《Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3 (Recontinued) ^_^》Cha 43. light within Darkness.


During there slumber. The girls suddenly heard Emily coming from downstairs while pop came down with her. "Hey girls, Sorry about the long talk." Emily explain while they said that it's was ok over wanting to know about how to keep him this way towards there's. "Well what happened pop and Emily?" April said when going to the kitchen. "We,ve got Excellent news but a little bit of the bad news, I'm afraid." Emily said when pop started first. "Well tell us?"Candy remarked towards her and her brother.

"Emily then sits down"

"The good news is that we can trust Him, since we've Known form his emotional face expression when he was on Chloe's bed buy explaining his back story. Emily answer until pop answer the bad news to them. "The bad news is that we can't keep him for long because,what if. he changes back to the person he was before? when killing or defeating us in battle once?! And what if,his friends were to be able two return?! The girls consider pops agreement until they looked back at them, sleeping on the couch. Lilly hardly couldn't really Except Emily an pops decision or deal to this gratitude. She suddenly puts candy down as she slowly approaching them next to the couch, leaning the others girls confused. "Actually I don't Except it I'm sorry Emily an Pop!?" She said until they were afraid of Lillys wish when not agreeing to there agreement.

"w-What?! Emily said in quietly when sitting down so did pop as well. "You-you heard me, I don't except it.?! Even though, it?. he did told us his story. She said back to them while Candy,April an Kelsey consider the agreement while also walking to Lilly next to her, (behind her) "I agreed Kelsey said "Same!" April asked an so did candy." (YEAH!!!)

Emily an Pop Were worried about them at First that if he's going to change of buy even not or letting there friendship down or Worst? Being trap in the darkest despair forever?! "Listen guys. I know that it's wrong to trust a guy like him in our path, but hey like he said to us, he's change and well?. Will give him another chance to this Facility, if it kills us in need." Kelsey Ask at them in a mean Grin. "Yeah she's right! What other Choices we have plus, we have other problems coming up two our hands, Believe it or not we have to trust him why more can we respect it.?." Come on there is a change for him in his path and it's worth a try Emily and Pop?!"

As the four agreed to all of there opinions, Emily wasn't involved to there opinion when keeping Rascal in the glitter force team to fight. But she will still except the girls opinions, for now however pop wasn't interest that much of the reason an didn't like the question until he got in front of the girls, jumping down from Emily's chair while not Walking up to them.

*Jumps Down*

"Are you guys Brain-wash?!" Pop suddenly said. "Well maybe, but we're not!" We have know other choice pop so please!. just give him some time I promise. "yeah." please come on pop." "Yeah please brother." As the girls join together explaining to pop to agree an respect in yet he will come near it for now for his self. "Fine. I'll give him a chance ok Emily an girls, but one more thing, don't say I didn't warn you. "I will give you girls 20 Days to figure it out for yourself's but!. if you fail you're guys ideas or Missions buy his. Rascal gets two put in very bad condition and Chloe Will slightly Resins. Since of the third glitter charm that I've just realized, Got it!!!!


Pops Ideas give the girls a chance to Comfort him. But they need to be careful on what they come across his sides of being (Evil or Good) involvement.

"Ok Deal." Emily confront him. *Shakes hand.* Emily can I talk to you?! Kelsey ask her putting her shoulders. "Oh uh Okay I guess?" will be right back girls. (Girls:Huh?)

*At the kitchen*

As they went in a different room without waking Rascal an Chloe up. *Goes to the kitchen*

"Yes Kelsey?" You are putting us in danger for agreeing with pop, but I know for a fact that we will help Rascal, because I know what you're putting us through and I hope you know on what you're doing. As She that towards in a nervous situation encounter". Emily can know and understand of why she made a deal with pop about Rascal. But she'll try to be reasonable with them since it's very VERY Serious. "Emily I know you're scared and we are two but we have to give it a try, if we fail will be involved with danger an Chloe will be erased from the team and we don't want that to happen to her. -"So please Try to know on what you're doing okay? Emily suddenly looked away then an turn back, walked to Kelsey, putting her hand on her shoulder. Kelsey listen to me, will get though this-Together. Will all try to sort it out, I promise. Because that's were I'm right. "I suppose you're right. "But thank you for telling me Emily." Kelsey said. Now let's get back to our friends.


Kelsey an Emily went back to the girls then told them sorry about the wait. "Hey guys, Sorry about the long wait." "Oh, That's quite alright Guys. April ask Over there an also Emily Agreement with pop he started to feel welcome for him well just a little bit since he doesn't really trust him, But he will think about it. Okay Girls I gotta go back to jubiland. Thanks for wired weirdness of this I guess. Now, Don't Forget. 20 Days To sort it out. As he said teleport In the story book Flying away. Well okay then goodbye pop. Emily said being worried.

