《My Amber Flower》~Cacnea the Cactus!~


Just stoping to take a nice break, I decided to try and find me a Cecnea "oh cmon..there has to be one somewhere..anything Electrike?" I asked "Elec.." "man.."

"Now that's a snatch" I look up seeing a green haired man "whoa are you?" I asked "that's none of your concern. Now hand over that Electrike, and I'll be on my way" he said

"No way! I don't give my Pokémon to anyone..unless it's a trade. And I would never trade my Pokémon" I said holding Electrike "that's the wrong answer little girl.."

"Fearow attack!" "Electrike, Spark lets go!" I said, but the Fearow was to fast for Electrike "Electrike! Return buddy, now you stay away..or else I'll" he grabbed my shirt and pulled me up "you'll what?"

I was shaking, I didn't know what to do

"Cecnea!" A Cacnea came in and saved me "thanks!" I said getting up "Cacnea, Cac.." "that stupid thing again..Fearow Drill Peck!" Fearow hit the Cacnea hard "oh no! Get lost!" I shouted "I'll be back for your Electrike" he said walking away.

"Let's get it to nurse joy and fast"


"A poacher! Officer Jenny just went with some kids to go look for one" she said "must've been Ash! Well he wanted my Electrike" I said "oh my! Is she okay?"

"She just needs rest. If you can look at it, then that'll be great" I said handing her Electrike's pokeball "I'll make sure she's nice and healthy. Why don't you take Cacnea, and try to find it's home"

"Alright. Cacnea, lets go" I said as it happily ran towards me "Cmon little on"


Walking in the forest..looking for Cacnea's home..I stumble upon the same poacher from before "he has Ekans and Coffing's" I said as I saw Team Rocket fighting him *there fighting for them..that's a first*


He sent out a Pupitar..but it was evolving into a Tyranitar "oh no! Gotta help them, Treeko let's go! Bullet Seed!" I said "Trewp!"

"Tyranitar, Hyper Beam!"

"Dodge!" I said; but it barley made it "Treeko!" I ran towards her worried "are you alright?" I asked "Tree..Ko.." "Cmon and get some rest.." I said returning her *if only I had Electrike..*

Another Hyper beam came.."it's too strong.." I said, I saw James and Jessie doing something. Like..releasing their Pokémon "Cacnea!" I saw Cacnea run towards me "hey..did you want to help?" I asked as he nodded "alright..ah!"

Team Rocket was hitting the Tyranitar to protect the Pokémon "oh my.." I sat there crying my eyes out "that poacher..will get it!" I got up and started to follow the poacher

But I stumble holding my arm "Cacnea! Cacne Cac!" "What?" I saw it was worried for me "I'm fine..but maybe we should head back and check on Electrike. Cmon, you can join me on my journey if you'd like" I said "Cacnea!"


That eventful day has made this a strange day..what'll happen to our Hero next? Stay tuned

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