《Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3 (Recontinued) ^_^》Cha 46. The Lightning Way.


Once They've Heard something in there way in the middle of the stormy Weather. They continued their Horror Shockness while it was heck of raining in the Downtown City. "What in the World" April Said.


"Hahaha. "Time to get my bad Nights On with a little pinch of wet Rain hehe. (As he jumps down.)

The girls and Rascal Heard his Foot steps coming near there path, as they stop walking and all frost at the scary stuff happening. "Hahaha." Fang Laughed while jumping on one of the boxes. "Huh?" Emily looking Right and same did everyone else.

"ITS HIM!?" As they all said.


HAHA!, Long time No see,!! Did you really think that you guys could Get rid of me that easily."

He said at them buy at least 8 Feet. "An Did you know that you have a Troublemaker liar next to you guys, Which confirms The Joker?!." He Said to The Joker betraying his own master, emperor Nogo. "Or should I say- Old master I should say." He Suddenly Said when being disturbed and disgusted in Rascals New style.

(As Rascal Said)

"FANG!?" "His Name is fangknight!! H-he's the one who had almost Defeated me in Battle and also almost Killed me in the sky.!" Rascal Yelled and Yelped hardly.

"OH, I How am I not surprised?" April Said in front.

"Oh How dreadful, guess I have to put you guys out of my misery like the last time on this and paint the future black."

Fang said as soon as he got out his book.

"We can't let that happen?!" Chloe Said.

"Oops Two late!!!" Fangknight Repeated.

(As he Laughs.) 'Now' Time two Reveal My New Master. Emperor Nogo!"

(Wheel of doom Ticks again.)

(Clock Strike (4/12)

(Turning The sky went very dark And More Rain.)

The people at The outside store that they were in started moaning terribly causing pain in depression.

Hahaha!! "That's some amazing Negative Energy!!"

Fang Repeated while looking at the book. (Flying.)

"How is this possible?!" Candy said.

"This is muni!?!?" Kelsey Remarked.

"Then we must Destroy Him before it's to late."

Once they all said that, The Princesses grab out there glitter packs an Transformed until Rascal Backs Away a little while looking. (Chloe helps him.)

(They put there gifts On the Tables in the city)

✨ (Glitter Force Make Over) ✨

(As Magic Starts two happened)

(10 Minutes)

Emily/Lucky: A fabulous shimmer a glow in your heart.

Kelsey/Sunny: When you mess with me, you're playing with fire,

Lilly/Peace: Puppy's & Kittens, The power of love-

Apirl/Spring: A force is strong, as the light itself.

(As Candy Did the same.) AH YAY!!!! YEAH!!

(Shining bright, here comes the Glitter Force!!)

*As Fang Yawned*

Fang: "AnyWho, back to the tour like before."

(Buffon!, Come on down!!!!!)

As he said. over the Darkest Buffon becoming a gift Bag Buffon form there gifts they gotten.

"Bufffffffooonn!!!" It Said.

"Whoa it's a darkest Buffon?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?" Candy said while in her human form.

They all are Transformed except for Chloe, she wanted two wait and Keep Rascal Safe from Fang an the others killing him from his soul. She Gets in front of Him, leading him scared for the fight an battle in the stormy rain. "Chloe why aren't you Transforming.?" Sunny Said. "Girls I'll Catch up, go and Defeat him I'll keep Rascal Safe. She said to the others while Rascal Greeted her safety towards himself being scared but she will transform Later if needed. "Ok Chloe!!" Lucky remarked at her While turning back.


(The Others including Candy.)

"You know you don't have to protect me Chloe I could protect you two."

Rascal Said When she looks at him.

"Not The Time Rascal, besides you need to be protected buy the new Generation including him." She asked back.

"But you're Glitter Pack?" He Says

"I don't Need it. "Yet." She ask him While he answered.

"Okay. But I can fight him two!!"

"You can't you're still in pain I can tell, so please."

(As she Spread her arms up, Protecting him)

"Well , I sometimes suppose you're not Wrong"

"Yes Rascal in fact you cannot Fly that much, only floating a little since of your scratches and bruises

Are still healing, So you must be protected."

Chloe Mention it to him again.

The Girls we're trying to fight the Buffon, but the Buffon was two powerful so they had no choice but two use the power up princess Mode as the glitter Box and Pack started talking.

It Said.

(There in Princess mode.)

Haha you you Really Think that's going two stop The Buffon from your Silly toys? "Think again."

Since it was getting Serious, the girls never gave up from there fighting process like before in there years while fighting with one of the other Bad Guys.

