《Loving Jaxton ✔️》Chapter 4 - thank you


By the time I've gotten the bullet out of the top of Jaxton's foot he's asleep. I spent two hours trying my hardest to clean up the blood, rinse and then clean his foot. And now, after finding surgery tools and stitches I've gotten the bullet out. I don't know much of what I'm doing but it looks better than before and thankfully the bullet was tiny enough that I know it'll heal with proper care.

I don't even know him and he had me worried for him. But I just know he won't hurt me because he's asleep, he's left his big house to a stranger that could rob him but he's sleeping. I start stitching the top of his foot and the numbing spray must start wearing off as he wakes up and sees me sitting in a chair with his foot propped up on the side table since he doesn't fit on the couch with his long frame.

"Feel better?" I immediately ask while stitching the backside of his foot together. I'll do the top in a minute or so but the bottom was the worst and I don't want him to see it.

"How long have you been here? Helping me?" He asks as I sigh. "Two hours. I'm almost done, you needed stitching." I tell him as he stays still and nods.

"Thank you." He tells me as I smile. "Of course. You'd bleed to death if it wasn't for me finding you. Drink some water, I've mixed in some salt and sugar dissolve into it so it's almost like an IV, it'll give you some fluids." I tell him as he nods. He reaches behind him and takes it as he drinks it back. I could have started him an IV but I didn't have the proper items for it so he's got to drink it. He's luckily he didn't need a blood transfusion.

I finish stitching the bottom before going to the top of it as my phone starts ringing in my gray jacket pocket laying across the side of the couch. He reaches for it before I can stop him and reads it.

"Who's Jacob?" He asks as he holds it. "My boyfriend just decline it and I'll call him later." I tell him honestly as he laughs.

"What?" I ask as he smiles. He must not be in too much pain anymore to be smiling.

"Decline your boyfriend? He must be in trouble." He tells me as I laugh. "Something like that." I agree as I continue stitching.

"Tell me." He demands as I laugh. "Nope. Not a stranger." I tell him back as he smiles.

"We aren't strangers anymore. Come on tell me." He demands as I sigh. I look at him as the phone goes off again and he declines the call for me.

"Fine. We've been dating for four years, and we live together. He works at the hospital as well, and even though we're happy he's got student loans to pay back. So we're both working full time to try and pay them off quicker." I tell him as he nods.

"But?" He asks as I laugh and stitch his foot. "But he spent four hundred dollars on Braves tickets for tonight. I know I sound crazy but I was just hoping he was saving money separately to buy me an engagement ring. We've been together forever and I want to get engaged sooner rather than later. He kept asking why I was salty during the game and I finally told him. But I was so angry I got out the car and started walking home. I guess I didn't expect him to shut up and leave me on the side of the street." I tell Jaxton as he sits quietly.


"There all done." I reply as I finish stitching his foot.

"Ry?" He asks as I look up at him. The only person that calls me Ry is my dad and I haven't spoken to him a month or so. But him calling me Ry is something I kind of like, I like hearing it coming out of his mouth.

"Thank you." He tells me as I nod. "Of course. You already told me." I tell him as he nods. "I know but I'm so thankful for you being there." He tells me as I smile.

"Happy to help. It got my mind off of everything." I tell him taking off the double layer of gloves and throwing them into the trashcan from his bathroom.

"On the contrary, I think he's a dick for leaving you alone. That's wrong and he should have never done that, but I'm glad he did." Jaxton tells me as I nod.

"Not talking about that, I know you fight illegally Jaxton. Mr. Kill as they call you or whatever, so just be safe. You're going to be out for a while." I tell him.

"Yeah I know. I got a fight next week though so I think I can do it." He tells me as I laugh. "No offense but you need a month minimum to make sure you're fine." I tell him.

"I need a day. I'll be fine Ry, do you want me to take you home? Or you have anywhere else you want to stay tonight? I'll drive you back there but I don't want you coming around the underground ever again. It's a bad place with bad people." He tells me as I sit still.

Come to think of it I have no where else to stay tonight since my parents live in Florida and I refuse to share a bed with Jacob. I don't know where I'll end up going but it won't be around the underground fighting thing.

"I won't go back. I just was curious when I heard the noises." I explain as he nods. He moves his foot as he sits up and the blanket I threw over his naked chest falls down a bit showing his beautiful chest.

"Be careful." I whisper helping him move his bandaged up foot.

"So anywhere else?" He asks as I sigh. "Can you just drop me off at a hotel in town or something? I don't want to go home. I don't want to be near him right now." I tell Jaxton as he sighs and shakes his head no.