It was 2:00 Pm tonight. The girls started to feel tired, they started going to sleep on the couch since Emily's gone though a little, During the girls- slumber, when a few of them sleeping.


Rascal an Chloe Woke up around 2:10 and Decided to get up instead of sleeping overnight. Emily then noticed Chloe and Rascals awaking from the couch then until she suddenly spoke to them in whisper.

"Had a good Nap guys." She Said they both noticed when they were sleeping next to each other leading Emily Confused but very incredibly Shock. They both set up together then blush over buy her talking. "Oh I'm sorry to wake you guys up!" Emily said. Chloe turn towards Emily then said when standing up fast.

"No No It's Quite Alright, No Need to apologize....!

And he also did the same thing to Chloe.

"Same, it's fine there's no need!" He suddenly said back to Chloe leading Emily Giggling. During there funny experience expressions while Emily waking them up. They suddenly got up to get ready for a little while. They suddenly Read books together then afterwards Chloe noticed Rascal was a little bit Dirty while after the fight up in the sky like he told Chloe an the rest Of his impression while Emily Was talking with candy.


"Hey uh Rascal, I know that I'm not suppose to talking about this but you are pretty much Dirty I just noticed that. "Oh why so?" He ask? Because I think for some reason that I've answer that to you is I think it was from the fight you had up in the sky a few days ago, and I know that you haven't Showered. "Why are you talking about? I'm perfectly fine besides why are you asking me that ?!" Well just for the reason since it's important to get ready on what you're suppose to be doing. Chloe said instantly. Are you saying I'm a little bit Dirty he said towards her when turning to her. 'Mhm,and you're hair is also a little bit messy before i brushed it."

Rascal was a Little Bit confused of Chloe's new ideas like Getting ready for school and more but over towards that He needs a shower or a bath since he's dirty an still bleeding on his sides.

Emily suddenly looked back at them one last time then decided to get up herself, since she's not tired for any reason.

*Still in Chloe's house*

Emily's POV

I got up to do some stuff, since I have been going through with my friends a lot buy pop lately. I showed him the glitter charm and he was shock but amazed but it. I'm not sure why so thanks for letting us keep it in our glitter box pop. Later I saw Rascal and Chloe missing but once I've noticed. I've seen them walking towards the bathroom upstairs. I was a little bit confused over that problem an I don't know why, maybe she's giving them some side an to act just like us in the world. Oh who am I kidding I'll mind my own concern. *She continues working*

*In the bathroom*

They Both Went to the bathroom and looked around some more. Chloe then starts the warm water for Rascal before turning on the lights, Coverings the windows, An shutting the door leading Rascal Constantly Confused since he's still learning to be human. "Now do you see Rascal?" She ask her "Huh?" He said when he was sitting down next to her. "What's this Breeze??" This is call a tub. or shower for you to get wash an cleaned up. Knowing her kind face, he was still a little confused over knowing how to use the tub for himself. "Chloe I'm confused??" He said. She turned her head towards his when he was sitting down on her knee like a puppy on her., she turn an answered him back with a kind face. "Well, it's worth a risk to keep you clean up, and It's called hygiene, that's all I ask. but I don't really want to ask of this Conversation with others including you because that would be a bad idea an wired an It's complicated. Anyways I'll get the towels. "Ok as he said again leading her very blushed an still confused but his expression.

She turned off the water then went to get the Towels for him so he wouldn't make a mess. I'll be right back Rascal, don't make any troubles buy making a mess. She suddenly said nervously. (Ok)

She came back with the two towels, putting them on the Sink for him as he stands up, Now I'll leave you two it. she said, opening the door next to her.

Wait Chloe!? He said lead her shock for som reason. "Yes Rascal.????" Ask nervously. "I don't know how to get in. She gets very shock an very Embarrassed over buy Showing His packs. She Blushed lead him Also blushing. She suddenly turned against the door over hiding her red face then Suddenly decided to speak to him. Uhhh Rascal, I know I'm not trying to be rude but? Do you know what of the word privacy means. "Yes I know what it means" "Good because you know how to get in, it's that simple!!!!!??? Once She answer that,she wanted to ask more questions to him but she rather not since she's a girl and he's a boy. Well you know How to use it Besides, you don't need my help. every people do this on their own you know.? That's what I'm suggesting and people need private time, now do you understand?? She said to him, turning her back, Almost excusing herself. Well I Suppose you're right. he said at her. "Uh but if I call you will you help me?! Unlikely if you cover yourself up once getting in or out, all right now I'm all done talking!! I'll be right at the door if you need me. *Closes Door.*

When closing the door she didn't know on what she wanted to say to him but she decided to not ask of it one last time. Why did he say the to me?" Of course he knows how to use the tub, maybe he has been out in shadow Realm for so long I guess. She Sighs And Blushing even more.

