《Daminette Fanfic - Arranged Marriage Conflict: My Story》Chapter 1 - Arranged Marriage


Please, Give me till December to find a match! I'm begging you! I'm tired of you choosing my future and trying to control my life! If you don't then I will run away again!

Fine. But if you don't find one then we will choose your suitor! Understood?

Yes, thank you.

And to help you with that, we will be holding a ball every other Saturday night for all of the wealthiest people and our closest workers and associates. Don't mess this up.

Yes mother, father.


Marinette's POV

And that's how I ended up here...at a ball...being held in my mansion...on a Saturday night...with a bunch of people...I've never seen nor met before. *sigh* And if things could get any worse, hah, they most certainly did. F*cking Agreste is here. UGHHH!!!! I hate him; he's obnoxious, perverted, cocky, pushy, and self-absorbed. I Hate Him and his stupid father.

There was him, this other blondie who also looked like him, a prince, a famous youtuber, a model that I've never seen before, and 4 guys who were apparently 'adopted' by some billionaire in Gotham. And the worst part...was my brother who got whatever he wanted because he was a boy. When a 'wealthy' family gives birth to a girl, they must choose a suitor for her rather than if they were a boy, he got to choose. Bullsh*t.

I watched from the corner of the balcony that led up to the second floor of my mansion looking down at the crowds. I wish my friends were here... "Don't worry Marinette, you'll be fine. You've still got me, remember." spoke a voice from behind my neck. Tikki, my best friend. And also my kwami and part of my meta-abilities. Yup, I'm a meta-human.

Tikki isn't the only kwami I'm in possession of. There's also; Plagg, Wazz, Pollen, Trixx, Nooroo, Duusu, Longg, Sass, Fluff, Kaalki, Mullo, Roar, Stompp, Ziggy, Xuppu, Orikko, Daizzi, and Barkk. Yeah..I think that's everyone. I guess this is the main reason why my parents were always very cautious of me wanting to go out. So each kwami comes with their own power, which means that I have a total of 19 different abilities.


I heard footsteps getting closer coming up the stairs. Sh*t! It was Agreste and his stupid doubleganger.

Adrien: Ahh, there's my beautiful wife-to-be. Marinette, looking as gorgeous as ever. *winks*

Marinette: Stop it, Agreste. And now, I'm not.

Adrien: Oh and I haven't introduced you to my cousin. This is Felix Graham de Vanily.

Felix: It's a pleasure to finally meet the 'prize' my cousin always talks about. *bows*

Marinette: Yeah, well I'm not a prize, nor a trophy. Now, I'd like to be alone so could you two get lost.

Adrien: Oh, what's the rush? I was hoping that maybe we could have a dance.

Felix: Adrien, stop it, get some help. I was actually hoping we could get to know each other better, Miss Dupain-Cheng.

Marinette: My final answer is no for both of you. Now leave me alone.

But as I began to walk away, Adrien grabbed my hand while Felix grabbed the other. I tried to snatch my hands back but they wouldn't budge. Then a pair of hands gently rested upon my shoulders and pulled me away from them. We were all stunned. I turned around and saw a boy around my age, but a bit older. He reminded me of...

Adrien: Damian Wayne. What a surprise to see you here. Didn't think Bruce would actually come.

Wait? Wayne..as in Wayne enterprises. That's his son? I stared up at him; his beautiful green eyes, his black hair and perfectly chiseled jawline, not to mention his muscular stature. Wait..- What The F*ck Did I Just Say!?!?

Damian: And I didn't think you'd stoop so low, Agreste. Getting physical with the hosts' daughter doesn't look good for the Agreste name. Watch yourself, you too Mr. Graham.

Felix: Look who's talking, you're still holding onto her.

Damian: Hmm, don't take this the wrong way..but...is she complaining?


I snapped myself out of my trans, What the hell just happened to me? I pushed his hands off me and stepped away from the three males. Damian then turned to me. "Your parents were asking for you. Just wanted to let you know." And with that, he walked away. Why is my heart..racing? He then glared at the boys who immediately went back downstairs.

Soon after, Damian followed behind them. Stop IT, Marinette!! He's..- H-He's probably just like those two morons. Just wanting a beautiful rich bride to call their own so they could toy with them and beat them dry. No love, just the face. I heavily exhaled walking down the steps as I spotted my parents talking to Bruce Wayne. What..? They saw me and instantly called me over.

Tom: Marinette, we have some news.

Sabine: Please come with us.

They pulled me onto the stage and tapped the mic to get everyone's attention. Father spoke up first, "Good night everyone. We are pleased to announce that we have finally decided on a groom for our daughter." I looked at them in disbelief, shock, anger... Mother then added, "We have made our decisions and our choice is....

Damian Wayne."

Marinette/Damian: WWHHHHHAAAATTTT!??!!?!!?!?

Marinette: You Said That I'll Be Able To Choose My Suitor!!

Tom: We gave you three months to find someone and it's already almost the end of October.

Marinette: That's Because You Wouldn't Let Me Go Out To Find Anyone!! And I'm Pretty Sure That He Doesn't Want To Marry Me Either!!

Sabine: We're doing this for your own good. Now mind your manners and lower your tone.


Damian: Father, How Could You!?!

Dick: Damian, just..-

Damian: You All Knew!?! Why Didn't You Say Anything!!?

I was darn right pissed. I swear I wanted to punch someone! My hands formed into a fist as I grit my teeth. My body twitched as I felt my body heat up, and my heart ached and tightened. My eyes began to water as tears filled my eyes. "Marinette, we love you, we're doing this for you..-"

That's when the roof collapsed and a bunch of masked people with swords and bows came through. They surrounded me and the Waynes. Soon after, the door flew open and a woman walked in as if she owned the place. I was ready to attack when she held up her hand. Guardian? What is she talking about?

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