《My Amber Flower》~Electrike Manectrike~


Petalburge city! The place where my very first badge would be, well mine and Ash's first battle. "Let's go Treeko! Ash and May must in there already!" "Tree..Treeko!"


Walking around just trying to find Ash and May "oh cmon! Those two can't have gone without me!" I shouted as I heard something from the bushes "huh? Maybe it's team Magma again!" I said backing up "Tree~!"

"Elec..Electrike.." an injured Electrike came out of the bushes "oh my! Quick let's get her to a Pokémon centre" I said grabbing her and running "don't you worry..I'll get you to Burse Joy!"


"It's a good thing you brought her here..seems like she was attacked by something or someone. I checked to see if it had a owner..but it didn't, so someone/thing must've wanted it" Nurse Joy said "how cruel..huh? Wait is that smoke?!" I asked "huh? That's the gym!" *could it be..*

"Treeko! Cmon we need to hurry" I said as she nodded "Elec! Electrike!" I turn seeing the Electrike "huh? Why are you here?" I asked "Elec!" "You wanna come huh..well let's go then!" I said running out

I saw a ballon fly off "that must be them..let's go you two!" "Ele!" "Treeko!"


I hid behind some trees trying to find those crooks "Treeko anything?" I asked "Tree Treeko.." "great..all I need is a flying type or..wait I got it! Hey! Swello! Are you here!" I shouted "Swell? Swell!" I smile as the Swellow I released was here "good! I need you to find three crooks..one has blue hair..one has pink and the last one is a mewoth, they stole a Pokémon. They flew off in a ballon, can you help me?" I asked


"Swell Swell!" "Thank you! Alright let's continue the search" I said as I kept on walking "Swell! Swell!"

"You found them! That's great, lead the way bud!"


"There they are..wait that's May's Torchic..and it's in the middle of their ballon. Smells like a trap..wait hold on.." I saw both May and her family..get trapped "why are they even..you know what..I don't wanna even know." I said sighing.

"Go Arbok!"

"Electrike let's help k! Use Tackle!" "Ele!"

Electrike helped Pikachu out with tackle "nice job!" I said "Ele!" "Hey Amber! Glad we found you!" Ash shouted "we can talk later, Ash! Right now..let's get Torchic back!" I shouted as they nodded back

James' weezing came out "Treeko Bullet seed! And Electrike Tackle!" "Ele!" "Treeko!"

They both hit the Weezing

"Excellent work! Ah look out!" I shouted as they got wrapped, Pikachu tackled the Arbok "Swellow Wing Attack!" I said as it hit both Arbok and Weezing

"Now Pikachu..Thunderbolt them!" The Thunderbolt went towards Electrike "wait..do you have lighting Rode?!" I asked "Ele!"

"Alright then..Use Spark!" "Ele..Trike!" Electrike hit them and sent them flying off somewhere "thanks Swellow! Hope to see you again!" I said as he flew off "thanks to you too..you can go back home now" I said, but it didn't want to leave "huh? Wait..I haven't notice your colouring..but that's not the point. Do you wanna come along?" I asked "Electrike!"

"Alright then!" I grabbed a pokeball and pressed it on her nose "welcome to the family..Sparky" I said standing up and putting a sticker on it *now onto the gym..I'll head to another town to get my first gym badge*



"And your Pokémon are all healed up." Nurse joy said handing them back to me "thanks a lot, Treeko, Cmon out." I said as she came out "for now on..you'll stay out of your pokeball..it'll be perfect for us to bond. Now then..let's go to the next town and find us some new friends as well" I said as Treeko nodded

"Alright! Pokemon League just wait..I'll become your Champion! And Top Coordinator..I'll become your very first one!"

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