Chloe's POV

I wait for Rascal to be finished on what he's doing I mean I'm not saying it's Weird an I know how help people get dress include kids. But not in a position in bathroom, that's just weird. I know he has been hurt and I feel bad. But I can't let my guard down and I'll still help, but just not right now since he's busy. Once I gave him privacy. Emily walking upstairs an to know on what me an rascal we're doing since the rest are still asleep for the long talk. Hey Chloe! How and what are you guys doing?. Chloe look downstairs and said. Everything's fine just, helping rascal to act like a human an taking care of his self, like a child but not Instantly?! She said walking downstairs "What are you talking about?" She answer back when the two standing on the half stairs. Nothing Particularly, just let him be, he ask not showered or bathe in a long time, and he still has the scratches on his hips and stomach. "Well At least you're taking care of him very well an thank you for asking me that Chloe. You're welcome. CHLOE!!!! He suddenly called her lead the girl's shock when Chloe being irritated but okay. "Aw man!? She ask when Emily answer. "Well I'll leave you to it, but just wanted to let you know that pop went back to jubiland, and we might still give him a chance if we all know on what we're doing. Well I'm aware of that thank you, she said back to Emily, when walking back upstairs and she went back down.

Chloe Noticed Rascal Putting his Clothes next to the door and used her brush for himself and uses shampoo and conditioner. "Thanks for your Clothes"

"You're welcome" he said towards her call. She then went downstairs to start the laundry then putted his father's clothes that he was wearing in the washer and started it up for 2 hours. Once she was doing that, she got on her phone and wait for the clothes to be done. She then got some new clothes from her father's clothes again. She grab a back long shirt with light blue jeans and some white socks. She then went back upstairs to go and see if Rascal was all done. She knocked on the door and said: Hey How you hold up in there. She answer to him at the door. I'm doing good thanks for Asking. He answer back. Just you know, I've got some new clothes for you so be sure to not make a mess when getting out okay?! "Ok Chloe I'll try." As he said back when still being confused but instead his getting use to it. He then gets out after she gave her the clothes to him then brushed his own jester hair then got dress buy using his powers and everything. He opens the door when Chloe was looking straight next to his new clothes.

"Well?? How do I look?" He said in a worry face.

"Very nice" "Are these your Father's clothes again? He ask. Why, yes they are and every Single of my fathers clothes that I give you, fits you just right. Since you are tall. "Yes I've Noticed that." Over staring at each other, Chloe changes the subject Anyways, did you Shut the water off, buy any chance?? "Yeah, I have since an. I had never taken a bath before, thank you Chloe, it felt felt uhhhhh she (Interrupt him) "Relaxing?" as she said to him and a funny face. "Throughout yes that's the word what I was looking for, Yes, Yes!! Well, that's great to hear I'm glad you enjoyed it, sorry about before, I just wanted you to do it buy yourself because if I helped you, then I'll get embarrassed at myself of what I've done if so. what if my friends came up here to know that what they saw is that position. She asked him in a nervous laugh. Oh Chloe, I mean I wasn't trying to

Get you Demonetized or anything. but that I was just confused because I never been down to earth before to be honest I will try to get to know it since it's been years towards my childhood I mean when I was a kid I've been down to earth before but around that topic I was brainwashed because of my master ruined my story. He Ruin my life!! Once he told that to the rekia. She can know his hurt after he was a joker he was. I understand you're hurt but that was in the past you need to let it go. Start a new chapter towards your life. Nogo will never hurt you again.

Rascal then try's not to burst into tears then suddenly decided to give her a hug. "Thanks Chloe."

Anytime, plus if you're still hurt with the sad feelings and that you keep thinking about the past. I will be there, helping you throughout your problems I Will cross my heart to help you, we will help you Come across light within Darkness. During Chloe waiting for Rascal changing and all done. They both went downstairs and they let the girls to look at his new style. His hair is up, black shirt and light blue jeans and still wearing the mask.

*Goes Downstairs*

(End Chapter)

Chloe just wanted what's best for him that's why she cares so much for him, even believing in him and same to her friends. Chloe gave Him new clothes since he a little dirty. It's just like helping a child to get ready school or something like that. Don't worry it's not sexual or anything in my storys. She was just giving him Bath and has new clothes now. Anyways I get such bad at Spelling but I know what I'm doing. so I hope you enjoy it. didn't take me or took me that much but I hope you guys like it another chapter coming soon.

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