"No, those aren't safe. There's plenty of guest rooms here, and there's bathrooms upstairs. There's food in the pantry and you can stay the night and tomorrow if you'd like too. You can take some clothes from my drawers, I really don't mind. It's the least I can do since you saved my life." He tells me as I shake my head no.

"That's a little dramatic don't you think?" I ask as he laughs. "Nah, just take some clothes and go sleep. I won't bother you. I can't even get up the stairs." He tells me as I laugh. That's true.

I know I shouldn't stay but he genuinely seems like a great guy. I don't think he would hurt me and I honestly just feel like he's not that type.


"I have a question" I blurt out. "Why do you fight illegally?" I ask him as he sits there still with his hands together. I'm sitting to the side of him and he's just watching as I ask.

"My parents died a few years back and I didn't think I had anything left in life. I dropped out of college and found fighting as my way to deal with the pain. I've just never left, I love fighting, training, all of it." He tells me as I nod.

"If I stay the night will you promise me that you aren't lying or going to hurt me?" I ask him as he nods. "Pinky promise" he tells me extending his big pinky to mine as I laugh. I pinky promise with him as he smiles at me and nods.

"I'll take a room upstairs then. Thanks Jaxton." I tell him as he stops me, "oh no, the only one who called me Jaxton is my step grandparents and Carter. Call me Jax." He tells me as I nod.

"Alright Jax, let's get you to bed big guy." I tell him as I grab a broom and chair. "Use the broom as a cane and the chair to help you stand up. I'll take your side so I can walk you to bed." I tell him as he nods. He lifts himself and keeps the weight off his foot as I look down and see him in pain still.

"Hold on." I tell him as I grab a pillow. I secure it under his foot as a cushion and use bandage tape to keep it in place. "This is so unsafe." I mutter as he laughs. He wraps his arm around my shoulder as I help him get to the master bedroom. Once he's on the bed I help adjust his foot when he stops me.

"Can you get me my toothbrush? I have a weird thing about going to bed with dirty teeth." He tells me as I nod. I grab a cup of water and a toothbrush as I bring it to him and then take a new one from under the sink to go with me upstairs.

He brushes his teeth and I grab a rag and water as I help him clean off his face. I use it on the warm side as I grab his chin and clean the spot with a small bruise. He squirms when I hit the side of it and his face comes right in front of mine.

I stare into his eyes as he looks from my eyes to my lips and back up to me. I feel my heart about to beat out of my chest when I take a step back. What was I about to do? Kiss him? A stranger? Fuck pull it together Rylee.

"Do you need anymore help?" I ask him as he pulls back. "Umm no, I'll take my pants off. Thanks Ry. Take you some clothes to sleep in. My shorts and tees are in the second drawer." He tells me as I nod. I go over and grab a big tee and a pair of shorts without looking as I stop and turn.

"Goodnight" I rasp out as I grab his doorknob and cut the light out. He reaches over to cut out the lamp when he stops.

"Goodnight Ry." He whispers back making me blush as I disappear behind the door. I shut it fully when I make it out to breath. Oh my goodness that was hard. Wait, why was that hard? I have Jacob and now I'm thinking about Jax and I can't. I can't think about how well he's treated me tonight, the way he looks shirtless, the way his hands pulled me into the truck, the way his presence is known in a room, the way he says my name, -shit I have got to stop.

I find the stairs and a random room before I go into the bathroom and start the shower. I wash quickly and quietly before I grab Jax's clothes to put on, but when I look down I realize I grabbed a pair of boxers instead of shorts. Goodness I'm stupid, not having anything else to wear I slip them on with his gigantic tee. I laugh when it hits right above my knees like a tee shirt dress would. Feeling weak I pull it to my nose and smell it as I smile. It smells so good, just like him.

I throw my hair in a bun and brush my teeth before going to bed. It's a big bed, and it feels nice. I lay down into the pillows before I grab my phone.

116 missed calls. 50 unopened text messages. 80 voicemails.

What the hell? He's never done that before. I open the texts as I read over him begging me to come home and asking where I am. The voicemails are all him asking me where I'm at and the last one is him telling me that he's coming to find me. Feeling guilt hit me like a rock I call him back.

"God Rylee! Where are you?" He immediately asks as I don't talk.

"I don't want to speak with you at all. Just know that I'm safe and that I'm fine. I might be home tomorrow but I haven't decided yet. I couldn't feel guilty for you calling me so just know that I'm safe and I have a place to stay tonight. Goodnight." I tell him and I hang up before he can respond.

I snuggle into the pillow and pull Jax's shirt close to my body as I relax. The scent immediately puts me to sleep and I end up having the most amazing sleep I've had in weeks.

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