《[Discontinued!] Joker With A Heart Full Of Love》Chapter 25 - Rule 1: Trust


(Why does Rascal have to be so adorable lol)

The other girls quickly run up to Rascal and Breeze. 'What's going on?'

'Seems like we got a new power,' Breeze says.

'New powers?!' the exhausted voice of Vlob sounds in the background. 'You got to be kidding me!'

'I don't think I will need this anymore.' Rascal suddenly let's the Sundown Buffoon dissapear and so does his own Sundown form. Orange light floats to his hand and forms into a nose. Then he makes the nose dissapear.

'I don't get it,' Sunny says. 'Weren't you on the bad side, Rascal?'

'Only pretending,' Rascal replies. 'I was afraid that those villains would try to ruin the relationship between me and Breeze again.'

'Quick, guys!' Candy says excited. 'Put your hands together!'

Everyone nods and do what Candy told -including the jester- and then Candy gets on top of their hands. A light appears and it forms a clock.

'What is that?' Sunny asks.

'We got no time to find out!' Spring points at the three villains who stand up and get ready to attack.

Suddenly a familiar voice sounds from the clock. It's the voice of Sonia.

'Well done Glitter Force,' her voice sounds. 'You have unlocked special powers from the Heart of Infinitely Lightness, which can help you gain complete control over the heart and restore everything. Once the clock is full, you have complete power over the heart, then you are able to control it fully and then you have enough power to stop Evelyn with her dangerous, destructive plans.'

'But how?' Sunny asks.

'This clock is about love. When it comes to love, there are many important rules. But now you got to focus on five subjects. Trust, Loyalty, Honesty, Respect and Comfort. You have already unlocked Trust. You can use a new attack, the Cards of Trust!'

Suddenly Glitter Charms appear. They have the shapes of playcards.


'Let's try it out, girls!' Lucky says.

The rest nod.

'Insert Trust Charms!' they all say. 'Clock of Love, give us your powers!'

Candy presses a button on top of the clock. Suddenly five cards appear. Rascal grabs them, jumps up high and throws them to the villains.

'Nooooooo!' they scream, and Vlob seems to scream the loudest. Smoke appears and then their screams fade away. They are gone. Transported back to the hideout.

Then the girls distransform and stare at the clock.

'Good luck, girls,' Sonia's voice sounds. 'For this, you will also need Candy and Rascal on your side. I count on you.'

'Wait!' Kelsey says. 'We got a lot of questions!'

The voice of Sonia doesn't come back anymore. The girls stare at the clock with a confused look on their faces.

'Well...' Rascal then says. 'Seems like I am becoming an official member of the Glitter Force. But don't expect me to wear dresses and get different hair.'

Chloe smiles and hugs him. 'I think I understand now. We are being tested when it comes to trust, loyalty, honesty, respect and comfort. We unlocked these powers when I fully started to trust Rascal with my whole heart, and I am sure nothing will come in our way anymore.'

The other girls nod.

'We got to get new powers so that we can control the heart and make sure this story gets a happy ending,' Emily says. She starts to jump up and down from happiness. 'We can do it girls!'

'Excuse me?!' the voice of Rascal sounds. 'I am NOT a girl!'

The rest laugh.

'Can we have chocolate now?' Candy asks. 'I am STARVING!'

'You fools can't do anything right, can you?!' the angry voice of Evelyn sounds as the three villains enter the hide-out.

'It's Sonia...' Moonkiller groans. 'She is behind this! It are always those light creatures who stand in the way...'


'I am aware of the fact that Sonia did it!' Evelyn looks at the three and studies them. 'And you know... You three will be send back to were you came from if you don't succeed!'

Moonkiller swallows, Anadil looks worried and Vlob bites his lip and looks down. Evelyn grins as she looks at him and walks towards him. She lifts up his chin, forcing him to look at her.

'What's wrong, Battie?' she asks.

Vlob immediately freezes. His blue eyes are full of fear and... sadness.

Anadil and Moonkiller look surprised at the bat boy. They know each other for a month but haven't seen that expression yet... Coming from a single nickname... Or does he fear Evelyn?

Evelyn grins. 'Yes, that's right. Battie. Does that remind you of something?'

Vlob suddenly gets tears in his eyes and runs away. Anadil looks at him with worry.

Evelyn starts to laugh out loud. 'That's right, bat boy!'

Anadil glares at Evelyn but makes sure it gets not noticed. She quickly runs after Vlob. Moonkiller looks at Anadil and then at Evelyn, and then back. Then he goes upstairs too.

'Vlob?' Anadil knocks on the door of Vlob's room.

'Go away!' it sounds angrily, but Anadil hears that something is up with his voice. She looks trough the keyhole and sees that the bat boy has hide his face in his hands. His shoulders are shocking.

'Please Vlob...'

'Get lost Anadil!' Vlob says. 'I am so not in the mood for you making fun of me!'

'Dear please... I...' Anadil sighs deeply. Then she enters the room and sits down next to the bat boy. She can hear the sobs.

'Vlob,' Anadil says. 'Please tell me what's wrong.' She carefully takes his wrists and pulls them away so that she can see his face.

'Are you happy now?' Vlob snarls with tears rolling down his cheeks. 'Is this what you wanted to see so badly?!' He points angrily at his eyes. 'Are you happy to see me cry?!'

Anadil looks at him and suddenly pulls him towards her. She wraps her arms around him and presses him against her.

Vlob startles from the sudden hug.

'Almost... Oh, oops.'

Chloe looks at the spoon in Rascal's hand. They were eating icecream together but the icecream was too hard and now the spoon is curved.

'It's okay. Just let the ice melt a bit.' Chloe takes the cup out of his hand and places it on her desk.

Rascal looks at Chloe and she notices.

'What are you looking at?' she asks.

'Has somebody already said how beautiful you are?' he says and smiles at her.

Chloe blushes. 'Well, thank you.'

Rascal walks towards her and makes a card appear. Then he turns it into a rose. It's a blue one.

'Blue. Just like your eyes.'

Chloe blushes and takes the rose. 'It's beautiful. And it smells like mint!'

'Fresh like a breeze,' he chuckles. Then he sits down next to her. 'You know Breeze, I was so confused by that feeling of love at first. But now I know more about it and I want to share it with you for the rest of my life.'

'I feel the same way.'

Rascal brings his face closer to give her a kiss.

The icecream is forgotten, melts and turns into liquid.

'A-Anadil... W-what are y-you doing?' Vlob asks shocked. He wants to pull loose, but Anadil doesn't allow him to.

'Just hold okay,' Anadil whispers. 'Until you've calmed down a bit.'

Vlob blushes slightly and actually wants to stay like this forever. He is too upset to think more about it and takes the time to just calm down.

'Now please, tell me what's wrong.'

'Ew.' Moonkiller looks trough the keyhole. 'What are they doing and what are they talking about? I don't even want to know.' He walks away.

Vlob bites his lip. 'Can I trust you?'

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