《Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3 (Recontinued) ^_^》Cha 45. Morning Time.


It was finally morning, one minute over a few hours Chloe's alarm went off then got ready for her okay day as Usual. Rascal was still asleep, so she decided to let him sleep for a little while. she will wake him up last when she wakes up the girls first. She gotten all dressed up for at least five minutes then brush her beautiful soft glowing blue hair as she when brushing her teeth after. Chloe then went back downstairs to wake the girls up for the day to hang out and same to the joker. If it's safe. Winter was still out there. But they realize that they didn't care for much.

Chloe's POV

I wanted to go downstairs for a little while to wake up my friends for our winter day that we're having, including Rascal. But I'm sure things will work out as always or usual. It was still cloudy and still winter out. But for me I don't really Care about the seasons that much, except for spring. Spring doesn't Suit my style because of the big Sunny Spotlight and other things. But it's fine. I'd went to make some breakfast for a little bit for all of the girls. So that way we can all still Active onto what we're doing. I didn't wanted to wake them up right now since I'm pretty much busy cooking for them for a little sec.

*Chloe Cooking for 25 minutes.*

Emily and the others heard something going on in back, cooking. They suddenly spelled a wonderful thing while the girls known the same. "Mmmm what's that smell." Candy said. As They all got up to know on what Chloe was doing. "Oh you Girls are awake."

Chloe called back to them in the kitchen. Her mind-

*Looks like I don't have to wave them up.*

"Wow Good morning Chloe" said April. "OH!"

"What are you doing Chloe?" Lilly asked.

"Making Breakfast just for you guys." She ask them with a little bow of greed. They all started to stand up to eat some wonderful food. "Wow that looks great." Kelsey Said. "Hmmm, perhaps You are just like me when cooking food like me." "Yeah I guess so." She cried back, but in happy time.

"But Hey!." "Where's Rascal?" Emily completely said to her in a conscious confused matter. "Oh??!!!"

"I didn't wanted to wake him up.""But I'm sure he'll wake himself up as usual haha." Well at least he's doing "alright." She said back to Chloe while giving there stuff on there plates. "Such as for me, I'll save him some Pancakes, don't know if he does eat pancakes, but I'm sure he will try it." even though I am not aware of that." Chloe Said towards them while eating and going on there phones. "Well At least you're giving him love an attention." "Even though will simply trust him. if his Evil energy comes back just like in the past. "Yeah I'm with you girls.!" Candy said when eating lots of the pancakes. "Girls I'm sure you Except my opinion over him but I'm sure an glad that you girls still trust him." "Chloe said eating her cereal. While also going on her phone. "Girls, Enough with this peptalk, let's just eat an get ready." Kelsey said. "Yeah!" as Lilly an April agreed the same.

The girls suddenly got ready for a winter day. Once almost doing that, they had to put there stuff away and wish dish until Rascal Came down to know on what was going on. "Hey guys Uhh Sooo..... What's going on?"he said floating a little bit in his style. The girls noticed him floating and yawning for a little bit until Chloe said good morning two him when the girls got ready. "Oh, Morning Rascal." Chloe Said. "How did you sleep?" "Very well, just a little bit of a headache." But I'm fine.""I'm glad." She said back two with him while he sat down with her.


Soon as they were chatting. things have been okay towards the girls seeing them Totally fine over there Conversation. Chloe didn't realize or known about Rascal waking on just like her friends did the same. She wanted to wake them up but since she made some food for them, they woke up for it because of the smell. Such as for her she didn't wanted to mind. When Chloe was all finished cleaning, she decided to give Rascal Some pancakes for a little bit. Since he needs his Strength and same for the others.

"Here Rascal." *Give him plate* Puts it on his plate*

"What's this Chloe?." He remarked. "Hehe- It's food for your strength an System, You should try some. "Is it safe?" He also ask her looking at her. "What?" 'Of Course it's safe, "it's food for crying out loud."

"Hmmm ok I trust you for that." "Okay" as She gave Rascal 2 Pancakes. He Suddenly opens his mouth an found out if it was okay. He suddenly found a Sweet taste in his mouth that he never are or had before. "WOW!" He Yelled. "SO SWEET!" Chloe found Rascals humor very Funny while the first time that he has ever ate pancakes before in his life. "Thanks Chloe" he said. "You are Welcome, "Glad you like it." Now let's go ahead and get ready for winter time."

