《The Brutal Life Of A Delinquent》Vacation round the corner


3rd person POV:

Almost a month has passed since (Y/n) hospitalized the leader of Gin which in turn caused a massive domino effect that ended with the entire organization falling apart because Anna didn't become its new leader.

Most of the members either joined the sibling gang or was arrested.

Connor knew quite well what went down, but for the safety of the criminals that would be stupid enough to try and get revenge on (Y/n) he didn't reveal to the public the man who beat up the mafia, but long time residents of the city knew the truth in their hearts.

Currently, our not so friendly neighborhood Hellspawn was behind his desk, chilling, as the kids say, "like a boss".

Marcus was checking out Anna's figure. Anna was trying to ignore him while focusing on her arm that was finally out of that sling.

Marcus: Hey, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): What?

Marcus: Where's Leona?

(Y/n): How should I know?

Marcus: Didn't she tell you?

(Y/n): Did you think I listened?

Marcus: Right...

Marcus: She's taken this underling position really seriously.

(Y/n): I know, you should take a page out of her book.

Marcus: Go to hell.

(Y/n): Don't worry, I am and you're my plus one.

Marcus: Damn it... I hope at least there are demon girls.

Marcus: Anyway, what's the plan for summer?

(Y/n): I'm-

The classroom door then opened and an old man entered.

Short, wrinkly, with white hair, this 80-year-old man is Ronnie Brown, the principal of the school.

(Y/n): Tch, what do you want!?

Ronnie: I-i'm sorry to interrupt, but as you know, your headteacher got hit by a car in a tragic accident leaving her hospitalized.

Marcus: Pretty sure she jumped in front of the car when she saw (Y/n) walking towards her.

Ronnie: So let me introduce your new substitute teacher.

A blue hair woman then entered the class.

Leona: I'm Leona Nessa. Your substitute teacher for the last week of school and the next year of school.

(Opening theme)


After the second to last day of school was over, (Y/n), Marcus and Anna waited for Leona.

Marcus: She was so hot in that suit.

Anna: It looked more like a school uniform.

After changing out of her suit, she arrived.


Marcus: I like these look better.

The blond minion of (Y/n) then ran up to Leona.

Marcus: Teacher, I must say that your outfit has inspired me-

Leona tosses her jacket in Marcus's face.

Leona: I'm wearing the same thing I always do, minus the jacket, you perverted moron.

Marcus:...(sniff sniff)

Leona: Shit it's hot today...

Anna: It makes sense, summer is just around the corner.

Leona: I can't wait for summer... I'm already sick of this job, it's boring as hell.

Leona: Mostly everyone is a model student.

Marcus: The perks of having the Hellspawn himself go here.

The four began walking.

Anna: How did you become a teacher here?

Leona: It was surprisingly easy. I told the principal I came fresh out of college to become a teacher, and he gave me the job.

Marcus: Makes sense, who would want to teach (Y/n)?

Leona: So Anna, how are you holding up? Being around these two isn't easy.

Anna: It isn't that bad, once you get used to their... Quirks.


Anna: I didn't mean anything bad by it!

(Y/n): Tch...

Marcus: Where are we going?

(Y/n): My aunt's boxing gym.

Leona: Good, I needed to drop off that stupid suit anyway.

Marcus: What do you mean?

Anna: (Y/n)'s aunt is letting Leona live in the attic of her gym.

Leona: It's pretty nice, considering I have no money to decorate it.

Leona: Sometimes, May lets me work there.

Marcus: How did you convince her to let you live there.

Leona:(stares at (Y/n)) I had help...

Leona watches (Y/n) begin to cross the street as a bus turns the corner.


The bus then hits (Y/n), knocking him to the pavement.

The bus door then opens, and the bus driver comes out.


Bus driver: I'm sorry I didn't see you. Are you okay?

Slowly getting up, (Y/n) walks up to the bus driver.


Bus driver: Thank-

Picking up the bus driver, he throws him through the windshield, back into the buss.

After horrifying all the passengers, the Hellspawn punches the bus, leaving a dent.

(Y/n): Stupid fucking bus...

Leona: Are you okay?

(Y/n): I'll walk it off.

Marcus: The poor bus...

He then notices how the two girls are surrounding (Y/n), asking if he's okay.

Marcus:... Fucking bus!

He kicks it and hurts his toe.

Marcus: Ack!


The four arrived at a gym called "The Iron devil".

Entering it, they saw a few people practicing boxing and working out.

The gym itself had a retro feel. With visible brick walls and classic equipment, it was like a generic boxing gym you would see on tv or movies.

May and (Y/n)'s grandfather, David, was currently boxing.

Anna: So is that how you learned to fight?

(Y/n): Huh? No. I was self-taught.

(Y/n): Those two are too worthless to teach me anything useful.

Seeing a bottle of water, (Y/n) grabs it and tosses it at his aunt.

The bottle smacked into the back of her head. May instinctively grabbed her head to try to stop the pain, but all that did was make an opening for David to punch his daughter to the floor.

(Y/n): Muhahaha! Punch her again!

May: What the hell!?

(Y/n): I need to go home, so stop wasting my time you saggy hag!

David: Hey kiddo.

(Y/n): Oh, go blow a polar bear, you fart.

Anna: You have a strange way of talking to your family.

May got down from the boxing ring to go grab her bag which was placed on a nearby bench.

Walking up to (Y/n), she then said...

May: Give your aunt a kiss on the cheek, and I'll give you a reward.

(Y/n): Tch, fine...

May: Really?!

(Y/n): Marcus.

Marcus: On it!

He takes a step towards May, puckers his lips, and slowly leans in to give her a kiss.

Not impressed, May put her hand on Marcus's face and pushes him away.


(Y/n): I'm not kissing you. I have my minion to do that for me.

May: Tch, you piece of work... Just take it.

She hands him a box of strawberries which he snatches without hesitation. As everyone began talking he began snacking on the strawberries.

May: So what do you all have planned for the summer?

Leona: My options are working here or hanging around with them.

Anna: I don't have anything planned. I think I might read some books.

Marcus: I have an amazing summer planned before me.

Marcus: My family and I are going to be staying at our beach house.

Marcus: Without (Y/n) there, my chances of picking up a bikini babe will be skyrocketed!

Marcus: Unless... One of you girls are interested?


David: Ask them, then boast about how you can pick up bikini babes.

Marcus: Damn it, you're right! Thank you, sensei!

May: Old man...

David:(awkward chuckle)

David: Yo, what are you going to do Jason?

(Y/n): London. (Eats strawberry)


Marcus: What do you mean by "London"?

(Y/n): I'm going to London.

Anna: R-really?

(Y/n): Yep.

Tossing aside the empty strawberry box, he pulls out a few tickets to London.

(Y/n): Found these in the mailbox.

May: Yours?

(Y/n): Yeah... Came with a letter and stuff.

Leona: What did the letter say?

(Y/n): I don't know. I didn't fucking read it.

Marcus: Figures.

(Y/n): You three want to come or not?

Anna: Y-yes!

Leona: I'm your underlying, so I go where you go... But I've also always wanted to visit the UK.

Marcus: British ladies~ British accents~

Marcus: (Y/n), buddy! You're the best!

(Y/n): No shit Watson.

Anna: Isn't it Sherlock?

(Y/n): He's a Watson.

Anna: Yeah...

Marcus: I'm too happy to get annoyed!

Leona: When do we leave?

(Y/n): Tomorrow.

The four then immediately split up to pack for their trip to London.

(Ending theme)

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