《Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3 (Recontinued) ^_^》Cha 41. Problem!!


Everyone gotten confused and didn't know that pop was about to come in this late of morning, but however they are happy to see him in return once again. Hey girls, sorry about the wait I've heard you needed something? He said in a confused way. What oh nothing, we all were still wondering of what will happen to us when fighting over the new bad people in our story, plus why are you here so early? Emily ask pop in also a confused way. "I've got the call about you guys needed something perhaps." Noticing Emily's expression. they all started to feel or to think that Lilly mate of short of called him for the meeting when talking about him. since it's Urgent. "Lilly you were supposed to call him later". Emily said at her and same to the rest, also being involved. I'm sorry, I wanted him to be in this discussion so that it's safe for us over on this topic. She said when holding the glitter box. *tightly*

*He walks buy them, giving them a wired look*

'Girls?! I don't know whats wrong or what's the problem is, but if it's important form calling me. then it's an a emergency. he ask them, now what seems to be the problem Lilly?" Well uhh Uhhhh,... she ask him while Chloe recess her hand up an down behind pop, side to side, telling Lilly and the girls no in quite form, an biting her teeth together, but however although. it was to late for the answer when telling pop. Uhhhhh, "Go ahead" Emily ask her while pop answered. "I'm Listening" *Sigh* "Ok, It's a long story buttttt. "You might want to figure it out for yourself. "Go look on the bed." Lilly asked pop while Chloe got very scared to release That Rascals awake, playing on her phone, under her blanket. Pop suddenly noticed and felt worried for the girls but however, he has to know the truth two. He suddenly heard a voice under the blanket then looked forward to it, while walking towards it.

(Chloe getting in front)

*She gets in front of pop*

"Chloe. Please Step a Side" he asked her in brave but mad form. "O-ok." As she kindly steps a side buy her command but no comment. Pop jump up on the bed then noticed an heard a familiar voice that sounded a lot like a villain laughing under the blanket. however in a nice way to consider. Pop slowly heard candys voice then told him to stop and what are you doing. however it was clearly to late because April quickly holed her tightly controlled. He opened the blanket and noticed that it was rascal, playing on Chloes phone, making a seen over still in his bad condition. They both gasp until Rascal jumped first while still in bed towards himself and same to the girls.

*Opens Blanket* *JumpScares* *Girls Scared*



Pop: RASCAL.....!!!!?? Yoouuuu!!!!!!!! *Gets Angry*

Once saying that to him in return. Pop was so confused and scared and how that he's here alive in the flesh in blood ink in there Storys. He suddenly gets very upset then looked at all the four girls and thinking of who did it, over of his return for the better.


Pop said in mad from of anger. "W-we didn't do this Emily ask. THEN WHO DID!!?.!!! The girls suddenly looked at each other then noticed that they weren't the reason that rascals here, Alive. turns out. Chloe did it. They suddenly turned & looked at Chloe slowly then made a seen for her to explain of the problem of called insanity of the encouragement.


*They looked to the right were Chloe was standing*

"Why is everyone staring at me!?" Chloe remarked as she ask the girls and same to the situation.

"Tell me Chloe?... Did you do this? He said.

"What do you mean." As she said back while backing up a bit. "CHLOE" what are you doing?! don't ask it to my br-'Candy then got interrupted buy April, covering her mouth so she wouldn't defend her while watching the problem momentarily. "Shhhh Candy!!"

"I-I-I.? "I'm Listening??" She then sighs for a minute until Rascal decides to talk while asking in front them.

"Stop! please just leave her alone.' He said. "Stay out of this you Devil Monster, you weren't the part to begin with, and you were never alive towards us. Pop said back to Him when turning his head to the left in mad from of depression. "This is all you're fault- Chloe."Chloe then got extremely emotional an scared that she did this to herself and also putting danger towards her friends. but her friends can forgive her of what she has done when changing Rascals heart. She suddenly started to cry in front of this situation and discussion while sitting down on her knees, putting her hands on her face, begging for mercy and another chance to this problem, however that didn't stop Rascal. He suddenly gets up, surrounding pops anger management over towards Chloe and her friends. "What are you doing!" Emily said. "Stop it right now!!!!!, I'm not having it!!!!!! He said to pop. "Is this a joke? "Are you serious" YOUR EVIL!!!! And it's all her fault that you are alive and willing to kill us at any moment, what kind of negative energy are you dealing with!? Hope you're about to paint the future black once more?!! He said to Rascal.

"I don't do that anymore pixie!!!!" He said while standing up and Chloe still crying. The girls noticed and decided to speak and defend Chloe's enemy as well. "Pop Please!! "We can talk this out.! April Said. Yes please there is a good exclamation towards Rascal!! Kelsey said. Please pop he has changes?! Lilly asked. Pop understands the girls emotional and scared until he decided to ask Chloe something when still on her knees. *Pop going closer to Chloe*

*He suddenly sighs*

*Joker Scared*

"Chloe! don't you realize what you've done?!" You're clearly putting us all in serious danger and keeping secrets from yourself and to your friends? that is not OK!!!! He suddenly looked like he was about to punish her in return from despair but. Over on history he will slightly give her a chance. A chance to explain if not then bad things are going to happen to her.

