
"Almost done." Baelfire told himself. He was currently sweeping one of the 10 Libraries in the Castle. Baelfire was getting use to the cold hair against his scalp after Lilith cut his hair. "There." He smiled, looking at the clean room.

"Maybe I can take a bath. If Mistress Dimitrescu allows it." He hoped for a warm bath in the big metal pot.

"A bath, you say?" He turned around and saw Mora standing in the doorway. Baelfire quickly got on his knees and bowed his head down. "Why would you need a bath?" She asked, strolling over too him.

"To get the filthy stink off him." Baelfire glanced to his right and saw Lilith leaning against a bookcase, smiling wickedly. She started to stroll towards him as well. "I mean, he is a mutt. Your thoughts Daniela?" Baelfire froze when he heard her name.

"What do I think?" Baelfire looked too his left and saw Daniela in arms reach from him. "I think the mutt believes he can do anything once he's done." She kneeled down beside him, giving her signature Smile. "Don't you, Mutt?"

"No, Mistress Daniela." He choked, not making eye contact. "I'm sorry." He pleaded. The sisters laughed at him. Baelfire frowned as he closed his eyes. He was then pulled up by the back of his shirt. "Mistresses?!" He could see Daniela and Mora infront of him. He looked over his shoulder and was met by the nightmarish smile of Lilith.

"Are you sure?" Daniela asked. She twisted her head from side to side. "This isn't you trying to defy use?"

"No Mistresses!" He screamed. "I would never defy you!"



"Then prove it!" Baelfire was thrown too the ground and landed on his knees and hands. He looked up slowly and saw Daniela's pale left foot in front of him, covered by a black slipper. "Kiss my foot." She told him, looking down at him as her sisters got beside her.

Not wanting to defy them, Baelfire slowly extended his shaking hands and held her foot. He bowed his head down and kissed it where the skin was free of the slipper. Her skin was colder than the air. Baelfire slowly backed away and looked up at the sisters, who smiled menacingly at him.


"Good boy." Daniela said. "Now, roll over." Baelfire frowned a little before compiling. He rolled on his right side and got back on his knees. "Shake." She held her hand out too him. He put his hand in hers as she started to shake his hand. "Good boy." She petted his head. "Now," She reached into her pocket and pulled out a Crow's skull. She then tossed it across the room and it landed on a table. "Fetch." She ordered. Baelfire slowly got too his feet and walked too the table and picked the skull up.

Baelfire was suddenly smashed against the table. He yelled in pain as he brought his head up, only for it to be pushed down. Someone grabbed his hair and lifted his face of the table.

"Listen here, Mutt." He heard Daniela whisper into his ear. Her body was pressed against his. "Your nothing but a tool with a purpose: serve us, live, and become are food." Baelfire noticed Mora and Lilith coming infront of him.

"Restrain him." Mora and Lilith grabbed his arms and stretched them across the table. They then brought they're cruel curved daggers down and traped his wrist against the table. He felt Daniela back away and felt his pants get pulled down, just beneath his buttocks.

"Mistress?!" He was shaking as he started to struggle. He heard some cloth being moved behind him and something clicking together.

"Oh your gonna call me mistress when I'm done with you." He felt Daniela's hands grab his hips and something cold and metal press between his cheeks.

"Prepare too become my-"

"DANIELA!" They all looked over at another table across the room. There sat Alcina Dimitrescu, looking at them with anger. Daniela yelped and vanished in a puff of black smoke that traveled to the air vent and disappeared. Lilith and Mora did the same, leaving Baelfire and Alcina alone.

"Mistress Dimitrescu." He croaked as he looked at Alcina. She slowly walked up too him. She squatted down and grabbed the two daggers. She pulled them off like they were nothing and threw them away. Baelfire collapsed on his buttocks and hugged his knees, not wanting his Mistress to see him in such a pitiful state. "I'm sorry Mistress."


"Do not speak." She pulled him up, making him wobble on his feet. "Come. Let's get you cleaned up." She held his shoulder as he leaned against her thigh.

"I'm terribly sorry about them." Alcina told him as she scrubbed Baelfire's hair.

Alcina took him too her room and decided to give him a bath in her huge bathtub.

"It's okay Mistress. I probably deserved it." Baelfire told her as he hugged his knees against his naked form. Alcina hummed as she poured water. Even though Alcina was 'comforting' him, he still felt threatened from her hands that were the size of his head.

"You did?" She asked, scrubbing his back now. "What did you do? Break a vase? Ruin their dresses? Eat their food?" She assaulted him with questions. Baelfire shivered and held his still bandaged hand.

"No Mistress." He answered, hugging his knees tighter. She scrubbed downwards to his buttocks, making Baelfire flinch. "Mistress I can-"

"Stay still." Her voice was cold and demanding. Baelfire nervously stayed still as she wiped his rear end. Hell, her hand took up most of it. "Let me see your hand." He extended his right hand. "The other one." Baelfire struggled to give his left hand too her.


"Yes Mistress!" He forcefully turned around and gave her his left hand. Alcina held it and studied it. She then ripped of the bandage faster than Baelfire could understand what happened.

His hand was pale with purple veins spreading across it and faded away when it reached his fingers and thumb. Alcina hummed as she brought her right hand over it. Baelfire closed his eyes, fearing she may do her twisted humor.

"AAHH!" Baelfire yelled in pain as something cut across his palm. He opened his eyes and saw Alcina's right index finger with a long, skinny blade popping out. Alcina looked at him again and smiled as the blade retracted into her finger.

"Sorry my dear." She sounded sincere about it. "But if this is a disease, I need to do this so my servant won't die when he has so much work ahead of him." Her gaze shifted back to the blood oozing out of his hand.

'She has too cut my hand too check if I have a disease? I thought if you were burning up you had to be sick?' Baelfire thought too himself.

Alcina, without warning, bent her head down and sucked on the blood. He blushed from the smooth lips in his hand. Alcina looked at Baelfire as she sucked on the blood. Baelfire was extremely nervous.

Let's just say: his blood started too move downwards.

When she got done sucking the blood she stood up and rested her chin in her hand.

"Hmm. Oddly familiar... Taste like-" Alcina stopped speaking and clenched her hands into fists. "Heisenberg you fool!" She turned around and punched the door, breaking it in half. "Couldn't keep your pets contained, could you?!"

"Mistress?" Alcina turned around and saw Baelfire was neck deep in the water, looking up at her with fear.

"Did I do something wrong?" He hesitantly asked. Alcina just shook her head and let out a frustrated sigh.

"No Baelfire." She told him before grabbing a pair of black clothes from behind her and sat them on the chair.

"Get dressed and go too bed." She told him before stopping at the doorway.

"Those are new clothes for you. Don't worry about this door, I broke it so I'll fix it." She earned a surprise look from him. "Just because I'm a cruel woman, doesn't mean I'm not fair."

"Yes Mistress."

"And Baelfire." She said, turning around and looked down at the boy in the tub.

"Be extra careful around my daughters. And do not, I repeat do not.." She walked up too him and knelt down.

"Do not let them Drink your blood."

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