"Oh What's that.?" "You'll find out later." She then went out of the kitchen to get Him some warm clothes for the winter and cloudy day that she and the girls are having. But they just need to be careful on what they come across. "Here Rascal." Chloe said as he finished his Breakfast. "Huh?" He said-confused when She gave him the warm clothes. "Oh uh thank you. You're welcome. now, better put them on, we all got walking to do." As she said as she gotten her sweater on.

"Hey Chloe, we're All done you two ready to go??"

Emily said looking at them. "Yes,Yes of course, come along Rascal." She Said. "Uh. do you always need two bring him around, doesn't he want to say here perhaps?" Kelsey said Admiring them. They all looked at her. "Kelsey- Don't be like that, Yes he can come besides, he can be a little bit annoying-but he's still different in his own ways." April explain and Said. "Well I suppose you're right. He can come." *Says in mind* *Hope he doesn't do anything stupid or bugging Chloe all around.* *She Turns Around*

(Once going outside)

They were wearing such beautiful winter clothes from there help from there glitter Packs and everything inside of Chloe's house. And For Rascal. He was wearing Chloe's old sweater. It had such beautiful dark blue all over it and some light blue flowers on the sides of the pockets. "Wow thanks." It fits me just right." He Remarked. "I'm glad"

"Chloe you're always glad." Candy said when Emily holding her. "Now Come on Everyone!!"~ Candy.

They all emerged towards at the door as they all went a line to the outside. Emily and Candy were first and her friends went in a same line. Kelsey was second, Lilly was Third. April was Forth. And Chloe and Rascal were 5th.

After that they went outside. Chloe then went shutting the door, locking it on there way out. Ok I think it's clear as Emily said to them towards the evil of there story. The people walking were completely normal and same towards the sky but a little Cloudy as usual. "I hope they Don't show up." Rascal Cried. Don't worry. "You'll be fine." "Give me you're Hand and relax. "The people out here aren't going to hurt you." She said holding his hand towards his scared face between the two holes in his mask.


"Well I doubt it?!" he said back Chloe and the others. "Ok let's go." walk Lilly said in Nervous form.

(As they all Walk in a line like before.)

It was safe as they clear the road. *As they Walked*

Rascals Hair was a little bit wavy and it was bugging his face. He then told (Chloe Or Breeze) if she had some kind of Buffon tie or just a normal hair Tie. "Hey Uhh do you have a hair Tie Perhaps?" He said to Chloe as she looked at him in his wavy hair without his Buffon Balls. "Oh sure Rascal, Just let me get in my purse for a second." She said while they all stopped next to the bench. *The two sat down.*

"Are people going to see him wired like that Chloe?"

Lilly Cried. "Don't worry Lilly, I'm sure people won't see him differently or something like that."Now..Just let me hide your ears and people will only see you as a human like this and pretend that you died you're hair okay." She said, Blushing a little."Okay I'll try to act differently like a human. It's like a disguise Or something.?" He said while Chloe and the rest Fixed his hair when no people were out. "Well, if you wanted to be called that, then sure."

Over 2 Seconds. Chloe Finished his hair. He had his hair up in a ponytail over hiding his ears and everything. "Now, What about your Mask?" She suddenly lead him annoyed again and making the girls gasp again. " HA. Not a Chance." He said. "What? do you think it's apart of you?" "No?? its enchanted he said as he lied to Chloe. She wanted to say more but she decided to leave her thought an his mask alone. "Well okay then, leave it." I'm sure people wouldn't mind that much, but just don't move your eyes. Alright.""Okay Breeze and the rest." "I agree with Chloe. Emily said and same to the rest.

(They afresh there steps)

Alright guys who wants to go shopping Emily said to them. "Oh uh sure. I guess we can go shopping."Ok Rascal, Make sure you're you act natural and DON'T move you're eyes. "May I ask?""What's shopping?" He Suddenly said with encouragements. "Well it's what people do if there bored or something like that , like hanging out with friends and more in your life." April said "But will get to that later." "Let's just have some winter fun. Kelsey said. "Guys. I see the shop." "We're almost there! Are you Ready to go in Rascal.?" Chloe ask him sweetly. "Uh. I mean sure. I guess." He said while all the 4 girls pulled him in the shop.

(WHOA) Were you all taking me!? He said.

