《Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3 (Recontinued) ^_^》Cha 48. Off Two Find.


Since Off the accident From Earlier of Yesterday, They were Obviously very Scared of this new contraction buy Rascals Plan.

(Morning at. 6:00 Early.)

Rascals POV

I was The only one who they can trust, and I'm glad that they choose a way to follow my plans of My old Friends. I went up outta bed on the couch then sat up an Thinking to myself of how we could all fix this together. I hope my Old friends won't Be mad at me when if we can turn them Back two the way they were when I've made them Evil buy my sakes.

Will it was not me. It Was Nogo who did it.

My Stupid Master Buy not Giving a single garbage about me. But it's just my disingenuous buy getting help buy me and the Glitter Force. Over a while it was Raining, it completely Stop After Fang had almost destroy us in his evil plans and even trying to let me and Breeze going up in the sky buy him. Hope that never happens again during my sakes, since I'm magically, well still. My body has been healing well since yesterday then before when Breeze Founded me during myself being punched out of the sky buy Fangknight. It was very dreadful in its own ways. But I'm better now, I can fly now and it's my time two change of what I've done and continue towards having a good life in my Childhood from Right now. I Hope The Girls Can Trust them even for me.

(-My Friends. I'm Consider Coming For you.)

He Suddenly Got up and sat buy the table while he was all done talking towards his head and getting dress buy not wearing his old clothes but the clothes that he got from Chloe.

(He Sat in the Kitchen.)

It was finally Sunny out well a little bit, since it's still wet out there. The girls suddenly started Waking up buy the Sun and started getting ready for there selfs.

"Morning guys." Rascal Says. "Morning." Chloe Said. and they all Agreed buy there awakening. "You guys Ready two go Two find my old friends in jubiland?" He said. "Yeah we're Ready, but not right at this minute, Since we're all getting ready." Kelsey Said. As April and Lilly also got up and getting dress.

He Waits for them including Chloe. He Wanted to go right now two stop the madness of the new bad guys. But instead he had two wait since the girls are Getting Ready for it. He then waited for a few minutes when getting Bored until Chloe was talking two him while talking the others when all done Getting Ready. "Hey I'm all ready." She said two Rascal letting him look at her. "Great, Then lets go then." "But you have two wait for my friends, since there still getting ready." She said to him in a nice face. "Ugh Fine." He Said. "Hope it doesn't Take two long." He said in mind.

*He waited for them two be done in like 5 Minutes.*

They were finally all done getting ready and Told Them that there all set.

(They all went outside)

"Ok Guys, we're all Done." Lilly Asked. "Yeah." As Candy said sitting on the couch still. "We're all set from your agreement Rascal" April Said. "Finally!" He Asked. "Well are you guys ready." Kelsey Said.

As they all Said yes in one Group. (Outside)

"Ok Gather around" Rascal Said. As they all Gather buy him getting his tricks ready. He used one of his Old Buffon Balls an put them together into a huge ball, Covering the hole Group, including Himself.


"WHOA" As the hole Group Said Getting Creeped out. "What's Going on?!" April Said "You'll Find out later Glitter Spring." He Suddenly Said. They all hold there hands together one buy one an quickly.

"Hold on tight Ladies." As His Huge Ball Went up in the sky instead of teleportation, since he's still Hurting a little bit. The ball spin them around and around an circles, causing them to get dizzy except for him. Even for him he's use two it. "Ooooo I feel Dizzy." "Same." Emily&Candy Said as the girls also did the same. "Don't worry you girls get use two it."He said as the big Buffon ball went up in the sky with them.

"Look how far are we!!"Chloe Said. "I Know Right." Rascal Said Back. "Don't try to look down guys."

He replied Again when still holding on two the girls.

(Teleportinng Up in the sky.)

(They Made it Two Jubiland.)

Once they've entered There, They land down and Rascals ball went pop like a bubble when landing.

"Whoa Its Been a while." Chloe Said. As the girls also agree when not being in jubiland for a very long time. "Let's just Focus on we're we need two be." He said to the girls as they looked around the place and it was still the same. "This is clearly we're you have Beaten us when saving Candy." Emily Said two him. "Yeah well Ugh... let's not talk about that." He said back. After talking, they all approach two the castle an find Rascals Friends, His Old Friends.

He puts his Hood up so they wouldn't Know that it is the joker coming with them.

(And he is on the good side.)

(The pixies looked)

Pixie 1: "Look, The Girls Have Came Back."

