《My Amber Flower》~A Treeko in a Tree~


"Amber honey! Time to get up, you'll be late for the professors!" My mother shouted "I'm coming! Ugh where is it..ah here it is!" I have just finally found my backpack, the one my father always had..oh..speaking of him! He's a gym leader or league champion..I don't but, isn't Wallace cool?!

Well..he isn't really my father..but after my other one left me and my mom, I looked up to Wallace ever since! "Okay I'm off! I'll see ya later, Raichu" I said running out and petting Raichu who was waiting outside.

"Rai Rai!"

I live in littleroot town where the professor lives, i was running down the streets when I saw a boy and a Pikachu, that looked very ill "whoa! Hey kid, is your Pikachu okay?" I asked "no..he's not feeling well. I called the professor to see if he can help.." he said

"Oh my..the poor thing. Hm?" I heard a vehicle driving towards us "are you ash Ketchum?" The professor had just arrived at the perfect time "yes are you professor birch?" Ash asked "let me see" he took one look at Pikachu, and saw he wasn't too good.

"Let's get it to my lab, immediately! Cmon miss" I nod as I went into the car with them both, he started driving as I pulled my phone out.

Amber:hey Harley..I might be a little late. Found a boy who needed help

Harley:it's fine..I'll tell Drew the same thing. Just be careful and don't forget to text!

Amber:I'll be fine..see ya soon 😉


Just making it to the lab, I was concerned for Ash and Pikachu "Swellow Cmon out please" "Swell!"

"Mom said when I got here..I set you free. Your wing is better, and your healthy enough to fly back home. Since this is where I found you..you might remember where your home is" I said "Swell..Swellow!" He spread his wings and fly north *see ya Swellow*


A big explosion happened inside, I saw Pikachu run out "whoa!" Ash and Birch ran out after Pikachu, I decided to follow after them *if I had Raichu..he'd be able to find Pikachu using its Lighting rode, and sense of aura it can feel with electric type moves/Pokémon*

I didn't know where the professor and the boy went.."awe man..where am I suppose to find this Pikachu or even those two..?" I heard something coming from above me, I looked seeing a Pokémon "hello there" "tree? Treeko!"

I saw it was afraid of me "hey it's okay..I'm not going to hurt you" I said putting my hand out "Tree..Treeko.." "that's it..easy does it" he climbed one my arm as I sat down and held him "there we go..huh?" I saw an electric shock not far from where I was "that has to be Pikachu! Treeko, lets go!" "Tree!"


"Ash, Pikachu! Alright Gardevoir! Help out!" I said sending her out *forgot I still had her in my bag..*

"Gardevoir, help Ash and Pikachu up please" I asked as she nodded "Garde.." she used Psychic to bring them both up here for safety "nice work, Miss"

I put Gardevoir back into her ball "thanks you guys.." he said "Treeko.." I sighed as I placed the pokeball back into my bag "she came in handy."

I heard something hit the ground hard


"Team..who now?" I said in confusion "there always up to no good." Ash said *just like father and his team..*

An arm grabbed Pikachu bringing him towards them, they started to suck Pikachu of electricity..but after..he was all better.

"Guess that..helped him" he then sent them flying with his electric move "scary.." Pikachu then fainted "Treeko!"



May almost knocked over a flower plant "hi..I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm May" she said "and I'm Ash Ketchum from pallet town" Ash said "so..how's Pikachu?" May asked "sleeping pretty good, finally."

*thats good.."

"So May..Amber..you ready to pick your first Pokémon?" The professor asked "of course I am!" I said excitingly, he sent out all three of them

Treeko the Grass type

Mudkip the water type

And Torchic the fire type

"I chose Torchic" May said "and you Amber? I have another Torchic if you want it..I just think it suit your name" Birch said "actually..I have a partner picked out..but it's not any of these." I said "Huh?" "Tree.."

"Another Treeko?" I smile as I picked her up "this is my partner..I found her on a tree branch. She was scared at first, but now she's perfectly fine with me" I said as she spoke in happiness "alright then..here ate some poke balls for you and your Pokédex"

"Sweet! Alright Treeko, lets go on a journey!" I said as she tapped the middle button and went into the ball, I placed a sticker on it "Ivy will be your name..and I'll be here for you little one."


It was the next day, I was about to head out when I saw Ash and May. "Hey you two, good morning" I said waving and heading over to them "hey Amber, Pikachu's all better now" "that's great. He looks almost like Raichu" I said petting him "you have a Raichu?"

"Well..it's not really mine. It's my brothers..well my little brother that is, he took care of a Pikachu and now it's a Raichu" I said "that's great. So your heading out already?" May asked "Yup..I'm heading to old dale town to register for the league..what about you two?" I asked

"Where heading there as well. Why don't we go together? It's not fun traveling alone" Ash said "alright! Let's go then, just give me a minute k. I have to text someone" I said taking my phone out "alright.."

Amber:hey Drew! Just got my Pokémon and heading out! Don't miss me to much k! 😘

Drew:I hate you..😒

Amber:no you don't..you love me 😊

Drew:left you read

"Jerk.." I closed my phone as I smiled *I'll always have you in my heart..Drew*

And my journey begins with May and Ash!

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