《My Amber Flower》~All Things Bright and Beautiful~


"Alright Manetrick..let's get you nice and cleaned. I didn't know that there was going to be another contest here..if we win..second ribbon here we come!"


"Gang, Cmon out..?!" I heard a crash not far from where I was "what was that?!" I asked as I ran over "oh..Ash, everyone!" "Amber!"

"Get off me!" I laugh as Beautifly flew off May's face "is that your Pokémon, Amber?!" May asked "oh no..it's not mine. But it's hilarious seeing you like that!" I said "well..your no friend of mine"

"Sorry May..but it's just been so long since I last saw you guys" I said "I'm so sorry!" I turn seeing two people "hello~!"

When I saw Brock flirting..I immediately took action, Swablu..Peck" I said as Brock was hit with Peck many times "return Swablu" I said sighing.

"Mane?" "Oh sorry bud..why don't I get back to getting you fixed up" I said "Mane!" "Hey Amber..since your here, guess your entering this contest thing?" Ash asked "that's right..it's loads of fun! And I get to show off my Pokémon's amazing moves in style. I already earned one..and if I win this one, oh boy number two!"

"So you must know what your doing" I nod as I faced Manetrick "you see..I won with Cacnea here.. But Electrike was amazing..and later when I was on my own, she turned into the most amazing Pokémon for me" I Said "Mane!"

"Well we're going to enter the contest, maybe we'll battle each other" May said "ya maybe..but just you wait and see for what I've been training for, May" I said winking at her "oh I'm so going to win!"


*i know you will..May*


"This is it..if I win..I'll get my second ribbon. Then Drew and Harley will be proud of me!" I said excitingly "let's do our best..Manetrick"

"Miss Amber..your up next" I stood up placing Manetrick into my special case "this should get me some points.."

"And next we have..Amber Valley!"

"Alright Manetrick..take the Stage!" Electric bolts came out of the pokeball when I threw it, Manetrick was surrounded by electricity "amazing!"

"Use Discharge!" "Trick!"

"What an amazing performance..now what do the judges think?" I took a deep breath as I saw my score was high *yes!*


"Awesome Manetrick! That was just perfect!" I said giving her a nice groom "Mane!" "Now let's see if we made it" I Said as I looked up "huh?!" I didn't see if I was in the finals..I didn't make it "Mane?"

"Oh well..maybe next time bud" I said sighing "excuse me..um..May I ask you something?" I saw a girl looking nervous beside me "sure what is it?" I asked "I saw you perform and..would you teach me and thing or two?!"

"Huh?!" I was surprised by her question "but why me?" I asked "cause your just who I need! Me and Eevee weren't perfect..but you and Manetrick were stunning. So please?!"

"Sorry but..I can only tell you this. The perfect performance is you and your partner. The performance you do, is all up to you. You need to find moves that'll make your Pokémon shine" I said "that makes sense..thanks!"

"No a problem..glad I can help..now I better be going. Don't wanna keep my friends waiting" I said getting up "wait! Here..take this. It's a charm I always use, I wake you to have it"

"Thanks..let's hope to meet again."


"What?! Team rocket! Oh no..I'm sorry I didn't come and help!" I said "it's no big deal. To bad you didn't make it..you were great" Ash said "thanks..but we can work harder, now..Cacnea Cmon out!" "Cac!"

"Let's cheer on Ash at his battle k" I said smiling at him "Cac? Cacnea!"

*good luck, Ash!*

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