《[Discontinued!] Joker With A Heart Full Of Love》Chapter 23 - The Cunning Jester Part 1


'We need to find out more about these new powers,' Candy says. 'We need Pop for this.'

'What can go wrong?' Emily says happily.

'If I were you I wouldn't sound so cheerful,' Rascal says.

'What do you mean?'

'The Heart of Infinitely Lightness is no different from the Heart of Entire Darkness,' Rascal replies. 'It is also dangerous to control and if it goes out of hand...'

'Remember what happened to Moonkiller, Vlob and Anadil when they tried to use the Heart of Entire Darkness?' Lily gasps. 'Maybe that could happen to us too!'

'That's right...' Kelsey says.

'We have to get contact with Sonia again,' April says. 'But how?'

'I am afraid it won't be that easy,' a voice sounds.

'POOOOOP!' Candy yells and rushes towards her big brother.

'Hello everyone.' Pop grabs Candy's hand and they jump on the table. 'I decided to tell everything I know about your new problems.'

While the others are busy talking, Rascal stands up and walks outside. On the balcony he lays his arms on the railing.

'While you are busy talking about that, I will prepare a big surprise for all of you!' He holds a new Buffoon nose in front of him. It is orange. 'This will come in great, great handy!'

He laughs out loud maliciously and then teleports away.

'I have done some research about everything,' Pop says. 'It appears that there were once two kingdoms who lived peacefully together. The Kingdom of Infinitely Lightness and the Kingdom of Entire Darkness. Somehow, despite their difference's, they managed to keep peace. That was the case until the Entire Darkness warriors attacked the Kingdom of Infinitely Lightness. They were under command of Princess Evelyn, the princess of the Kingdom of Entire Darkness. She wanted power and chaos only, because she was tired of light. She was close at destroying the Heart of Infinitely Lightness, but Princess Sonia, the princess of the Kingdom of Infinitely Lightness, stopped her. Evelyn was much stronger but with her last powers, Sonia merged herself with the Heart of Infinitely Lightness and shot away like a star, leaving her body behind. While Evelyn destroyed other universes, Sonia's spirit was seeking for help while her spirit was slowely fading away. Then she found your spirits, on the edge of being alive and dead. She used her energy to give you the power of the Heart of Infinitely Lightness and then her spirit fully faded away. You are the last chance to save everything!'

'We got an important job, girls,' Emily says.

'But why didn't Evelyn already defeat us?' Lily asks.

'The last dimention she tried to conquer weakened her,' Pop answers. 'It is obvious that she is strengthening. And so she leaves it to Moonkiller, Vlob and Anadil.'

'But that would mean they also don't have much experience,' Chloe says. 'They also don't control their Heart.'


'So we are therefore in favor,' Kelsey says. 'We will show them what we got!'

'No,' Pop warns. 'Your powers are now based of the Heart of Infinitely Lightness. Your Glitter Charm's are now also in the chape of a heart. If you don't know how to use it, it will turn against you and then you need a resident of the Kingdom of Infinitely Lightness to heal you, but everyone is dead. So if the heart turns itself against you, you will die permanently and then Evelyn is going to win!'

'We have to try,' Emily says. 'They may not win!'

'Right!' Kelsey says. 'We have gone trough a lot of things, but we never gave up and kept on hoping!'

'We have defeated Nogo,' Lily says, 'and we will do it again!'

'That's right!' April says. 'He has lost twice!'

'We will never give up without a fight!' Chloe says.

'Yeah!' they all say. 'Glitter Force forever!'

'Wait, where is Rascal?' Chloe then asks.

They all look around. They haven't seen him going outside.

'We will seek him,' Emily says and stands up.

'Look who we got here!'

The five girls and Pop and Candy turn around and see the Lord of Nightmares, witch and humanbat standing.

'We are going to deal with you forgood!' Moonkiller says and balls his fist. 'Come on and try to stop us!'

'We will!' Emily gets her Glitter Pact and look at her friends. 'Girls, we have to try!'

The rest nod. They put their heart-shaped Glitter Charms in their Glitter Pacts. 'Glitter Force Make-over!'

They transform like they normally do.

'I don't get it,' Glitter Sunny says. 'What exactly has changed?'

'I don't know,' Glitter Lucky says, 'but we better be careful anyway!'

The rest agree.

'Boring!' Moonkiller runs towards them and tries to punch them, but they quickly dodge the attack. Sunny kicks Moonkiller and he falls on the ground, groaning.

'Oh no you don't!' Vlob sticks his hands together and shoots a black with purple bat beam towards Sunny. It hits her and she falls. Then Anadil wants to hit Sunny, but Spring pushes her away. Moonkiller has standed up and wants to hit Spring in her back, but Lucky and Peace quickly stop him. Vlob tries to attack the others but Sunny stops him. Breeze joins her. And so Moonkiller fights with Lucky and Peace, Anadil fights with Spring and Vlob with Breeze and Sunny.

'Let's see if you can use your new powers without it turning against you!' Moonkiller laughs. 'I will slap your happy smiles right of your faces!'

