《Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3 (Recontinued) ^_^》Cha 38. Taking Care.


When the girls felt very disturbed over Chloe taking care of a jester joker in her room with the others. they sincerely don't really mind but pretty furious further with her trust with him in need over passion and understandable over along with it. But can lead to serious consequences over trust an more. Kelsey does mind about one thing,she doesn't really trust him after of what he done over the years. But however Chloe doesn't care over Kelseys decision over Rascal when talking about it and taking care of him. They've finally made some hot chocolates and amazing gingerbread cookies for the girls and even for him.

"Guys here's the cookies and hot chocolates for all"

Said Emily and also candy. Oh thanks girls they said back. For all Rascal doesn't really want anything over there share,since he's badly Damage. Chloe then went giving him some hot chocolate to him making him shock over no one give him anything in his shadow Realm in depression ways.

"Here Rascal" she said. What? Oh no I'm good. He said back to her. "No i incest"please." She asked him.

"Well? N-no one has ever gave me anything before?" well I just wanted to return the favor for when giving me something beautiful in my life". She ask when showing him the gift of kindness towards him of her purple glitter pack making the girls wanted to see it when drinking there hot chocolates and even candy as well. "Thanks" *Takes drink* Chloe could we it please? Emily asked her. Yea! said the others oh yea sure. Once showing it to them,they were pretty impress except for Kelsey with her new glitter pack that Rascal gave to her but in different colors of purple and blue with white. OMG it's beautiful I didn't know that he could do that to your pack Emily asked her. Yeah I know it's beautiful since I'm- (Kelsey interrupted her talking). Uh Chloe don't you think thats a little I mean uh. unacceptable? She ask when looking at her and Rascal. Uh why no Kelsey? he just made it for me that's all it's not evil or anything." Yeah Sunny" Rascal said when getting into the conversation when Darwing about her new glitter pack. Ugh I was just asking joker. Even for yourself you can't be trusted buy my sakes. She said made Him very tick off but got her to it when being over involved buy her voice.


*Kelsey turning her back when drinking*

Thank you so much Chloe. (he said when drinking it) You're Welcome.

(Meanwhile when talking)

Over the past 10 years of rascal's childhood. he suddenly thinks about it when bringing it up and gets headache over the pressure of self Control over a long time ago with his masters plans and even for his old friends over whenever talking about it. Chloe then notice his struggling while having such bad nightmares in his head and even trying to kill innocent people including the glitter force, but turns out he gets use to it. since it clearly stops at the moment from insanity in his response reasons in times. "Rascal are you alright?" *Chloe admired him in calming ways*.

"I'm fine. "I'm just having a bad headache over my master". He asked back to her with worried. Her friends suddenly gets a little scared that if his head and cultures were going to change when making the time right to paint the story black an making it a bad ending again like before in the years buy his masters talking. However he's use to it and things have changed in spare times because of Chloe's kindness in his story and giving him feelings in life when people never liked him in waze ways. "Uh Chloe is he supposed to have problems like that or is it just normal". Asked Emily when being creeped out. Yeah. said candy. "Well uhhh. Let's just say it's completely complicated over him being his way, since it stops at the time giving him soup making him feel better so you guys wouldn't have to worry about a thing. She said when giving everyone advice when being safe. 'Well already then I suppose you know on what your doing. said April. "Yeah even for me I actually feel bad for him myself". Asked Lilly while everyone looked at Lilly when confused. "Huh" Yeah me two!" yelled candy. 'Aww girls I appreciate all of your goods towards him. It makes him less evil and making him not wanted him to hurt us in need anymore. Chloe said towards them.


Things where pretty much okay a completed over though Rascals times when trying to defeat them over a few years before the long time of the inspiration started to bust when nogo was free and even his giant black and red monster roaming the earth in the book. Even for that turns out he didn't even wanted him anymore since he was just using him for a tool over summoning him with negative energy when melting. It's been 10 years of the death of nogo over Rascal talking about it over with the glitter force taking care of him. But now. the glitter force can make it right buy helping him being good and fight buy there side when defeating nogo and nogos new generation once again if he's still alive out there. He was still in bed right next to Chloe,giving him some medicine for his head and trying to let things go in the past and let new ones in so it won't be a problem for him to conquer when getting it out. Chloe's friends were actually going to give him a chance to let him be good,since they've know about his injuries and even knowing about him an the art book of legends in Chloe's secrets. However Kelsey only trust's herself along buy Chloe&The others and not Rascal when feeling that if he's really going to change in fight with us buy the new generation. But for herself she'll get use to it. Now that there queens gone, there's no other choice but letting him be apart of the process in the book.


(Chloe's POV)

Even for me I'm glad that my friends believe in me over with Rascal and even like respect over him but although I understand that It can lead to serious consequences buy him and I understand of what I did. But what's the point he had a story in his book so I had to return the favor when saving him from a dream in his Circus to show me his past of his nightmares when not apart buy his other friends of ulric,brute&Booha. I will always trust unless if he try's something sneaky of mind blowing in my friends path because I wouldn't but taking any chances buy the control of brain wash or something like that or let's just say I don't want him to Brainwash my friends just like a year ago buy his fun park of the bad ending maybe. Anyways I went next to him while looking back at him when my friends were still playing in at my house so that's good to know and even more good form hiding form the next generation in need. Rascal then when falling back to sleep while me went downstairs putting the dishes away while my friends were also having fun when going back upstairs. Things were ok towards me an my friend over complementing about this before I sat down next to him on the right of him. And I know that he could he evil or dark or so but good news that he doesn't do that in return for the less and he at least has his powers right that good so yeah. I then read for a little bit when noticing that it was getting dark for all of us to go back home however I told him to stay since my parents are away and letting me pay the rent for the house with money so I wouldn't be poor that much since I have been working pretty hard but texting him. And for my grandparents I personally wouldn't have to worry there right next to me but right now I know that there also busy but they will come back tomorrow morning I hope. Emily and the other agreed with my decisions to sleep over with me and Rascal for the night since they've known about it after all and for Kelsey also In mad but disappointed from so she'll get use to it I hope. We Then turn all of our shows and Curtains off to go to sleep for the terrible day that they're going to have buy there new Generation of nogos new bad guys roaming the earth in time buy defeating us however we're stronger then ever now and there's no fighting us in need and we also will never give up if we get involved or injured in battle of there new Buffons.

(Goes to bed with her friends)

(Night guys!) Chloe asked them

Emily's friends: Night.

(End Chapter)

Phew made another one. hope you guys love this amazing presentation. see y'all's next weekend pretty soon they'll know about nogos new generations in the book.


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