《My Amber Flower》~Swablu Wablu~


"Alright! Time to head to the next area!" I said as I walked through the grass "but before I do..let's see if I can get myself a new Pokémon buddy!"

I looked around seeing nothing "hmm? Maybe there more up ahead.." "Swablu Swablu!" I saw tons of Swablu up ahead with an Altaria "whoa..I'd never seen a flock before.." I said hiding behind a bush

"Swa! Swablu blu!" I saw a different coloured Swablu "what's it doing?" I asked as I listened more "Swa! Swablu blu!"

"Altar! Altaria Altar!"

"Does it..not feel loved by all the Swablu?" I questioned "Swablu!" I saw the Swablu fly away from Altaria "I have an idea.."


"Swablu! Where are you?!" I shouted looming around "Swa..Blu!" I saw the Swablu in a tree "hey..don't be angry..I'm here to help. I just saw what happened back there and..I want to help you" "Swa?"

"You see..I can't bare to see a Pokémon not loved. So I want to show you the love your missing, do you..want to be my partner?" I asked holding my hand out "Swa? Blu Blu!" "Battle first Huh..alright then. Electrike Cmon out!"


"I'll only use Electrike k, so go ahead" Swablu flew up in the air and used Fury attack "dodge and use Thunder Fang!" I Commanded as Electrike jumped bad bit Swablu "Swa! Blu.."

"Alright..thunder wave!" I said as Swablu was paralyzed, Swablu got up and flew towards Electrike with Peck "Shock wave!" Swablu was hit by the Shock wave making it fall to the ground "alright..go pokeball!"

"Alright! I got..a Swablu!" "Elec!"

"Return Electrike. Now let's head to the centre and get you all healed up" I said holding out Swablu's Pokéball "you won't be unloved anymore"

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