《My Amber Flower》~Mystery of Shoromish!~


In a city not far from Rustboro, Amber and her newly evolved Grovyle take a nice time to do some shopping for Pokémon food and medicine.

"Some potions should do..oh and super and hyper ones as well!" I said "Gro!" I smile at Grovyle "hey did ya hear?" "Hm?"

"You mean about that haunted Mansion? Yes I did..there's no way I'm going on there!" I was curious on what they were talking about "you hear that..a Haunted Mansion. Maybe there's a Pokémon inside, why don't we check it out" I said we Grovyle nodded

"Let's buy these and head to that Mansion"


I was at the Haunted Mansion, I heard what's everyone's been talking about "this place is scary..keep an eye out, Grovyle" I said "Gro!"

I kept on walking down the hall "there's nothing in here..a..Ahh!" The ground started shaking "what was that?! Grovyle, lets go have a look!" I said as she nodded, we ran down the hall only to see Team Rocket.

James and Jessie sent out there Pokémon, Jessie called out an attack. A battle was about to commence..but it was interrupted by some Shroomish *how'd I not notice them?*

I heard something coming down the stairs "S..So many Shroomish!" I shouted "Gro!" Grovyle grabbed me and brought me up high "thanks bud..but why are there so many?" I asked, all the Shroomish got attack by Team Rocket

They then sent out Stun spore "let's get outta here..we don't wanna get caught up in this" I said getting out quickly


"Did you get hit?" I asked "Gro..Vyle" I sighed as I took out an paralyze heal "just in case..here, it'll help" I said spraying her "Gro.." "there..hm?" I looked over seeing Team Rocket again "oh no..not them again..Grovyle let's get ready to attack!" I said as she nodded


Team Rocket forced all the Shroomish out of the Mansion and started gathering them "Electrike..Use Spark!" I said sending her out, she used an attack..but didn't do a thing "Amber!"

"Dang..not even a scratch.." I said running over, they then kept on gathering all the Shroomish "I've had enough! Grovyle, Leaf Blade!"

"Shro..Shroomish!" All the Shroomish sent Stun Spore towards the robot, a brown haired man sent out his Fortress stopping the stun spore from hitting the city.

They then used Leech Seed on the robot "Cacnea, join in..Leech Seed!" I said as Cacnea came out and helped with Leech Seed, May sent out Torchic and commanded it to use Ember freeing the captured Shroomish.

"Pikachu, Thunder attack!"

"Sparky return! Grovyle..Energy Ball!"

They both attacked Team Rocket, sending them flying "great work..take a rest bud" I said returning Grovyle "man.."


"Hey thanks Amber, you were a real help" Ash said "it's not a problem..by the way..who are the new people?" I asked "this is May's little brother Max, and this is my old buddy Brock"

"Nice to meet you..my names Amber" I said "same goes to you, by the way..what was that Pokémon you had?" Brock asked

"Oh you mean Grovyle? Well..let's just say a little starter evolved after my gym battle" I said smiling "what?! You got a badge already!!"

"Yup! And Ash..your battle is next. So I'll be waiting for you to catch up to me, till then..Ashy boy" I said waving and heading out

"Alright..next destination..here I come!"

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