《Loving Jaxton ✔️》Chapter 21 - moving on


Ten days after Jax asks me to move in with him, my lease is broken and I've packed up all of my items. Since I'm not paying rent anymore I was able to pay the fees and Jax quickly told me that if I payed them he'd spank my ass raw so he handled it for me.

Jax is, Jax is more than just my boyfriend now. Just now around a week or two of being officially his and my world has changed. I'm so happy I can't see straight, I'm so sexually satisfied that I don't have to ask for anything with sex, and I'm so excited for what our relationship holds.

"This is the last one." Jax tells me walking into his house with the last box of my shoes as he sits them down in his bedroom. He doesn't have much clothing at all, so he willingly let me take over half his shelves and closet space. So now, we're moved in together and it's odd to say it but I'm glad he kept asking me too.

I've got financial freedom to buy the new car I've wanted since I was gifted my old car for my senior gift in high school, and I can help him out with groceries and such without having to worry about paying rent. I asked over and over again to help with something and the only thing that he wanted was for me to cook and he caved in on letting me buy groceries for us.

"Thanks." I tell him as I organize my sweaters on the top shelf of his closet. "Uhh Jax!" I yell as he walks over seeing me struggling to reach the top. He laughs as he drops to his knees and opens my thighs. He swings one of my legs over his neck until I'm sitting on his shoulders and he stands up lifting me as I get to a better height.

"Thanks babe." I tell him as I lean down and kiss his forehead. "But you know you could have just done it for me." I tell him as he laughs.

"Hell no. You'd bitch about the way they were folded wrong." He tells me as I kick his side and flick him off. "You know I'm right." He tells me as I laugh. He's so right, and I know he's only joking with me.

Jax just gets me, he understands me and I get him too. We know when to leave the other person alone, we know when we want a little space and we're comfortable around each other. I love Jax, and I know that these past ten days have been amazing. While trying to get my living situation handled, Jax stayed with me every night. Which turned into more sex than I could have ever imagined and I love it. I can confidently say that I'm falling in love with him.

Once I'm done folding the sweaters and putting them up I make him move over to another shelf and help me put up my boots for the winter. He will help me get them back down when winter hits.

I finish it all when he lets me down and I smile. "Thanks Jax. I'll cook you dinner." I tell him as he laughs and starts unpacking my boxes for me.

He doesn't fold, he organizes my underwear to keep himself happy, and he does my bra section putting all his favorites on top. Oh well, if it keeps him happy I really don't care. We unpack my stuff for two hours before calling it a night and starting on dinner.


I make steak tacos with chips and salsa for something quick. I know he can eat the steak tacos on his diet and all the food is healthy anyway so he should be fine. We sit down next to each other at the table when I fee Bee rub my leg and I slip him a piece of steak before he runs off leaving us alone.

We eat dinner together, laughing and smiling when his hand reaches for my thigh. He holds it under his palm while eating without even realizing what he's doing as I smile.

"So I want to ask you something." I tell him after eating my first full taco. "Ry this is so damn good." He tells me continuing on his fifth one since he's sat down as I laugh. I underestimated how much he eats. I had no idea that he ate four times as much food as I do, and protein, he lives off of protein.

"I'm glad. Listen, since you refused to let me pay anything, I have a confession." I rattle out as he nods.

"I've wanted a new car ever since I've graduated college. It was supposed to be something I did but Jacob and I moved in together and needed the security deposit and stuff so I never did. But I want a new car." I tell him as he nods continuously eating.

"I can do that. What do you want?" He tells me as I push his shoulder. I know he has money but he will not be buying it.

"I've always wanted a white Lexus and I am making enough to afford it and all. I want the RX350 with tan interior and seat warmers. So I want to know if you'll go look at one with me soon." I ask as he nods.

"Yeah, we'll go look. The only thing I can tell you is that the few dealerships in this side of Atlanta are cheap as hell. We'll need to go into the richer side for that kind of thing. I'll take you tomorrow." He tells me as I smile and hug him.

"Best boyfriend ever." I tell him kissing his cheek as he nods. "I know, I'm pretty much the best thing ever." He tells me as I nod.

"Yes Jax. So good, that-" I go to say as I realize what I'm about to tell him and stop. Oh my goddess I'm embarrassed that it almost came out of my mouth.

"What?" He asks as I immediately blush. I can't keep secrets from him so I tell him, "So good that you make me orgasm at least three times a day." I tell him as he smiles and stands up kissing my head.

"Not enough times. I love listening to you scream my name." He tells me as I blush and look away from him. We've been flirting all day and we both know we have a long night ahead of us, I'm so ready for him.

