《My Amber Flower》~Flower a First!~


A beautiful flower field..near a beautiful flower town, where my very first contest will be and my first ribbon. "Alright..Cacnea and Electrike lets go!" I said sending them out "Elec!" "Cac!"

"It's our very first contest..remember what we practiced?" I asked "Cac! Cacnea!" "Electrike!"

"Great! Now let's keep practicing, if we want to win" I said as they nodded "alright..Electrike, start with Shock Wave!"


"Now absorb it and use..Thunder Fang!" "Elec..Trike!"

"Now Finish with Shock wave" I said as Electrike finished the performance "perfect! But maybe I'll change it up..I don't know.." I said "may ever performer please come and get ready"

"Alright..let go!"


"And now our fifth performance..she's Wallace's apprentice, it's Amber!"

"Alright..Electrike, its Curtain!"

Electrike came out using Shock wave "now Thunder Fang!" I said as the Shock wave surrounded Electrike as she used Thunder fang. "Quick attack!"

Electrike ran fast making the electricity make it go fast "now..Shock wave to end it!" I said as the performance ended "what a electrifying performance, I say Amber moves into the next round!"

"We did it! Now it's Cacnea's turn"


(Skipping tons of battling)

It was already the final battle "Cacnea..if I don't do something then..I'll lose"

"Eevee, use swift!"

"That's it! Cacnea..Pin Missile then Needle arm! Combine the attacks!" I shouted, Cacnea did as I commanded. He combined both attacks making his arm glow "Eevee dodge it!" But Eevee wasn't fast enough..she was hit fainting by the attack.

"We won..we did it!" I said as Cacnea ran up to me "great job! You were amazing!" I said hugging him


"Congratulations Amber..here's the Flower Ribbon"

"Alright! I just earned..the Flower Ribbon!"

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