《Loving Jaxton ✔️》Chapter 2 - get in the car


Sitting next to Jacob in the Braves stadium, he holds my thigh. I'm salty right now, he just doesn't see money the way I do. He spends everything he makes and it's his money but I thought he'd be worried about saving for us, and eventually us moving into a home in the suburbs that we have always talked about.

He didn't even get lucky today like he thought he would, I couldn't have sex with him when I was pissed off so I used my period as an excuse and he left me alone, even though I'm not supposed to start for two more weeks.

"I haven't been here in years. I'm excited." Jacob tells me as I nod and smile at him. He's wearing a navy baseball cap with the Braves logo on it and a regular tee shirt. I just curled my light brown hair into waves and applied a little eye shadow and mascara to my green eyes to cover how puffy my face is. Then I threw on a oversized red tee with a pocket, something I had from game day in my sorority years ago, with jeans and a Braves hat. I think I look cute with my gold hoops and white fake Alexander Mcqueen sneakers I bought from a website in China. Surprisingly I get compliments on them, I just thought they were cute and only cost me sixty bucks.

"Yeah, I hope it's good." I tell him as I rub his bicep and look around the stadium. It's filling up quickly since this is supposed to be a good game, I didn't even read the tickets though and I have no idea who they are playing.

"Okay, what's wrong?" He blankly asks as I shake my head no. "Nothing Jac, I'm fine." I admit as he rolls his eyes.

"RJ tell me" he tells me as I look down at my hands. My bare hands beside my college ring, and I don't know why all of a sudden after someone asking me why I'm not engaged that it bothers me so much.

"Jac, I just-, I thought we have been saving for a wedding and home and you just blew four hundred dollars on this." I explain to him pointing at the football field. "Normal tickets are like eighty bucks for two, but you had to get full passes and all this extra shit. We could have sat in the nosebleeds and I would have been fine as long as it was reasonable. This is half of our apartment rent this month." I tell him as he sighs.

"Rylee-" he goes to start as the announcer starts and cuts him off. "We'll talk about it later, no point in crying about what's already done." I tell him as I look back around to the front. We do have a awesome view, and food that's actually good so I'm going to enjoy it. I can smell the homemade mac and cheese and pasta with the fried foods from these seats.

But then the innings start, and they never end. It's forever before the last pitch is thrown and the last out is made.

When the games over Jacob takes my hand and we make our way out of the stadium and to the car. He opens my door on the side of his truck before I get in and he pulls off towards the apartment. He reaches over and rubs my thigh as I set my hand on his and rub it back.

"RJ I love you and you know that. I just wanted to do something besides work and pay bills. I'll ask next time if it's that big of a deal." He scoffs as I glare at him.


"That big of a deal? You have no idea" I tell him as I contain my voice. I feel tears forming in my eyes as I look away from him and throw his hand away from my thigh at him.

"Oh really and what's the issue?" He asks as I look out the window. He pulls through town and I don't talk to him as he tries to touch me and I push him away.

"RJ stop." He tells me as I flip him off. "What the fuck is your problem today?" He asks as he stops at the red light.

"My problem? My problem? Maybe it's the fact that we've been together for four years and I don't have an engagement ring. Maybe it's the fact that Braves baseball tickets are more important than us buying a house and raising a family together! Screw me for wanting a life besides this!" I exclaim grabbing the door handle. I grab it to get out and onto the sidewalk as he tries to grab me and I push him off.

"Don't." I tell him. "I'm walking home don't follow me." I add as I slam the door shut after I grab my wallet with my light gray jacket and start walking towards the apartment.

"RJ get in the car now." He tells me rolling down the window as I keep walking. He comes beside me and parks his truck before slamming the door and getting out. He locks the doors before stopping in front of me fuming.

"Get your ass in the car right now." He tells me as I push him away from me. "Screw you" I tell him as I push him away and slip my jacket on with my wallet hid in the pocket.

"Rylee Jane I'm not playing with you, get in the car." He demands down to my height as he points to the car fuming in anger.

"No." I demand as I push him away from me. I continue walking as I make my way through the streets and pass bars as I get closer into the city.