As they all run Forward two them and Cheered.

The Pixies Noticed The Girls have came back and return As they were all happy, Until They've Spotted someone else who was with him. Once they all noticed it, they all were talking about him and decided two Ask the girls of who is with them.

Pixie 2: "Uhh Princesses, Who is That.?"

She Cried when looking constantly Confused.


"No One, He's With us." As the Girls figured.

Pixie 3: "Huh wait, It's a He??" The boy Pixie Said.

"Of Course He is?!" Apirl Ask the Pixie.

"Well if so.?"

"Could we have a look at him.?" 1 Pixie Said.

Rascal Suddenly Started two get nervous a little bit and looks back to the candy Houses. "Uhhhhhhh That wouldn't be necessary because uh Uh?"

Once Emily forgot of what The words to say to them. Kelsey helped her out buy getting involved and in front of her. And same two Lilly. As the others went back, hiding him. "HE SPECIAL! And???? doesn't want to be mugged?!!" Kelsey Said in front and looking down at them so they Wouldn't get frightened two much. "Yeah He's helping out on us two clean or build you're guys Candy houses. As Candy told them about it, going down to there level.

"Well if so, then okay then." As the boy pixie Said

As all of the pixies were agreeing buy talking two one another then move on to there work and told the girls bye and see ya later.

"Ok Guys, see and talk two you guys later."

(As they all went off.)

As Rascal Sighs and phews rudely then looks at Chloe, holding his hands calmly "You'll-be ok Rascal." As the girls also looked at them an also giving them a quick sigh as well. "Thank you Chloe" "Just lay low joker." Emily said as Lilly also ask when picking Candy back up. "Yes!" "Now follow, we're almost there." April Said.


(Walking Towards The Castle.)

They've told one of the worker Pixies that where are the bigger pixies witch it prefer to be one of Rascals Friends. "Hey Uh, excuse me but ?" As one of the workers looked at them. "Would you have happen two see three big pixies around here?. "That are The colors of Blue, Red an Green?." Emily said when there were behind the castle.

"Oh uh, sure girls, Could you name them for us?"

As one Worker said. "They are the names of Ulric.

Brute and Brooha." Candy Said as Lilly Holden her.

"Uhhhh, Sorry we Don't know one of those people since it's been a while like in 5 Years or Maybe I'm guessing." The worker Pixie Said. "Oh well Thanks."

Emily said. Turning there backs to ask more pixies.


(A pretty Pixie with three Diamonds on her head and a Bow on top of her head, coming Straight towards them with some information and helping.)

"Perhaps I can help." As one Pixie said towards them while turning there heads to her. She Was all Light Blue with white with a short Pretty sparkly dress on, short dark ears, a Dark long tail and a Jewel on her neck just like candy, but different And was older like pop. (She has a diamond Blue an Light blue jewel.)

"Oh you will ?" Emily ask. "Of Course oh and Allow me to introduce myself." I am Rihanna, One of Candys best Friends." As Candy went out of Lilly's arms and hug her tightly. "It's Very nice two see you again Rihanna.!" She said. "Hehe, nice two see you two Queen Candy. "She said back, letting her go and looked at them. "Now, so you guys must be the Glitter Force, am I right.?" She said, walking a little bit. "Well Yes we are, I'm Emily. And these are my friends." She said, giving her a smile. "Well it is very nice to meet you gu-. Once She was about to speak more. She noticed some weird guy right next to Chloe with a Sweater and a hoodie on. She gets confused then wanted to ask the girls of who is this person. "And who is that Behind you Girls??"

"Don't worry he's with us." Kelsey said. "Ok, that's good but may I take a look at him real quick." She said Causing Rascal getting nervous again. He Says in his mind *Not This Again.* "No No It's- It's fine Rihanna." Candy said As They all got scared.

"Guys Just let me Look, I'm sure it's nothing and fine." Emily didn't wanted to feel bad for her so she had no choice but to let her go buy. "Alright I guess." she said leading the rest confused and scared.

"Emily are you serious?" Kelsey said. "Trust me guys, she wouldn't know that it's the joker over in Second in command." As she whispers. Chloe gets in Front of Rascal. "It's a good explanation to this." Chloe Said two Rihanna. "Hmmm? It's Glitter Breeze. Right?"She ask. "Yes it is." "Chloe let her go buy." Kelsey said quickly and quietly. "May I see him real quick." She then Sighs. "Ok I'll pick you up to let you see." Chloe said while the joker was getting nervous again. Rihanna then Accepted the caring then allows her to pick her up buy the hands two have a look at him. "What are you doing Chloe." Rascal Said while still wearing his Hood.

