《Forgotten for a reason》back to society


The drive went smoothly until they lost izuku in the bus somehow. "Where the fuck is deku THORNS!" Bakugo yelled at shiozaki who was freaking out for losing the small lamia. "Calm down students. He is still in the bus so we just need to search and midnight stay on stand by just in case of a violent outbreak." Nezu orders.

They all checked around their seats for izuku that some how has stayed quiet the entire time they looked for him.

"Deku! Where the fuck are you?" Bakugo yelled breaking the seat. Midnight knocked him with her quirk so he wouldn't cause more property damage.

"Ok,lets us not freak out or do something trash like bakugo. Shiozaki how did midoriya disappear?" Aizawa asked her she looked up "well I was holding him like my mother would when I was a baby. Then I drifted to sleep for a nap because I was tired. I awoke to bakugo yelling at me that he disappeared." She responded.

"Well that doesn't really help out." Aizawa said grabbing the bridge of his nose. "Maybe he sleep walked I use too do that when I was younger!" Kaminari yelled out. "That could have happened though we would have found him or a clue at least." Nezu said slipping his tea.

"Well I know he is still on the bus because my animal instincts are still high alert for predators. Kero" tsuyu said with her shivering a bit along with tokoyami.

"Well that settles it he can turn invisible!" Sero said with tooru hitting his arm "hey don't say that if he can do that means he is better at being invisible than I am!"

"If he was does that mean he can see you because you both were invisible?" Kaminari asked with momo facepalming.


"Ignoring that question we still don't know where he is." Midnight said. Kinoko and jiro looked at kota to see if he was distraught from Izu-midoriya's disappearance.

They look at each other and nodded "mr.Aizawa we found him." Jiro said pointing at the sleeping kota with a blanket on with a unusual bump in it. "You gotta be joking!" Aizawa said walking other taking off the blanket revealing an izuku midoriya curled up on kota's sleeping stomach.

Aizawa tried to pull him off only for izuku to be latching on with his hands not letting go of kota. "Fine! Have it your way this is why cats are better!" Aizawa say going back to sleep.

"That was surely something though students lets play a game!" Nezu said excitingly. "What is the worst that could happen!" Mina yelled with the others nodding.

"First question what is midoriya's strongest assets?" He asked

"Easy his strength!" Kaminari yelled.

"No, it has to be his flexibility!" Kirishima countered. "I think it is petrifying eyes!" Jiro stated.

"His breathing techniques!" Tooru shouted with her arm up. "His transformations!" Koda said.

"His lack of a fighting style and fighting like his life is on the line." Bakugo spoke up with nezu nodding.

"Yes,that is half correct the other half is his senses. He doesn't have a fighting style without his blades and his senses are sharp to the point he can locate hagakure. The lack of fighting style means he will do anything to win it won't be structured like karate or boxing. That is why he can take on so many people at the same time. Ok next question what is his main weakness?" Nezu asked making us silent.

"Well that is tough though he is arrogant like bakugo-" "HEY!" "He doesn't let interfere in a fight though he does boast a lot,but he can back it up." Momo analyzed.


"He is basically maxed out in all his stats." Shoto said remembering beating beaten up by someone with no hero training.

"That is the correct answer todoroki." Nezu said making them all shocked "how is that his weakness if he is at his strongest already compared to us! Shroom!" Kinoko yelled out not understanding.

"Let me explain real quick. He is at the upmost strength when it comes to his powers and abilities unlike you all who are still growing and gaining new abilities like you miss ashido with the three days of training we did you gained new ability." Nezu said with the students understanding him.

"He is already at his strongest unless he trains more or gains another ability he will become stagnant in power while you all will grow to surpass him! He has the become the wall that you all will one day climb over on your way to becoming pro heros! That is his weakness that is one that you all will exploit my dear students!" Nezu said in excitement with the students getting pumped up.

"Will that mean midoriya will fall behind us. Kero" tsuyu said speaking up "That is something U.A. will help out with he needs to be educated to be a proper person first then he will be taught to be a hero by then you should be at his level or passed it to the point each of you can fight him one v one!" Nezu claimed with everyone cheering waking a certain snake.


"Well then midoriya, how about we make a bet. If one student can beat you in the future then you show me the thing you are hiding in your mind." He said with izuku scratching his head "Fine,but I will win though I want a prize if they can't beat me so I want my forest land!" Izuku yelled at him. "That can be arranged." Nezu said with a glint in his eyes which made midnight and Aizawa shiver though he was asleep.

Izuku hopped off kota slithering to kinoko "Mushroom girl I will protect you for providing me with my favorite mushroom." Tiny izuku said grabbing her hand. Kinoko who didn't know how to respond so she just nodded.

"Purple hair, prey, thorns, and lizard I will get you all for tricking me into going into my great slumber." Izuku claimed with them not being able to take him seriously from the squeaky voice and small stature like mineta.

"Everybody out we are back at U.A." Aizawa said with everyone getting out. Bakugo picked up kota and izuku was place on his shoulders. "Bakugo where are you taking izuku?" Midnight asked him.

"My parents are his godparents so legally they are his guardians by law. Also they and I have waited long enough for my brother to come home."

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