"Fine. Walk home." He yells behind me as I hear his truck door open and slam before his tires squeal and he's off. I'm stunned when I see him turn at the stoplight and leave me on the street. I'm mad, but I didn't expect him to leave. Just leave? Like that? I thought he'd tell me what's been going on in his head and that we could agree on where to go from here. I didn't think he would just leave me in the middle of Atlanta by myself. I can take care of myself but this hurts, it's like he's continuing to break my heart without knowing it.

I look around and I know I'm a few blocks from the hospital so I start walking. It's not too late so the streets are still full of people partying tonight so I don't feel all that alone. But what makes me feel vulnerable is when I realize that I'm a street away from the spot that Mr. Galloway was mugged at. I pull my pepper spray on my keys out and stuff it in my pocket ready to use as I keep walking.

I make it past the hospital and contemplate asking one of my coworkers for a ride but decide against it when I look into the glass windows of the ER on the first floor and see how many people are there on a Friday night. So I keep walking, and make it past the alleyway.


That's until I hear yells and grunts. My panic sets in when I hear cheers coming from-, below my feet? I look down at the street and then to the alleyway as I see big men blocking an entrance. When a crowd of people rush past me, I'll pulled towards it. I know I shouldn't want to know what it is, but I'm curious. I go the doors as I look at the men taking up twenty bucks from each person and looking at ID's. I hide behind the group as they get in, and make my way into the side entrance that's left unoccupied as I open the door.

What I don't expect to see is a full blown underground bar with a big ring in the middle. Women line the walls in tight pants and leather jackets while getting drinks and then bleachers are full of people placing bets. It smells like alcohol and sweat, it smells like frat parties in college.

That's when I realize what this is, it's an underground fighting ring. I look around as I'm pushed to the back of the crowd and two men enter from different doors onto the ring. One looks huge and buff, and the other is even bigger and buffer.

The announcer says a few things and introduces "Big Butcher" and "The Kill man" before the guys hit gloves. The one who grabs my attention though is called "The Kill man" and I know why all these girls are here now. He's hot, he's so tall and has the biggest muscles I've ever seen. His shirtless body is trailed with a six pack and long deep v-line while his hair is dark chocolate brown. His eyes are the most crystal blue I've ever seen and I can tell it from afar and his teeth aren't messed up, they're in his mouth and I can see them when he smiles at the girls.

When the fight starts he's relentless. He's so quick with his fists that he's practically killing his opponent. He wins all the rounds, without getting hit many times at all. When he's announced the winner he doesn't have a scratch on his body.

I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket and I know it's Jacob so I cut the vibration off as I keep watching the ring. I don't have any words to say to Jacob, and nobody knows I'm here since I'm wearing a baseball hat and coat. I don't know anyone here anyway.

"And the winner is the Kill man!" They announce as I continue watching. Looking into the bleachers money is exchanged and I know this place is extremely illegal when I see how much is being transferred.

Seeing the fight is over I make my way back through the doors as I finally take a breath of clean air. I know what that noise was now, but I'm never going back in there. I hide my way until I'm back on the street and continue walking away.

"Fuck, I know." I hear a man's voice behind the corner as I stop down a block five minutes later. Then it starts again, "I'm not letting you win when your a piece of shit." He says again and I realize it's the "Kill Man" as they call him. One things for certain he almost killed the man I think he's talking too.

"That's not what we agreed on. I just lost fifty thousand dollars!" The man exclaims as I hear a gun shot. My heart stops when I cover my mouth to stay quiet. I hope someone didn't just get killed and I heard it all. Fuck Jacob for leaving me in this situation.

"What the fuck?! You asshole! I'm the best in the underground division." I hear the man's voice as I stay calm. Then I hear footsteps as I continue to hide. What the fuck have I just heard? It's all because Jacob spent damn money on baseball tickets.

"Carter he shot my foot. Asshole." I hear as I stay silent. He must be on the phone.

"Nah it's bleeding too bad I can't walk on it." He tells him calmly.

"Yeah made fifty thousand tonight, next month it's doubling." He tells him as I stay still. Fifty thousand? Oh my goodness.