*Pop sighs* *Doesn't get closer to Rascal and Chloe*

*He turns to the girls one last time* *Turns back*

*April Released Candys mouth*

"Okay Chloe. I'll give you a Chance, a second chance when you completely explain to me on him and to all of us. "I understand that you told your friends about this. but you have to tell me now!! Otherwise bad things are gonna happen to you and they won't give you another chance to completely explain your thoughts, such as our queen witch died but still in our thoughts and others?! Do you understand.?! He suddenly said to her. Chloe then gets up but still on the floor crying. Rascal then puts her up in her arms then slightly and holds, setting her down, standing then completely decided to calmly explain to pop. Her friends will wait for her as always but in another room since it's seriously urgent.


Over the encounter and encouragement. Chloe discussed it to pop until Rascal went back on Chloe's bed.

(8:00 Am)

Pops POV

I have been very upset and also scared and how he's alive. But when I saw it from my own eyes, I completely almost ran out of shock while seeing. She then stands up over the help of Her enemy then completely answered towards me as I was still standing on the floor, on the floor was hard. So I've decided to jump on her dresser with my stuff until she answered and explain once again.

*The story of what happened*

Chloe Explaining.

It's usually a bad decision to ask you but, here I go. (She Sighs.) It was a few months ago when I was with my friends. They really appreciate of all the hard work that I've given them. Somehow I've clearly Changed until I noticed that Rascal had a choice. then give me a message in my head and told me that he was being controlled buy nogo over the past years and he didn't wanted to hurt me constantly, he was just scared. It actually happened a long time ago when he was erased from the book and other things. He had a childhood that it was kind in his story, and he was human. Still human once he told me. He was only using him until I've cried from him then negative energy brought him back to life, from a wish from a tear when caring so much, then suddenly explain to me of what happened when giving me his backstory. It's wasn't on purpose in fact. He was just scared because it was only a matter of time when explaining. "I never wanted this to happen?!. I didn't wanted to do it on purpose but it's Ture, Rascal had a life in his time before nogo erased his own personality buy painting the story book black and same towards his future. I was only trying to keep you all safe from his promise of problem when approving this facility. Please Forgive me buy setting him free. She said, looking back but still facing her hands on the floor, looking at the ground and starring.

"Just punish me!"

Pops Mind

*But how do I know how to trust him?*

*Lays back down, on her knees*

Pop noticed her struggles then decided to put his hand on her face in a coming in matter. He didn't realize the situation until now. He didn't know that Rascal was a human in his story other then a pixie through his past.

Once again over In his story. Rascal then decided to explain as well, since he was listening in towards His own story matter, matter of mistakes witch it has came across.

Pop suddenly looked back to Rascal then suddenly told him to also explain Chloe's problem with a calm way of encouragement once again.

"Well is it Ture Rascal?" Did you really had a backstory in your path? He said while he nodded from pops answer. Are you clearly sure that you're telling the truth? He ask to him. Yes It's true, if I would lie then you would still see me as an evil Joker like before.

He said. Unless if you guys try something, it won't be to pretty, it will only make things worse over on the complement since she set me free.

*Turns back to Chloe*

"But.But How did you wish him!!?? Pop ask Scared.

"Because it was only for his own good Chloe ask to pop. "It was for his own good because he's Changed I saw the light within him and I don't care towards of what you people say. the reason why, is because I only wanted to help through those are who the people they loved including me an to also my friends. They care so much for me and I must care them back and buy that. they trust Rascal and I respected it over their decisions.

*She stands back up in brave from.*

*Joker looking at her talking to pop*

Well I suppose you're Right Chloe, I guess he did change after all, I apologize for my rude behavior towards you and you're friends. But next time. Don't Hide secrets away from your friends alright?! He said .Sitting back on the floor. Yes I understand and thank you pop. She said back and same to Rascal.

Chloe then opens the door while pop putting the girls in a different room to talk over around 35 minutes of reasons and Serious talking. But everyone and everything's fine. "Girls I met be long, go and take my sister for a while alright. he said on when closing the door on his way in front of the girls. "Uhh guys. You think they won't take forever?? Lilly explain. "Hopefully not." Kelsey remarks. They suddenly went in a different room in Chloes house then decided to play for a moment. Once they were. Pop suddenly gets encouragements again, and to ask Chloe's truth to Rascals truth just so at it is fair. He then sits on bed with him while grabbing some tissues or napkins to give to Chloe while being generous. "Thanks pop" Chloe recalled quietly.

(They all Sit down)

Ok Rascal, Tell me you're true story. He ask him.

