《My Amber Flower》~Raging Rock!~


Rustboro city, the city of the rock type gym "this is it! This is where I get my very first badge!" I said standing in front of the gym "alright Treeko, lets get our first gym badge!" I said entering the gym

I walked all the way down to the arena "awesome.." "are you my next challenger?" I look straight ahead seeing a girl "yes, you must the the gym leader! I'm Amber, and I'd like to challenge you" I said "well then..my names Roxanne. The Rock type, gym leader!"

"Nice to meet you..now let's get this battle started!" I said as the Ref walked in "alright..the battle between, challenger Amber and gym leader Roxanne, is about to begin. Each trainer will use two Pokémon each, and the battle is over once either sides Pokémon is unable to battle. Now if that's all clear..let the battle begin!"

"Geodude, lets Rock!"

"Cacnea..your the main event!"

"Alright, Geodude, Rick Throw!" Roxanne commanded "Cacnea dodge and use Needle Arm!" Cacnea dodged the Rock Throw and hit Geodude with Needle arm. "Yea that's it! Now Sand Attack!"

"Dodge and use Mega Punch!" Roxanne commanded as Geodude jumped up "dodge that and use Needle arm one more time!" I Commanded as Cacnea dodged and fainted the Geodude.

"Geodude is unable to battle..Cacnea wins" The Ref said "nice work! Now get some rest" I said returning him "your strong kid..but let's see if you can beat..Nosepass!"

"Treeko, your the main Event!" I said sending her out "Tree!" "Let's start..Treeko, Bullet Seed!"

"Dodge and use Rock Tomb!" Nosepass dodged the attack and hit Treeko with Rock Tomb.

"Treeko! Mega Drain!" I Commanded "dodge and use Rock Tomb again!" Nosepass dodged the attack again and hit Treeko with Rock Tomb


"Treeko! Let's Cacnea handle this, now retu?!"

Treeko stood up glowing "you evolved!" I said as she looked at me smiling "vyle!"

"Alright, Mega Drain!" I Commanded, but it used a different move "Leaf Blade! Alright then..Leaf Blade again!"


"Nosepass!" "Nosepass is unable to battle, this means..the victor is Amber!" I was happy that I won "Grovyle, we did it!" I said running up to her "Grovyle! Gro!"

"That was some battle..you did great, Amber. I'm proud to present to you..the Stone Badge" she said handing it to me "thanks a lot..alright! I earned..The Stone Badge!" "Gro Grovyle!"

My first ever badge here in the Hoenn region "now..onto my first Ribbon!"

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