My phone notifications go off as I see the season premiere of my new favorite show tonight, finally. "What is it?" Jax asks as I show him the cops show.

"I'm so excited! I love cop shows and it comes on tonight." I tell him as he laughs.

"Really?" He asks as I nod. I know I'm a big nerd about it and I love Criminal Minds and television shows like it.


"Yep I've even got my own ideas for if I get in jail and get a phone call or if I'm about to get murdered. My mom told me to call the other person on the line honey bun, and they'd know what I meant." I tell him as he laughs.

"I'll keep that in mind for when it never happens. Let's go watch it." He tells me as I smile as wide as I can.

God I love that man.


After rounds I didn't expect to have with Jax tonight I'm laying in between his naked body as he kisses down the side of my neck. We were supposed to be watching my show and one thing lead to another when he looked over at me and came towards me.

"Kiss me already." He told me before moving his hands to the front of my panties and that was it. Now three rounds of sex later he's smirking into my neck since he got what he knew he was going to. I can't withstand from sex with him, he's perfect and I love him so much.

It's crazy to think how fast I know I love him but I do. I really do, I think he's the most amazing man I've ever met and I was blinded for so long.

"Round four?" He whispers into my neck rubbing my thighs as I smile and shake my head no.

"I wish but I'm so sore." I tell him as he laughs into my neck. I really am so sore, my body still isn't used to how big Jax is physically. I knew he was tall and buff, but I didn't know he was huge everywhere.

"I like to hear that." He tells me as I push his hands away from my thighs laughing at him.

"I want chocolate. Do you want anything from the kitchen?" I ask moving around as he pulls his tee from the floor and slips it over my head as I put my arms through it.

"Water" he tells me as I smile and kiss his lips. He holds my head and really starts making me reconsider going to the kitchen when he's thrusting his tongue into my mouth.

"Umm, okay. I'll be back. Put on boxers please." I whisper as he stretches. I get to the bedroom door and let Bee in to sleep before going to the kitchen with sore legs.

I grab two bottles of water out of the fridge before grabbing the Hershey kisses. It's a medium sized bag and as long as it's chocolate I'm fine. I almost walk back into the room until movement in the kitchen window stops me. I turn around and cut on the patio light as I look into the bushes. I hear rattling and nothing but silence a few seconds later. That's odd.

I turn to walk to the bedroom when beating on the door scares the living shit out of me as I drop everything. "Holy fuck." I whisper holding my heart as I look out the dinning room window and see a black Mercedes parked in front of the house. I walk back over and grab the stuff as I settle my heart.

Jax comes out of the room with athletic shorts and a tee on before kissing the side of my head. "Will you go into the bedroom and lock the door?" He asks as I stare.

"What? Why?" I ask as he rubs my back. "I got some business to handle with my fighting. I didn't know he was coming tonight." He tells me as I sigh.

"Who is he?" I ask as Jax pushes me to towards the bedroom. I push his hands off of me as I hold the bottles of water and he picks me up throwing me over his shoulder as he takes me to the bedroom.

"JAX!" I yell as he sits me on the bed and tries to kiss me but I push him away.

"Ry, listen to me. Listen. These people, all of them, they can't fucking know about you. They find my weakness and I'm done. Carter doesn't even know you've moved in or he'd kill my ass. So stay in here and be quiet and I promise I'll come back in here when I'm done and watch a movie or whatever you want. But promise me you'll stay quiet Ry." He tells me holding my hands in his.

I hate that. I hate that people can't know that we're together and it's not like I want to put it on billboards or announce it to the world, it's just that when people meet us together I want to introduce him as my boyfriend, as my man. I don't understand why I'm a weakness for him, I would do anything for him.

"You mean that?" I ask as he nods. I reach up and hug him as more knocks come on the door. "Lock it behind me." He tells me as he pulls away and walks to the door. He closes it behind him as I go over and lock it. Luckily enough I have my laptop and earbuds in here so I can watch Netflix on my computer to keep me occupied while he's gone.

But when he's done, he's explaining this whole situation to me. I hear them talking as I sit on the bed with my laptop quietly, I have the volume down low on one of my cop series when I hear them talking through my earbuds.

I eat my chocolate and drink my water trying to remain calm about the situation but it just doesn't sit well with me at all.

So for an hour I'm stuck in our room until I hear car doors and tapping on the bedroom door. I open it and Jax comes in before throwing me on his shoulder and taking me into the bathroom with him.

He starts the shower and sits me on my feet before I glare at him. "I know and I'll tell you later." He immediately starts as I sigh.

"Tell me now." I demand as he sighs.

"I have a fight tomorrow." He tells me as my heart cracks in half. What? He's still not okay. How?

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