《My Amber Flower》~Electric turn Around~


Still at Rustboro city, I decided to wait for Ash and the others "hm..wonder where those four are? Maybe they took a break on the way.." I said *maybe I should context Drew or even Harley..see if there here..*

I grabbed my phone and looked to see if I got anything "a message from Drew?"

Drew: where are you now?

Amber: I'm at Rustboro city

I smile after the text I sent "does he miss me already? How sweet" I said blushing a little "Elec! Elec Trike Trike!"

"Hm? Is something wrong?" I asked "Electrike! Elec!" Electrike started running into the forest "something must be wrong.."


"That's 10 Electrikes..only 20 more to go" I saw a poacher gathering tons of Electrike's "that crook..Electrike let's wait till he's gone, then we'll save all those Electrike's" I said as we waited, once he left we quickly ran to the cage.

"Hey there guys..don't you worry, I'll get ya outta here" I said as I touched the bars "it's no hurting me..great. Grovyle, Leaf Blade!" I said sending her out, she cut the bars freeing the Electrike's

"Hey!" I turn seeing the poacher "what do you think your doing?!" He shouted "freeing these Pokémon! This isn't right, you shouldn't be selling Pokémon!" I shouted "well..your Electrike will give me big bucks! So give it here!" He shouted

"Electrike..run with the pack and don't look back. Stay with them..and don't come back..Grovyle, Leaf Blade!" I said "Fearow, Wing attack!"

His Fearow came out and hit Grovyle hard "return.." "now..let me get those Pokémon back" I grabbed his arm stopping him "you won't touch them..I won't allow it!" I threw him to his car "you little..Drill Peck!"


I closed my eyes ready to get hit..but it never happened. When I opened my eyes..Electrike used Thunder fang on the Fearow "Electrike.." "Elec!"

She started to glow becoming bigger "Mane!"

"Your a Manectrike! That's great! Alright..Thunder Fang!" I Commanded, Manetrick bit Fearow making him faint "now then..I think Jenny will love you"


I sighed as I took my phone out again "Drew texted back.."

Drew: hurry and come to where I am..I want to see you

"Does he really miss me?"

Amber: don't worry..I'll see you soon 😉 didn't know you missed me this much, Drew

Drew:shut it..I don't miss you 😒

Amber: ya sure~ see ya

I giggle as I closed my phone and looked up "I know he likes me..he's just to shy to admit it. How cute.."

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