magma were seeing each other eye to eye *this isn't good..*

I felt my other mark glowing now..I knew it was going to get messy "Argh..how do I get it to..stop!" My eyes started to change..I felt my head ache badly

"You know..it would be wise to hand over the girl..she doesn't want to see her father.."

I could hear them talking about me, but I couldn't hear what they were saying clearly, someone grabbed my arms pulling me "let go of me!" I shouted "don't you try!"

I was brought with the other Magma group, both commanders returned there Pokémon back into their pokeballs

"Let's go! And don't lose the girl" "right!"

Tears started falling from my face "Mane.." something grabbed my scarf pulling me behind a rock "whoa! Manetrick!"


I hug her tightly with my arms "I'm so glad you saved me! And I see you got the others..thank goodness. Don't worry..I'm alright" I said, she licked my arm concerned "don't worry..it's not that..bad?!"

When I removed my gloves..it wasn't okay "my marks..there growing! But why?!"

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