"Will we show you." Welcome to the store shop, we're people buy perfect things in there life including others. "Hmmm guess I could get use to this." He said. " Don't worry Rascal, You can stay with me., "Yeah I would like that since, without getting lost, without you." As She Blushes a little. The girls I went by there selves going to different stores and find out some new styles for them until they said to meet them at the what are you having lunch like before.

"Okay, Me and the rest, are teaming up two buy some clothes for a little bit., hope you guys know you're way back." Emily said While they all were shock. "Hehe. 'I'm just Kidding, just meet us at 4:00 Pm at the shop cafeteria when you guys are done. Emily said to Chloe and Rascal and two also the others. "So who's gonna team while buying, I mean like partner up kind of thing??" Kelsey Cleared out an two also admired. "Yes Yes, Kelsey an Candy will come with me, and Lilly you'll be with April, And Chloe, Guess you can hang out or partner up with Rascal If you want. Or you can come with." She said leading them confused but she accepted an wanted two partner out with him. "Oh that's ok I'll take him and show him around, since I've been in this store for month's." Chloe said to them while they were about to partner up. "Okay sounds good." As they all went into a team up. "See ya guys in a little it Emily said again loud lead people looking at her and hide candy in her backpack. "Yes, Will see you soon. Kelsey also said nervously while Emily was yelling at them to hear her. Yeah!! Candy! Go back in before someone sees you!?" Emily remarked her with Kelsey. Emily: "You'll get food later."

April and Lilly were also were going shopping together while Emily told all of them to team up and be back around 4:00 pm and, same to Chloe and Rascal. "Ok April so, what are we going to buy today. Lilly said looking at her sweetly. Hmmm will just have two wait an see, maybe we should go and get some soccer ball stuff April" said back to Lilly. "Uhhhhhh Nah, Couldn't we go find some drawing stuff first." *She looks at her confused* "Well I ask first so will take the drawing store as soon as after we go two buy some Soccer stuff for me and two my brothers and sisters." "Well even if a person who asks first, then fine...., I guess Lilly confront her sadly but respects and understands her. April: This is just like the game like hide an seek in the store lol." She said letting Lilly get a little embarrassed. "Oh Come on Lilly it will only take 25 minutes and plus, same goes two you, you know." "Okay I'll come in with ya." She said smiling. Great come. As April grab her hand softly. *Soft Grab* "Whoa." As Lilly Laugh at April.

(3:34 Pm)


Rascal and Chloe went to the Jewelry store to look at some wonderful things that she wanted to wear or Treasure it for herself. But she'll try not to get so much hyped around him while looking on what she likes. When that happened,they both stop for a bit right buy the Store. Chloe looked at a beautiful Violet snowflake Jewel and made Rascal also confused onto what she was looking at buy the glass. Pretty She said when putting her hands on the glass. "How Fascinating" He Also said. "Hehehe"-

"You like it, don't you.?" "Uh Oh yeah Come in let's buys it, and I'm sure that you're interested in buying stuff and things for yourself Rascal?" She said again, looking at him, leading him very nervously shock and blushing. "Oh Uhh thanks for noticing Chloe!?" He said. "I'm going to look around for a bit as well."

"Ok"ask she said back to him on a blushy matter.

She Touched and looked at the snowflake Jewel.

Hello!! How can I help you two today. The manager said to Chloe while Rascal was looking around in the medium store. Hi I would like to buy this Snowflake jewel. She said back two the manager lady. Of course, That will be $15.00.! She had enough money two buy it, leading her excited towards it. "Thanks for visiting the jewelry Store, Have a good day Ma,am." The woman Said. As she greeted and said bye two her back.

Once she left. Rascal was all done looking around the store, so he decided to wait for her for a bit. Chloe then was all done shopping and seen the joker leading buy the side of jewelry store. "So? Did you had fun." He said. Turning his head towards her with her gift. "Yeah I did and did you buy something?" She said. "Not really, I was bored when looking. "So I wanted to wait for you." As he looked back at the people walking around in the mall lead herself very glad that he's still having fun in the mall. (He put his hands in his pockets.) "Well I'll not ask to many questions to you Rascal and not Argue with you." She ask him leading him looking at her weirdly. "Huh oh you're not, I'm just tired of the days that we had, even for me I did had fun actually for once, and I proud that your friends excepted and respected me for who I am, it really pleases me honest."

Once he told that to her, her face Blushed red towards her and turning around until he did the same, well in a different position.