'Let's see you try, potato sack!' Lucky says.

'You won't succeed!' Peace says.

'Spring, my dear flower in a dead desert,' Anadil says. 'What would you do when your life force is draining away? What if the water dissapears? In your case, it'll be the Heart of Infinitely Lightness that drains the water away.'


'And then let you win?' Spring asks. 'That's never going to happen!'

'Death happens Spring. You should know that.'

'Pretty girls!' Vlob says with a charming voice and pulls his hand through his hair in a sexy way. 'Are you sure you want to hurt this bad boy?'

Sunny and Breeze ball their fists. 'We are not falling for your charms, bat freak!'

'But I can't just let such two precious girls go.' Vlob smirks.

'Grrrr!' Moonkiller uses his powers and a strong gust of wind occurs. It lets his cape blow up. With his unnatural deep voice he starts to talk, and the wind makes it more scarier and threatening than it already was before.

'I will defeat you for once and for all!' He shoots his fists towards them and a strong wind blows the two girls away and let them bump into a wall.

'Give up, or else I will make sure you are getting badly injured like Rascal! He was hit so hard that he couldn't properly breath.'

'We will never give up!' Lucky yells.

'You are not going to win!' Peace says.

'As you wish!' Moonkiller lets the wind blow the two girls towards him and then he reverses it again, to make the girls crash hard against the wall.

'We have to do something before we will get hurt!' Lucky screams. The wall is coming closer and closer. 'I am going to take a risk!' She closes her eyes and yells: 'We've got spirit, yes we do! We've got spirit, how bout you?!'

To her surprise the Glitter Pact starts to glow.

'Glitter Force! Loveable Storm!'

A pink beam shoots towards the wall and lets it break down in pieces. She and Peace then land on their feet, because Moonkiller stops the wind in surprise.

'No... HOW?!'

Lucky smiles and looks at her friend. 'We've got this, Peace!'

'You can't just destroy life you know!' Spring says angrily. 'Not on my watch!'

'Let's see you try!' Anadil smirks.

'I will!' Spring makes an attack towards Anadil, but she dodges it an laughs. The glass she just broke are floating around her.

'Glass is made of sand. And sand is made of small stones. And stones are lifeless!' She grins. 'I will surround you by it!' She sends the pieces of glass towards her.

Spring runs away and tries to dodge everything. Then a idea runs trough her head.

'Too bad that you are both taken!' Vlob grins.

Breeze looks surprised, she didn't know her friend had a boy too. But then she focusses on the bat again.

Vlob laughs charming and then sticks his hand towards the two, letting a bat beam shoot towards them. They quickly dodge.

'I got you covered, Sunny,' Breeze says to her friend. 'You will attack him when you get the chance!'

Sunny nods. Breeze then runs towards the bat.

'Coming to get a kiss?' Vlob grins. He repels her attack and quickly kicks her with his fist, causing her to fall down on the ground.

Vlob forgets about Sunny and bows over Breeze. 'Oh poor girl, you're never going to see Rascal again!'

'Glitter Force! Lovable Fire!'

'What the- aah!'

Vlob gets hit by Sunny's attack and Breeze stands up, looking surprised at her friend.

'We still got it,' Sunny says confident.

Spring quickly hides behind a small building. She sees the pieces of glass shooting past her. But to her big fright, the pieces are now coming towards her.

Spring quickly jumps up in the air, while the pieces hit the wall of the building. She lands on the roof.

'Hello there!' Anadil shows up on her broom.

'Glitter Force! Loveable Shot!' Spring acts quickly and Anadil falls of her broom, falling three meters down on the ground.

Spring looks down and sees the witch lying, her broom next to her.

'It can't be!' Moonkiller says and his eyes get big from surprise.

'We told you you can't defeat us!' Lucky says. 'Give it up already!'

'That's what you wish but that is not going to happen!' Moonkiller lets the wind appear and then flies towards Lucky and Peace. 'I am done with your disgusting, bright colours and smiles!'

'Glitter Force! Loveable Lightning!' Peace yells and uses her attack when Moonkiller is close.

Moonkiller screams and jerks as the lightning has hit him.

When the attack is finished, there are still small electric shocks coming from him. His eyes are big and he falls on the ground with a deep groan.

'I am a fried spirit...' he whimpers.

Vlob stands up and pants. He looks angrily at Sunny. 'You coward! I am getting you for that!'

'Glitter Force! Loveable Blizzard!'

'Gah!' Vlob gets hit once again. But he is able to keep standing on his feet. He wavers.

'I am getting sick and tired of this!' he screams.

'Me too!' the sharp voice of Anadil sounds. She gets up too and looks at Spring who is still standing on the roof. 'Childish brat!'

'I had it with this.' Moonkiller stands up and jerks a bit. 'Damn it!'

The three villain walk to each other and the girls too. So they face each other, three against five.

'We are going to destroy you!' the villains say angrily.

'You are wrong!' the girls say.

'You are all wrong!'

The girls and villains are looking up in the sky. They see Rascal floating. He chuckles and plays with a orange Buffoon nose in his hand.

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