"I'll call someone, just come and get me if I call you back." He tells him. Feeling brave for once and knowing that my training in the emergency room has dealt with gun shot wounds I step back towards the alley when the phone call ends.

"Fuck that hurt" he mutters and I know he's in pain. I have to help him.

"Oh my goodness are you okay?" I ask as I see him sitting down with his shoe off.

"I'll be fine. Fell in a hole, scraped my foot up." He lies as he finally looks up and I see his face. He's got on a black hat and hoodie with jeans and his jawline, oh my goodness his jawline could cut glass. He looks at me as I grab my wallet and pull out my badge from the hospital to show him.

"I'm a nurse and I heard a gunshot when I was walking home. I work in the ER and the hospital is a block away." I tell him bending down to his height as I look at it.

"I'm not going to hospital. Go home." He tells me as I look at his big body. He's so beautiful and handsome and I know I shouldn't think that about him but he's so hot. That's all I can think about.

"Let me help you." I tell him as I grab his foot. "No, fuck!" He exclaims when I move it and he tries to stop me.

"Shut up and accept my help." I tell him as I take my coat off. "Do you have a belt?" I ask him as I evaluate the wound.

"Don't wear them" he tells me as I pull up my oversized tee and unbutton my belt. He watches and I feel his eyes on my head as I wrap it around his lower leg and ankle to stop the blood flow.

"Shit, give me your hoodie." I tell him pointing to it as he takes it off his head and slips it to me. I wrap it around his foot as I see the gun shot wound, it's bad.

"We need to get you to a hospital" I tell him not knowing his name. "I'm not going to a damn hospital!" He tells me as he squirms his foot with his shirtless chest is on display with a tattoo on his bicep and upper body.

"Then where can I walk you? You have to get the bullet out or you're going to bleed to death!" I exclaim as I start. "Wrap your arms around my neck." I exclaim as I help him stand and almost fall over myself. But I smell his scent and he smells so good, intoxicatingly good.

"Holy fuck you weight more than I expected." I tell him as I manage to get out a small laugh with him.

"Two fifty and six foot six" he tells me as I hold him into my side and make him grab my jacket.

"Where is your car?" I ask as he shakes his head no. "Give me your keys" I tell him again as he walks in pain on one foot.

"I'll drive. My house not the hospital." He tells me as I stare at him. He's been shot and he's fucking insane. I don't feel all that comfortable going anywhere with someone I don't know. I was just going to get him to a hospital.

"No offense but I don't know you and I was going to get you to the hospital for help." I tell him as he gets into the drivers seat of a Ford Raptor as I open the passengers side door.

"I'm Jaxton Rutledge. 27, and I just want you to get this bullet out of my damn foot, no hospital, I'll pay you." He tells me as I crack a smile laughing at him.

"Fine, but I'm not a surgeon and I can't promise you I'll be the best, you don't have to pay me. I'll try, I'm Rylee Jane, 22." I tell him as he nods in agreement.

"I don't want to kill you promise." He tells me as he cracks me a smile and extends his pinky promising me as I laugh.

"Shit, get in the car!" He tells me as I look back and see more men. "I'm not playing with you get in the damn car!" He tells me as I see them walking towards us. What I don't expect is to feel Jaxton pull me into the car and slam the door before he takes off speeding away.

"Shit. Fucking dammit!" He exclaims as he speeds through the back streets. I look behind us and don't see he's being followed as he keeps driving fast.

"Slow down! What's the big deal?" I ask as he pulls through the streets. He doesn't answer until he's pulling up to a huge security gate and enters before pulling to his house. His big fancy house with a huge garage. He pulls in and parks as I open the door and help him out. He wraps his arm around my back as I help him into the house. But when I see what it is, I'm astonished.

He's rich but in a classy way. His home is modern but it's nice and I love it.

"The couch" he mumbles as I help him in and sit down on the couch. "First aid kit in the bathroom." He points as I push away from him and go to the bathroom finding it in the cabinet in seconds.

"Don't scream." Are the first words out of my mouth when I get back and take his sock off. I grab the alcohol and pour it on his foot as I place a pillow over his head.

"Give me a few minutes" I explain as he screams into the pillow. I had no idea this is how my night was going to turn out, what the hell?

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