"I don't really want to ask of it again, since I've already told the rest of Chloe's friends as far I concerned. He said towards him. "Rascal.! If You told Chloe's friends about it." Then I have to know.!, I have to know the truth over buy you two. He said. "If not, bad things are gonna happen to you in your terrible honor, and that will be killing and defeating you once and for all.!! It was said that He didn't realize An didn't wanted to mean any harm in hurting people in his story since he's still in bad condition and even got bullied as a kid. but over that reason he suspected it, that he will have no choices in his way for Rascal. He suddenly decided to ask if it just sold if it kills him in the return of teardrop negative energy. "Ok I'll ask of it I guess." He ask

*Man give me a break*

(Rascals Story.)

I didn't had any Friends or feelings in my story, until I met nogo. Somehow I can still communicate to him since he was my master for over the years or for so long. But until when I was erased it into ink. I suddenly felt pain while traveling into the dark despair of no where when nogo banished me and didn't wanted me. And when I hear the cry of someone. it was a female voice that It truly felt nice an warm an also soft, I quickly swim an swim quickly and faster. As when I try to get out of this despair so the monsters won't drown me all the way down to the bottom. Once talking about it while overfilling my steps. it's suddenly reminded me, reminded me that it gave me a choice to follow the sound of a female woman. While approaching it into over 10 miles it felt like I wasn't alone. I was in the despair over 4 years and been a child for 25 years? Perhaps? Until it change me. when I proceed with caution wild feeling the warmest A pressure. it bring me back to earth over a magic form. I suddenly saw Chloe when crying. I didn't know it's come to this but I had to save my life towards her I didn't know it was her before I started giving her my nightmare in her dreams until I was around it, It suddenly changed my reasons. I don't remember anything else before when I was erased buy nogo, but I'm sure it was such a pain for me.

Since over Rascals story for so long. Pop can or could understand of what he's going through, even if he could trust him in return. "Rascal I understand now and I'm sorry for you're hurt, but I still can't forgive you of what the things you've done in our world including Chloe. He said constantly while Rascal *sighs* leaning Chloe still frustrated and scared.

"But I will help you." Pop said again while the two looked up towards the pixie. "Y-you will?" He said back. Yes I will, over if Chloe can try to make you nice and good and I'll definitely respect it, unless, however on one occasion, if he's bad then there is no other way and may have to punish you over buy his return, Do you Understand Chloe??!! He ask her looking back at her, standing up. "Okay I promise!"

"And I understand pop thank you.!" She ask again hugging him while Rascal was looking at them giving encouragements in happy time while giggling happy instead of evil form. She then stop hugging him. Then letting the girls coming back into the room. They maybe heard the conversation of them but at least they got attention though it.

"Ok girls were done chatting or a little while. And don't ask alright, this is serious, but although good news Chloe deserves a second chance. He said, looking at the girls suddenly very happy to hear that and also very scared an shock as well.

"Phew what a relief to know! Emily said. *The girls suddenly agreed*

*Opens Door*

* Pop lets the girls in*

"On the other side, I highly will trust Rascal, but if not then it will be really serious for him. The girls excepted pops opinion while putting there hands up and same to candy, saying I promise except for Chloe. Once they all agreed Chloe decided to walk downstairs over while being in a conversation with pop about Rascal. She kinda wanted to be alone for a little bit an thanked to herself on how's she's going to work this out on her own command of his truth to there trust, however she was discussing it to herself, sitting on the couch with her old phone out.

Since over Population. Rascal then looks to where Chloe was at, but while looking, she wasn't there. He decided to try to get up over buy his broken an wrapped body and went downstairs, buy not teleporting. *He walks slightly towards the stairs*

(Falls a little slightly)

(Girls helping him)

The girls Hardly wanted him to stay in bed because of his temptation and still hurt, but in his position, he does not care, pop doesn't matter of what he's planning since he's in bad shape of condition, but he still doesn't Believe him in a way of his backstory.

Over in a while like around 1:00 am. the girls suddenly noticed in a way from pops Mind, still in anger but shock an scared when constantly confused. "Pop are you okay?" Lilly confirmed

"Yes I'm okay, Never better." He ask back-intentional. "I mean this is extremely ridiculous and utterly impossible towards this problem." He's sighs in deep depression when saying his words towards the girls again. "Why do you think it's ridiculous pop?" Ask Emily. "Well it's because I've said it through a word that I've said positively that joker. He responded. Will, I'm sure enough that you can trust him, April Said. "Me two Candy also ask"

"Oh come on guys it's not this bad?!) Kelsey asked.

"Girls, I'm so sorry for calling him late I just wanted to do it because I was scared, Lilly told them as she stands up. "It's ok"-"You did the right thing!!"

Ask Emily even confronting pop, while Over understanding. Rascal completely got immediately still also confronting, allowing him two see and follow Chloe around. They wanted him to rest for a bit be however, he refused because he wanted to make it up to her in a matter of seconds. They allow him downstairs while still talking with pop about the problem.

"Be careful" Emily and there others said.

*He waves his hand up an down without talking back*

*He walks downstairs slowly*

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