Buffon Kick Lucky with its long dark purple leg and punched Spring with it's dark blue left arm after.

(Agh!!) Sunny Said. Are you girls ok?!!!!!"

"Yeah." Peace said. Y-yea as Lucky and Spring got up, shaking a little. "GIRLS!!" Candy Said. As she also Turn to the Buffon an trying two Defeat it.

"GUYS!!" Chloe Said when her and Rascal back to at least 6 Feet away. They suddenly walked quickly and quietly away front the girls Fighting the buffoon and trying to Hide Him, until Fangknight spotted and Known that there were running or hiding from her, saving him. "HA!" Fang said towards Chloe and Rascal. "Leaving so soon??" He recall them in shock. "What do you want from us?!?!" Chloe says. "Hmmm How about You and The Joker. As they Gotten scared an Gasp. "Hmmm I obviously wanted him but the both should do. As he said. WHAT!? As they both said.

Fang suddenly started Two use his powers and turned it into a tornado, putting them into it while the girls were busy. (Fang Laughs again.)

"HELP." They Recall. (Rascal/Chloe, Stuck)

While Fang Uses his tornado to Jail them inside

Lucky looked at the Tornado and Noticed Rascal and Chloe suck an Stuck in the Situation.

CHLOE,JOKER!! Candy said when almost got punched but the bag Darkest Buffon. Candy moving side to side being busy. "Don't worry will help you."as they all got on there feet. "Haha." And how are you going to do that, my powers two powerful, how could you possibly try to damage my tornado. bring it on." As Fangknight went closer to the fight. Hold the tornado, causing the girls to do everything at once. "Lucky, Don't worry, me, Candy & Spring will fight this big 18Ft Monster. Sunny said turning her head instead of her body. "Ok Be careful girls."

She quickly runs and jumps two the top of the buildings, telling Fang two put them down.


HEY!!! Fang looked down. Hold the tornado with his right arm. "PUT THEM DOWN!!"

"Or What? you don't have the guts Princess."

Besides They Deserve of what they've got, Since you're dear partner of your glitter force friend, has wish this criminal that lost everything and being betrayed by Nogo." "How could you possibly know when understanding this joker creep.??" Fang said, looking down at lucky while being honest.



Lucky Help us Rascal said over Chloe almost passing out. Don't worry, I'm Coming. As she jumps but it was to late because fang punched her with his giant cloud hand hard. "Now, You're coming with me Joker and this girl is also coming with me. Hahaha.

As he floating higher but that did not stop Lucky.

Once she jumped very high, she told Rascal to wake Chloe up over distraction Fang while he looked up almost taking them. "RASCAL! TELL CHLOE TO WAKE UP." As he heard her Voice. Okay! Chloe, Breeze!! Rascal Said. "Huh?? W-where am I?"

"what happened?" "WHERE BEING TAKING AND LUCKY CANNOT GET US OUT OF HERE, WERE TWO HIGH." "Wait? *As she looks down below* "WERE FLYING." Chloe says. "OMG! I should've used my glitter Pack." "WELL YOU HAVE IT?! USE IT NOW!!!!!"

(Glitter Force Makeover)

Chloe/Breeze: Cool and Swift, as the winter wind.

"Yeah Yeah Hurry up.!" Rascal Said two her Scared.

(As Fang Went took them up to the clouds.)

Rascal Looks at Chloe Transforming to at least one minute then ten. "Okay WE!?- Have two Know how two get outta here until we're toast to the sky."

(As she said, Thinking of a plan.)

"Well Better make it quick." He Said.

Okay Told on right Joker." Breeze Said.

When After Breeze Was all done thinking of a plan. She hold on tight to Rascal then uses her Powers of ice, Freezing the tornado and Rushed off to from his tornado, leading down two the ground for at least 7 miles. "Hold on Tight Rascal." She suddenly used her ultimate power on her demands.

Glitter Force!!!!" SPARKLE!!!!!, SNOW FLAKES!!!!"

AHHHHWHOA." (The joker Freaked out.)

As they finally Breaked thought.

"Huh?!" Fangknight Said looking down, When they Been released from his power.

YES!!!! Way to Go Breeze!!! He Said.

"Yes!!!! I New that they can do it." Lucky said looking up.

"Buffon!! KICK!" As the Buffon lower his leg, kicking Peace. As Sunny helps her up and Spring Defenses and uses her speed. Soon as Breeze and Rascal Touched the ground. they were very confused and highly scared over buy Fang kidnapping them. But they'll worry about that later, Since they have something at there selves right now but his plans. "YES you Save them Lucky." Candy said. "Well.. not exactly, however she save Herself with him." Soon as she told that to Candy she answered. "What do you mean she save herself with him?"

