《Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3 (Recontinued) ^_^》Cha 40. The Truth.


(Later at night though)

5:00 am

Over though at night, the girls were still asleep over do of the dark and same though Emily, Chloe and also candy.

Things were pretty much ok of there talking of Rascal, but in there Casese they'll handle it for sure.

Over though his nightmares and telling the three girls of what happened, he explain towards them in shock an thinking that it would be such a Terrible thing to say towards there friends. But if there going to believe. so will they.

(Later though)

(8:00 Am)

Chloe then woke up and decided to go downstairs without stepping on her friends sleeping in there sleeping bags in the middle of the day. The sun was Rising in the winter a little and birds were tweeting. And over with that topic, there was no sign of the new bad guys in town. It was quite a relief for Chloe but in her case she wouldn't have to worry one bit, since her and also her friends are very powerful when fighting over the new of there story's misery.

Chloe's POV

I was making sure that the others were still asleep. when going downstairs and check the winter of the weather while wearing my sweater when it was snowing. I can't believe overtime over everything that Rascal has done though us when trying to hurt us while making it a bad ending to his corpse. But it was said though his mind that it wasn't him who has done it and even towards his friends as well. But I'm so glad that there gone, now we can live are life's now and start a new chapter in times. over within Him. it wouldn't be such a good idea towards his own kinds or pressure. But if I'm going to listen, I'm probably going to fight with him and same towards my friends an then I would see what his face would look like in life. but soon I'll just wait an, I'll be ready. Over talking though my mind I've heard one of my friends got up to noticed that I was up an going outside. They went downstairs to look on to where I was located outside. And at that very moment. It was Emily looking outside, and wanted to know on what was I doing in the cold.

*Opens Door*

Emily: Hey Chlo-Chlo What are you doing in this cold weather, you're going to frost to death.

She said, looking at her.

*She said, blinking at her.*

Chloe: Uhhh. hmmm. Nothing. I just needed some fresh air outside over on talking with him last night.

Emily: Oh yeah...Right. I know what you mean. and I'm not gonna lie on that respect or respond on Rascal ehehe. But Hey. look on the bright side. We can at least try to give him a chance when asking again.

*She's turns at her with emotions*

Chloe: Emily you don't understand. He needs us. He needs us to help me in this process, if he's going to help us then we have to help him. I understand that I'll be punished though this problem but if it's worth it, then I'll explain and expect it if he changes.

When saying that to Emily. She would have never hurt him but only if his changes though killing them over towards of Chloe's problems. But Emily will still trust Chloe's decision if it's normal from telling.

*Emily walking buy her*

Emily: Chloe!? I DO UNDERSTAND!!! And I know it means so much for you buy taking care of him instead of not killing him. I was there with candy before when being in this conversation of his truth of him as a human like us. But as long as you're happy I am to. But right now we've got even more big problems to discuss from this problem. And plus if Rascals not telling the truth then that's fine but not fine to our friends agreements, Because were all in this together while fighting. We've pretty much maybe are still mad at you for not telling, but at least you're not hardly putting us in danger after all.


*She looks down while putting her arm on Chloe*

Chloe: Well. I suppose you're right Emily. After all I'm just trying to keep you and everyone safe. And same two Rascal. Let's make a new chapter and forget that this never happened in life, since that it's just the beginning I assume.

Soon as there were all done chatting. They went back inside and noticed a noise, coming from inside, upstairs, But they can noticed over hearing that there friends are awake while very around a little bit of sunrise. When Chloe and Emily went back upstairs. They all were surrounded by Rascal sleeping in cuteness. "Awww Look at him" said Lilly.

While candy were asking them of what there looking at. What's going on ? Chloe said. Oh nothing there just looking at him, sleeping witch is a little weird hehe. Candy explaining. "Look how funny he sleeps" April Asked the girls. Well he's cool... for now. Kelsey said. Wow how long has he been up in his shadow Realm?? April assume towards the jester. The girls were questioning around him when all of the sudden Chloe & Emily were up, staring at them when looking at Rascal for the very first time. They all have never been so close towards the joker before over with surprise but furious. "Uhh it's not what it looks like?? We. we were just looking at him funny when he- Lilly ask at them then went cutting her off her Conversation. Alright Girls.!! Move outta of the way before he wakes up confused again. Emily said to them when they were backing up a little bit.


Chloe's POV

It's been 39 minutes while asking or telling my friends to not get so close to Rascal when he's sleeping in my bed. Buy though out talking about it with Emily. He suddenly wakes up, just on time, when not letting the girls get so close while he was sleeping. he sits up. "Ugh.. *he's turns* oh uhhhh good morning guys uhhh. Soon as he said that. The girls were happy that he was doing alright and in good condition as well. when still badly wounded. "Hey Rascal" "How you holding up there" April asked "Yeah!" Candy also asked-

*I'm good,pretty much.* Noticed He said that he's was doing ok. Chloe can tell that he was doing alright and same to Emily. "Glad your doing alright pal!! Kelsey said. So girls, what should we do with him? Lilly ask. "Don't look at me?" candy explain. Over Rascal being confused, He suddenly decided to explain two himself buy telling Chloe's friends the truth, since to make Emily stop talking about it to him. "Guys I have a confession to make." he ask towards Chloe's friends when still sitting in her bed while the girls were looking at him.

"Huh" go on Rascal. They remarked at him.

*His truth*

I-I maybe had been evil for such a long time and pretty nasty when licking my Tongue against my teething battle routine. But over the past, I've decided to explain of my story about myself and it would be hard to say or hard to explain. but it was worth a risk buy you're friend saving me.