" Well...? "Thanks for answering that to me and, I'm happy that you're having fun." She answered back to him until he turn his head, giving her a sweet Smile when almost giggling. 'Perhaps.'

(3:55 Pm.)

April & Lilly were all done going shopping for there own stuff, until they've saw and spotted Chloe and Rascal sitting back the Jewelry Store while talking. "HEY GUYS!!" April Said. *The two Looked back at April and Lilly in shock* OVER HERE, COME BACK, IT'S ALMOST 4'CLOCK,

TIME TWO GET GOING TWO EMILY, KELSEY and C-. *Lilly then interrupts her loud talking to people looking at her confused on what she was yelling at.* "APRIL STOP YELLING." "People are looking at us.!" Lilly remarks over to her yelling far away two Chloe and Rascal. "Sorry." They both emerge to Lilly and April and went back to Emily and the others for lunch time. "So? where are we going now?" Rascal says while Forgetting again. "We are going to meet up with Emily and the others." April said. "Yeah." Lilly also agreed with April. "Well okay then." As he held Chloe hand. (She Smiles.)

*Holds Her had.*

Once when they were going to meet up with them. They all suddenly seen them sitting down at the table, waiting for the others to come back. They all went back towards them while Emily was talking when saying. "Hi Guys, welcome back, did you guys had fun. She answered. "Yeah" Lilly Asked.

"Yea we did -thanks for asking." April said. "Hmmm?"You know, Even if you're guys are late, it's okay." Emily Explain. Yeah we won't yell. Kelsey said laughing until there faces got scared. "Oh, That's quite alright." Chloe Said. "Already then let's have some lunch together."~Emily. (As everyone went.)

"Yay!!" Candy said quietly.

As they went to eat Some Lunch on there homework days. Kelsey went on her computer and so did Emily and Apirl. Chloe got up and took Rascal to two get something two eat with her. He was surely ok when continued to follow her around but how she maybe get annoyed at the time when school returns.

Over a few minutes later, they continued eating while The two got back, with there food an hang out. Since it's Rascals first time. "Are you having fun Apirl smirk while eating her sandwich." Yes. Thanks for asking they said, sitting down with them.

(4:30 Pm)

(While all done Eating.)

They All emerge towards the door at the shop as soon as there were all done. "Wow that was get." Emily remarked them all. "Yeah it was!" Kelsey said.

"Even for a fact, I'm definitely eating here more often." April call them while walking from the outside of the shop. Totally Lilly also said and candy also agreeing again to all the girls." Chloe felt so happy that Rascal join them, even thought it could still lead to a problem, but they can still let it slide from him since he's honest form his talking from his backstory during yesterday at Chloe's House.

After when they were done they all discovered that it was raining baldly out today even though, the joker was right before telling The Rekia.

(They Walk with there umbrellas.)

(Walking back to Chloe's house with there gifts.)

Once they've were walking back to Chloe's house. They all suddenly heard a Big Bang buy the side of the building leading them shock and confused until candy spoke when looking up in Emily's BackPack.

"WHOA,?! "What was that?" Candy Said, looking up.

I Don't know Emily cried. When also looking at. Hmmmm, Nah. Probably just a big pain of the construction area." I assumed Kelsey Explained in front of Emily. Well I'm sure it's nothing Chloe asked them While Still Holding Rascals Hand. He suddenly started to feel scared that if someone if something came outta no where, or if it was just a tree branch falling down onto what Kelsey said. "Well........ Whatever that sound is, we should probably get going Chloe.!!!" Rascal Suddenly Said shock while looking around the rain, but there were strong winds coming two there back and front. The Normal Rain Became Stronger Rain, leading the people In the Chinese City Also Shock an startled at the strong wind. "The Heck is going on." April Said.

On the Ruth-


Excellent!! my plan is working much Better now.

He Said Making the wind Stronger.

End Chapter.

Big long story Here, Sorry I had two cut it off for a few parts but I did my best hehehehe. It's basically hard to post a long chapter like this one, for example, Pretty hard, took like a month lol. But I promise you guys the story will return, but it will takes some time, if it was short then it wouldn't take me a month to make it. Tuned in next time!! Boi it's gonna be a big fight between Nogos new generation and the princesses of the Glitter Force, and we never know if Rascals gonna change when becoming Evil, Brainwashed? or worse.— Will See.

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