"It's ok. I don't mean any harm person like them."

Rihanna said. She puts her two Paul hands on him.

"Ooooooo ok, looks human enough."

Has the same skin tone that's good." "Now let's take your hood off and reveal yourself as truly." She said while Chloe getting nervous while still holding her buy the hands as Rascal try's not two move slightly. He blushes a little. *What are you doing?* he said.

She Takes Rascals hood off, Revealing his Jester hair and still wearing the mask and his ears covered buy the hair tie. "OH MY GOODNESS!?!?" She Said. "Well you sure have such a good look on you." As he and the girls gotten confused and she is not mad but impress and glad. "Who are you person????" She said with a smile. "It's ok two lie, you know I can read it and sense it." He was starting to get Funny vibes towards the pixie, until he decided to not lie than tell the truth just like the others. "It's Rascal." He said calmly at Rihanna.

Once he said his name. She started to realize that he's the Joker of Second in command but although she doesn't mind, since it's been forever and nothing new. "Now Hold on, "WAIT JUST A MINUTE?!." "Are you Rascal The Joker.?" She said letting them get Nervous and scared again. 'Yup.' He Replied. "Wow guess you have changed." Wait you're not mad!?" Chloe and The others replied. "Huh? no why wouldn't I be,? I was just curious but a little bit furious." In That Case, Come with me, I'll show you where you're Friends are Rascal. Chloe then Puts Rihanna Down and Candy follows her leading him constantly Confused and negative. "Guess she hasn't been startled that easily."He Replied Two Chloe then went off two follow Rihanna.

(Follows Her.)

They then made it inside at the castle when the queen was here for a very long time but they she's free. "I miss our queen." Candy Said while all of them went inside the castle. "I Do Two." Rihanna said to candy. "But she will live a good life up in heaven with in us in jubiland." "Could We keep a move on.?!" Rascal ask still rudely two her. As he had gotten little hit buy Chloe. (Hits.) "Rascal!! said Whispering. "What??" "Yes Yes sorry, let's get a move on, since I know you guys are in a hurry or something two fine them. She said walking with them. "Well not for us actually" Lilly explain.

"Well that's good two know. Rihanna Says.

Once they were in the castle, they've suddenly noticed the Big Chair where there queen was sitting and seen then three pixies playing with each other buy the giant Seat. Oh Here they are. Rihanna said pointed at them situation. "Wheeeeee." The Three pixies said Playing. "Are these the pixies that you're looking for." Why Yes Rihanna, those are the pixies of Ulric, Burte and Booha. Rascal went up to them.

"Wait Rascal, they won't remember you."

Rihanna said

GUYS!! He said.

"Who are you!?!" Pixie Ulric Said.

(As they all went down all together.)

"I'm One if you're Best Friends you know you're evil friend from Second in command Of Rascal? me???" He suddenly said quickly as they were all confused until Brute Pixie Answered. "Never Heard of it.?

"Do you want two play with us!?" Brooha Pixie Said.

"YEA. Also Love you're Hair it's very nice."

Ulric Pixie Said. Rascal Started two get very upset about it and never known that they remembered him as truly. He was out of answers for them and walks away two the others an sighs. "I Told you that they weren't going two remember you, they've change and you can't give them the past of what Happened when they were monsters, especially you." Rihanna said. "N-NO!" You don't understand, they are my Friends." "Well they were, until you ruined there favorite storylines and been Brainwashed-buy nogo." "How do you know all of this Rihanna?" Chloe Said. I was doing some Research of the bad guys like if bad people were truly real in it's different ways, and however I was right on that." Once she said, as the Three pixies Approach them happily and wonder of what the were talking about. And the girls were very shocked to Noticed Rihanna's smart ways when-understanding. "Well I've never noticed or known them." Kelsey said. "Same to us As well.?" April ask. Looking at them. "Well I know that guys But the reason that we are here pixie, is because that we need there help." He Replied Rudely as the three pixies started to get scared. "And why is that joker.?" She ask turning around two him. "You Really never said goodbye to them until you left, melted until someone requested to wish you, since Pop told me about it. How can you possibly wanted their help!?"

