《[Discontinued!] Joker With A Heart Full Of Love》Chapter 26 - Connecting With Nogo


The first dose of negative energy gave Emperor Nogo enough energy to talk with others. Evelyn is the first one. She is by the lake of the shadow realm and grins.

'Emperor Nogo,' she says. 'My name is Evelyn, princess of the Kindom of the Heart of Entire Darkness. I am going to revive you and help you conquer the whole universe, including all possible dimentions. The last dimention has weakened me a lot, but I feel that my energy is coming back and this time I want to rule everything with another powerful master!' She grins. 'Just two rulers.'

'What about your minions?' Nogo asks.

'I am just using them,' Evelyn says unconcerned. 'Just like how you used Rascal for his powers.'

'Can I trust you?'

'Oh please. I am only interested in having power. And if I have to get help for that, I will.' Evelyn grins. 'Those naïve idiots Moonkiller, Vlob and Anadil are doing all the dirty jobs while I can sit back and watch. They wanted to get a better life, but when I am going to win, I am sending them back to their old, miserable lifes.'

'What if I betray you?'

'That would be a big mistake. You see, my power has brought you back, but I can reverse that every second and destroy you! So you have no choice but to do what I want.'

'And what exactly do you want me to do?'

'Destroy the Glitter Force with me,' Evelyn replies. 'Then we will conquer everything together. Ofcourse I will have full control over you, but I will let you enjoy the power for the rest of your life.'

'We have a deal, Heartbreaker Princess.'

'Good.' Evelyn chuckles. 'I will send the three to earth for more negative energy for you.'

'Come here!' Evelyn calls as she enters the hide-out.

Moonkiller and Anadil run downstairs and face the princess, not knowing what she is up to.

'Where's bat boy?' Evelyn asks as Vlob hasn't come down.


'He has a fever,' Anadil quickly replies. 'I already gave him a potion, but it's better for him to fully heal before he can come with us again.'

I don't believe a word, Moonkiller thinks. He saw them hug.

You really think I fall for that? Evelyn thinks. What a cheap excuse. I know all about his past and how sensitive he is. But that doesn't matter. Let's pretent like I believe the witch.

'Poor Vlob,' Evelyn says hypocritical and overly shocked. 'I hope he get's better soon. But besides the sick bat, I want you to collect more negative energy for Nogo. After all, you have to make it up to me!' She looks at them with a threating face. 'Or else I will send you back to where you came from...'

'No!' the two say at the same time. 'Everything but that...'

'Then go! Now!'

Moonkiller snaps his fingers immediately and teleports away with Anadil. Evelyn laughs and then goes upstairs. She wants to mentally torture Vlob.

'Let's paint this bright future pitch black! I hate bright stuff!'

The sky turns black. All negative energy from the people goes up to Moonkiller's book.

'Hm nice!' he says. 'One click more, just five more times and Nogo will be revived!'

The Glitter Force are ready for a fight. Breeze kneels down next to Rascal, who weakly lays on his knees and has put his hands on the ground.

'I will be fine...' he says weakly. 'Just fight without me, I will join you in a sec...'

'No, I will look after you, Rascal,' Breeze says.

Rascal looks at her. 'It just weakens me when Nogo get's more power. But I will be fine after a minute...'

Breeze startles as a huge beam sounds nearby. An attack made by Anadil towards the two is blocked by Lucky.

'Thanks Lucky!' Breeze says.

'No problem!' Lucky says. 'Are you okay, Rascal?'

Rascal moans and slowely stands up. 'I feel that I am getting strength back.'


Breeze pulls him down. 'Not yet.'

Evelyn goes to Vlob's room and enters it. Vlob was about to put on a new shirt.

'This explains why you are so weak.'

Surprised Vlob turns around. He hasn't heard her come in. At the same time he is concerned of what is coming.

'Anadil told me you had a fever,' Evelyn says.

'Oh?' Vlob says surprised. 'I mean, I didn't think she would help me. I thought she would make fun of my fever.'

'Oh please,' Evelyn says. 'I know it's just an excuse. You don't feel good because of what I have called you!'

Vlob gulps.

'But besides that... I just realized what makes you so weak.'

'What do you mean?' Vlob asks.

'You are really skinny,' Evelyn says. 'No muscles... It's obvious that it means that you don't have power.'

'I am just thin,' Vlob frowns. 'That doesn't mean I have no power.'

'Are you sure, Battie?'

'D-don't call me that... Please...'

Evelyn grins. 'Then don't dissapoint me and stop letting words make you cry like a baby! Or else I will send you back to where you came from!'

'No... Everything but that!'

Evelyn laughs. 'It is a good motivation, isn't it?' She uses a spell that shows Vlob's past.

Vlob's eyes fill with fear, sadness and pain. He remembers the misery and throws up on the floor.

'I knew you were weak,' Evelyn says and looks down at the shaking boy, who lays on his knees and has put his arms around his stomach.

'You can't even mentally handle some memories!'

Vlob looks up with tears in his eyes.

Evelyn laughs and is about to make another comment, when suddenly a bat flies in her hair. She screams and then grabs the black creature.

'Control your pets!' Evelyn snarls and throws the bat on the ground and exits the room.

Vlob picks the bat up and strokes it. 'You okay little guy?'

The bat makes a sound and Vlob smiles since he can communicate with bats and understand him.

Vlob hugs the bat. 'Yeah, you sure showed her. Will you stay with me?'

'Here.' Chloe hands a cup of warm tea over to Rascal. They are home after defeating the witch and the spirit with the Cards of Trust.

Rascal drinks it. 'Thanks.'

'Why wasn't Vlob with them?' Chloe wonders.

'Does it matter?'

'It's just strange,' Chloe says. 'Last time he seemed to fear something and he was crying.'

Rascal looks at her. 'He may have feared your powers.'

'That didn't fit the situation,' Chloe says. 'Not after how Kelsey and Lily described it.'

'So... what?'

'I think he might be hiding something like Ulric, Brute, Brooha and you... We have to talk to him the moment he is with the other two again.'

'And do you expect him to join your side?'

'Who knows?' Chloe smiles.

Rascal licks her hair. 'You are such a helpful, sweet girl.'

'Can I come in?'


Anadil opens the door and closes it behind her. She walks up to Vlob and sits down next to him.

'How are you feeling?'

'Good actually. Look!' Vlob shows her the bat. 'I made a new friend!'

Anadil looks at Vlob's face. He looks so happy. She has never seen him like that before. He looks younger, like a kid who is truely enjoying life.

Anadil strokes the bat. Vlob smiles and says: 'Awh, he likes you!'

Anadil laughs sweetly but then looks concerned. 'Has Evelyn done something to you while we were gone?'

Vlob's smile dissapears and he frowns. 'Yes. She showed my past to me.'

'Oh no, that's awful Vlob...'

'You know Anadil... I really think I should turn my pain into energy. If Evelyn doesn't get what she wants... She'll send me back... And I don't want that to happen! That's why we must destroy the Glitter Force!' He almost starts to cry, but calms down as two warm arms embrace him.

'I won't let you suffer like that anymore.'

'Thanks Anadil...'

Chloe lays in bed and next to her lays Rascal. The jester turns around in his sleep and has an uncomfortable expression on his face.

Nogo is connecting with him.

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