*He said towards the girls* *He sighs* It all started when I was a kid and I had friends through out my days an My Childhood. But however, I was poor in my life in the past when I was a human kid. When pushing myself to become a good person, I've decided to become a circus Performer so I could be better towards my family. I didn't have any sisters or brothers through out my past, so I've didn't wanted to care for less. It felt like my family never wanted me in a position of what I become. And a Circus performer I should say. people started to hate my designs when I wanted to wear a jesters suit through in the circus, over though all, I did not care towards of how I looked even if it considered my mind to understand of the Pressure between people hating on me or more. You guys can hate me for all you want. I don't care anymore and I have no attitude or attention of killing you guys one last time, Even for the better if you guys are willing to kill me right now in this condition, then so beat it.


Even if it's destiny or something like that. The girls felt very sad and very scared for him in return of despair an Flash in blood towards Chloe's story book. "R-Rascal we didn't know that you had a story in you?!" April explain and so did everyone else. Yeah we didn't know as well and were sorry that we hurted you so many times when we first met you.! Scream Kelsey in shock. Yeah ask Lilly. They all felt very bad over with him until they have finally noticed the truth while turning to Emily and Chloe scared. "S-so Is it true?" Did you guys really talk some since towards Rascal last night while we were asleep? Kelsey explain at them and same towards Lilly and April. Yeah that's what they did. I mean we did. candy said. OH MY GOD!! WHAT w-Why didn't you tell us last night!! Kelsey ask them.

Chloe: Because you guys were asleep and I didn't wanted to wake all of you up so it wouldn't be a problem buy over explaining to all of you guys.

Kelsey: *Sigh* Well... at least it's all over with in the past.

Lilly: So what are we going to do now.? We can't keep him here forever. W-What if pop here's about this. He's not going to like it in return.?

While Lilly was talking about pop seeing him. The girls felt the same way towards there selfs while sitting down except Chloe. *Yeah it could be urgent*

Kelsey also agreed with Lilly while she was darwing for a little bit. "Now, Now girls. I'm sure there should be a good exclamation for this wired-companion."Emily Said towards the girls. "Well-you're the boss Emily." April answer Emily. When talking. Rascal wanted to know on what there were talking about up close but however, he was still hurt with pain so he decided to chat with Chloe. he told her to come here and explain of what her friends were talking about. "Uhhhh Chloe? What are they talking about exactly?" He said towards the cure beauty. *She sits down on her bed with him.*

"Well...Nothing important towards you. since there not taking to you." She asked to him when still in his bed,still badly wounded. "Oh well, okay but still. What are they talking about?. Seriously? He said at her. No reason, plus I've noticed that you had a glitter charm in you're old clothes. He suddenly noticed over her talking of the glitter charm over changing the subject then decided to ask of it towards her while she sat back down on her bed but only her arms. "OH YEAH!" I almost forgot about that! Yes I have the glitter charm and it's the 3th one I'm afraid since of my battle up in the sky. Chloe felt very disturbed and also very scared to her an also to her friends as well. Emily suddenly noticed that The glitter charm was glowing right after they were talking about behind there backs.

"Chloe What is that?" Candy Ask. The three girls then went towards Chloe while Rascal giving her the glitter charm over them being even more confused then ever. "It's a glitter charm?" Kelsey said. "How!?" Lilly ask in scared but also confused way.

"There's no reason for me to explain" Rascal yelled. "Yes there is, Rascal, Tell us?" How and why did this happen!" Emily said to him. "I thought it was over, over for our queens fantasy. April explain.

"Well you guys are mistaken because I'm not apart of this construction of you five Glitter Force towards my plans. You guys will probably have to sort this out for yourselves, I'm hurt because I've gotten almost killed buy that fang person and over on that opinion or complement I purposely don't remember anything when being send towards 80 miles down to earth while trying to find Glitter Breeze.

Over his opinions while sitting up on her bed. They felt very upset and yet very down towards him when not explaining in the conversation of the problems, since he's noticing them very scared but it's all up to them to sort it out. "Well I suppose you're right." Chloe ask. Well, what are we going to do girls, we can't even know of what we're doing with this topic or something!? Lilly asked them. Will try to work things out for this answer of why this is happening towards the new chapter of itself. He gave her the glitter charm but however Emily decided an snatches it from Chloe's hand then put it in her pocket for now while pop comes. "Emily, What are you doing?"

She ask her. "To make sure that this glitter charm stays in my pocket and to also make sure that pop can figure it out for hisself if he's coming or not. She said towards them over Chloe standing up. "Guys I've Believe that there's more towards it in the box?" Lilly Asked Opening the case. There's 3 Of them now. April explain. Emily then figure that maybe she'll make sure that Chloe will get her Answers and same towards her friends over in the situation.

*You guys shouldn't be this scared to it!?* He said back to the girls while Kelsey telling him to shut up while looking at the glitter box, glowing.

Shut up Rascal, We're not taking to you yet, we're busy!! She said at him while Chloe was still sitting on her bed, next to him. Girls!? Chloe Asked This is nuts!? April Said Putting her hands on her head being scared. Guys everyone clam down oki!!? Candy Said. They all looked at candy as they clam theres selfs from over pressuring the new topic of the glitter charms. "Hehe I underestimate your girls from over assuming in the book, best get started." Rascal said to them. Girls I don't want to alarm you but. A books coming right near us. Chloe said, looking at the window.

I New It!!! Lilly asked them about pop coming on Friday!!!!

It suddenly came all the way down while flapping its book wings very fast so it wouldn't get cold outside. While look they were confused until Emily smashed in the face buy pops return towards themselves.

*Slams down*

(End Chapter)

Oh Phew sorry about that. This chapter was so hard to get out while still practicing my ways and putting it together lol. But it's here YAY. More will be coming soon!!! See you on Monday oh am happy early Valentine's Day!! 🥰

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