"Because theirs New ones." Emily Said going into the conversation. Rihanna grew in shock and all in the castle, Gasp. Huh!? What do you mean there's new ones.!?" Rihanna Asked. "Because we've Seen it in the art book of legends. "Since that's why we're here. April explain. "Yeah, and the Wheel of doomed is ticking Again over of there Arrival, and trying two kill us." Lilly Said. "That's why we're here." Well I Suppose, let me go look in my Dictionary.

(She goes two her Glitter Table on the left side.)

As She Went holding her book, Putting her glasses on, looking and searching for it if it's true or not. "Holy cruelest!?" There Really are new bad people in the story after all. What knowledge two know. Now do you understand Rascal Said and completely complain. "Well Then I guess there is another way an one option to turn them back she said letting the other talk two her but she was talking more about it. "That's if you will treat them right then treating them Meanly buy revealing Emperor Nogo.?" (The Three Pixies got scared.) Yes "I promise I will treat them right, as long as my Master doesn't Brainwash me again me over the years." He Said to her kindly. "And Chloe, Take care of him and the others as well." She said next to him on the right and the others in the back. "I will."

"Now, Tell Them how you feel. "Or I won't give you guys the potion to turn them back." She said Putting the antidote in her pocket.

(The potion is a Light Blue With A rainbow Color.)

Okay. Rascal starts talking two them nice and not rudely cause if he didn't. Rihanna wouldn't except it.

Hi, Sorry I was Rude two all of you. Hai it's nice two meet you pixies. He suddenly said giving vibes.

"It's okay, I'm Ulric and this is Burte an Brooha."

Pixie Brooha: Hi!

Pixie Brute: "Is the World in Danger!?"

"What No of course not. However you guys are my best friends, and you know I can't risk that.

He suddenly said, Hugging them. Leading them happy that he's became friends with them once again. As the girls said Awww Two them. "Aww!"

Rihanna Couldn't believe of what she sees, so she Decided to give him the potion anyway. As Rascal Stops Hugging Them. "Hmm, Guess This Storys gonna be a Pretty touching fairytale." Rihanna Said. "Anyways Here's the potion, But be careful, they Won't Forgive you quite enough so Just give them a few exchanges for them two calm down, tell them the Real Apology and tell them of what happened alright.!?" Rihanna Said. "Well I hope things will change for the better. Emily said. You sure have such a lot of smart in you pixie but thanks." As Rascal held on two the potion two turn them back.

(He puts it on them. Causing Black smoke and pretty glitter all over them. As himself and the girls, Candy and Rihanna Backed up. "What's Going on??!!" Chloe said. Soon as it was Finally finish. They Revealed there sled as truly in flesh as Rascals old bad guys started two return over the years.

(Rascals Friends.)

"Ugh?!?!" Where am I!? Ulric Said.

"What is this?!? We're are we." Brute Replied.

"UGH....What Year is this?!? " Brooha Explained

Once they Turn two Two look at what place they were at, they suddenly noticed that they were in jubiland and spotted the team and The old long lost Friend. "You are you Guys an- They started looking at there old Friend. "RASCAL!? They Said.

"They Started two get confused and upset."

They Started two Almost Tortured him

Until the girls got involved and in front of them.

"You're Going two pay of what you did to us Rascal."

Brute Said.

Tries two fight him until they all blocked him to the joker then the joker flying up a little off.)

"Now Now, I Know you guys are mad at me but I'm sure there a good Viable exclamation." He Said.

"HOW?!" Brooha Replied.

"You guys just have two Trust me, you see, there's a big incident of me. "Yeah and how are you alive though that's impossible. Ulric said. "Well that's why we're Here Chloe Said Coming into the talking. Me and the Glitter Force Came two Get you guys And there are new evil people in the story."

(He said when flying back Down.)

"Why!!!??" Ulric Said.

"YEA Tell us why we're Should trust you!?!"

Brooha said.

Because Glitter Breeze wished him, and they are all in danger." Rihanna Said. As Rascals Friends Gotten Shock out of there Core.

"And why do we care?" Brute Said.

Because you will until you Trust us and Rascal. Emily Said. When getting closer two them.

Ugh Fine, but we're not Gonna give you another chance Rascal you hear, we're just gonna help you guys but not be come friends with you.

But He's Changed candy said.

Doesn't matter little pixie. Ulric said.

Well since yourself did you guys have to trust me or not because we're having something bad towards new people in the story. He Suddenly Said.

"Well Fine buy me." Brooha reacted an said.

Same what in unlucky day of this discussion for him and the Glitter Force.

Brute Said.

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