(Lucky Respond) Minds she did Buy transforming buy fangs plan when flying up when they wee almost being kidnapping. Ok Well that's good to know you guys ok Human Candy ask Yes me and Rascal are good we.-

Over being Interrupted by the talking the Darkest Buffon slapped them out of the building while they were talking on top of the Building.

"Let's make a end to this guys." As Lucky looking back when getting back on her feet.

Girls There is only one way to win this

Peace Suddenly Use her lighting powers and so did everyone else. However. They all uses there powers all together and Summon a special force inside there friendship. Until Fangknight came back down to Congress them. Including Rascal and Chloe

(Fang Went back all the way down)

"Oh you've out done yourself, for getting out of my tornado. "How clever." He says. Enough Talk Breeze said. "Why did you Kidnapped us?!" He didn't answer until it was time to Defeat the Darkest Buffon once and for all. "We aren't going without a fight." Sunny Said. "You Ready girls?!, let's do this."

(The Joker suddenly helped them.)

Candy Stopped him. Joker What are you doing. She said, pushing him back buy the gifts.

"I want to Help two." You can't you still need two be healed plus you guys had almost been taking buy Fang of darkness, or should I say you're guys enemy. She said over He Replied. What!? pixie, you're Ridiculous. how can you expect that he is our Enemy!?

"Because Breeze Wished you back to life. And it's the truth. And if Fangknight gets you guys again. "They will do something back and horrible and destroying our world, witch you hardly don't do that anymore I recommend. Human Candy Said looking at Rascal buy the girls gifts. "I Think you are Correct but certainly I don't wait two see his face again." He said larking into the dark, hiding.

They all Defeated the darkest Buffon buy fangs power Since Rascal can't Communicate with them because they are two power to handle. So he had no choice but two fight along with them. If so. Hehe they can't possibly doing what there think there doing. Fang said still flying in the rain. The girls suddenly talk towards there feelings one buy one as the Darkest Buffon Has gotten defeat.

(Buffffffffffooooonnnn) it Said, turning back into a pink gift basket. As the girls cheer together one buy one. "Ugh Curse you glitter force, you will never see the last of me, I will kiddnap Them one day!!!!!"

Fang said Angry. *He Teleported back*

"YAY It's finally done and over!" as they hug one another. Once they were all done hugging. Breeze told Rascal to come on out and said that it's over. For now. "Hey. Come on it's ok she said as the rain Was back to normal and to also the People in the down town city. "Phew,"What a relief as." he Stepped out of the Dark, standing in front of the girls. "Honestly i don't know why they almost had gotten kidnapped." Peace said Scared. "Well I'm sure they won't they kidnap ever again Spring Shouted miserable. (Sighs.) next time will try to stay hidden but the rest of Fangknight plans and the Others and to also Act casual." Sunny Said. Well Sunnys Got a point. Lucky said as Candy also Agreed with them.

They Transform back to There normal self.

Even Candy.

They hurry, getting outta here. Out of the downtown.

Kelsey: I don't know what is happening but I can tell that I do not like it. She said when looking at the normal.

Emily. Calm down Guys, it will be alright. will try to defend ourselves and kill them and making it a good ending. She said putting her hand up.

"Now... Who's with me!!"

Kelsey: Yeah!!!

April: I'm with you Emily.

Candy: Yeah!!!!

Lilly: Exactly, Make it a happy ending and we will try right along within it.

As they putted there hand up and down like a team.

"Chloe What about you?" Kelsey said. Chloe would expect it but not right now because if Rascals injuries buy him near there gifts. Chloe!? Oh sorry Yes Yea.as she said hold the girls gifts and hold his hand over him being scared again. "Chloe you know we still can't give him a chance over in our team line way Emily confessed. "I know- but please, please just let him in the team!" Chloe remarked, Standing him up buy running away from the City while it was still raining Near the lake. Kelsey didn't appreciate it, but she can give it a try and same towards the others. Emily greeted them sighs. Ok Chloe you be can be in the team. She said as Chloe was having an Rascal Also happy but still Furious.

Ready TEAM!!! They all said.

Now we must get going to Chloe's House.

As they Went back Quickly into or out of the rain.

End Chapter.

Pretty longtime to finish's this one but I'm happy right along with it. The others from Fang will come and do the same thing like before in Nogos new generation, just like the others in the show.

Want to find out? Tune in next time!! ;)

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