《Friendly Desire | Jikook |》~》 8 《~



While Jimin went to the library to work on some sketches, jungkook had to go to his other job. "You're seven minutes late!" His manager said.

Jungkook sighed "Manager... my dog jiminie, he couldn't go to the hospital alone. I had to drop him off." Jungkook said in a sad tone.

The manager breathed out and understood jungkook's situation. "Oh, then that's fine. Start working now." He gave him the uniform. It was just a bright pink jacket over his normal clothes.

"Manager... pink seriously?" Jungkook frowned.

The manager walked to jungkook with his pink vans "What? Are you being sexist, now?" He asked frowning.

Jungkook shook his head and smiled "N-Not at all! I like it" he said smiling really widely. Seokjin smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Good Job, now go work!" He said slightly in a louder tone. Jungkook wore the jacket and sighed.

Jungkook looked at the big boxes that he had to move inside the storage room from the outside. He saw that a couple employees already started moving them. He decided to join them quickly and start. He picked up one box but he can handle another one on top of it. An employee saw that jungkook was trying to hold up another box and quickly started shouting. "You! What are you doing! You can't handle two." He yelled.

Jungkook chuckled "That's cute, but I can." He said in giggle as he held up two boxes and started walking back to the storage room.

The boy followed him amazed since the boxes were really heavy and big. "Woah! You're so strong." He complimented him as he also carried a box. Though, only one.

Jungkook giggled "Thanks, I can probably lift you too." He said jokingly.


The boy giggled "I'm sure you can! You're new here, right?" He asked Jungkook.

Jungkook nodded as he walked to the storage room "Jungkook, and you?" He asked.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Sungi." he introduced himself.

"I would shake your hand, but I can't." Jungkook said as he finally reached the storage room. The boy chuckled as he placed his one box. Jungkook saw where he placed the box and placed his two boxes in that area.

"Now, you can." He said as he took jungkook's hands and shook it while smiling.

Jungkook smiled too, shaking the hand of his new friend. "How long have you been working here?" Jungkook asked.

The boy let go off jungkook's hand and started walking back to where all the boxes are. "Hm, two months or so." He answered.

Jungkook hummed "You look like you're still in school, huh?" Jungkook said.

The boy nodded "Yup, highschool. I'm a junior!" The boy spoke.

Jungkook chuckled "Think about your future career well. Last thing you want is not being able to provide anything for someone special in your life." He advised the boy while patting his back.

The boy smiled "I'm planning on being a surgeon! It is very hard work. You need to really focus but, I'll try my best." He explained.

They arrived at the area with the boxes again. Jungkook held two boxes up and exhaled "Good, focus and try your best." He said while walking back.

The boy chuckled as he held up one box and ran so he can walk with jungkook. "You don't look that old... Hyung." He said.

Jungkook's eyes widened "H-Hyung? You can call me jungkook. I don't care, really." He replied almost shocked.


Sungi giggled "I respect you, since you are strong! Hyung!" He said happily.

Jungkook giggled at the enthusiastic boy. He remembers when he was his age. It was a great time. He hated school though and never focused. That's why, he thought that he should give him advice. "Sungi, why are you working? Shouldn't you focus on your homework." Jungkook asked.

Sungi sighed "Well, I need experience." He said blankly. Jungkook knew that wasn't the reason behind it but, he decided to let it go since they just met. It would be rude if he just keeps asking him personal questions. He felt weird in type of way. He saw that he instantly cared for Sungi because he was a young boy. He felt like he should give him advice.

"Make sure to focus on school too!" Jungkook replied.

They placed the boxes down and Sungi panted "Hyung, you're really strong. I'm tired already." He let out a tired giggle.

Jungkook patted his head and took out his wallet. He gave him two dollars "Go buy your self banana milk to get some energy... I'll cover for you." He said caringly.

Sungi awed. "No... I can't accept that from you" he said feeling slightly guilty to accept money from someone he just met.

Jungkook scoffed "Listen to your Hyung! Now go get banana milk." He said.

The boy giggled "Banana milk! That's childish. I'll get a soda." He said.

Jungkook swallowed "Y-Yeah, so so childish... who drinks that. Two years olds, pft." He said as he took out his wallet again. "G-Get me some banana milk." He cleared his throat and looked away.

Sungi giggled "Hyung, you're funny!" He said as he took the extra two dollars and ran to get jungkook and himself a drink.

"Pft, nothing is wrong with banana milk..." He pouted as he went back to working.


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