《Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3 (Recontinued) ^_^》Cha 36. Into the meeting Skys.


(Rascals POV)

After flying down in the shadows Realm to look at the masters heart of a Phoenix egg. I quickly went lost in the wind when fly into the distance and still had the glitter charm in my pocket. My mind still wanted me to keep it to myself but I refuse over the depression of my sakes and also trying to defeat the glitter force once again. Things change for me because of Chloe an I'm not going to change for that. As long as her friends wouldn't know my secrets of my problems when telling. And when telling that if Chloe's friends would know, I wouldn't hesitate to kill them just for a talk if they truly trusted me or not. Even for that they'll still know about me over Chloe's negative energy brined me back to life when finding the art book of legends in Chloe's mushroom room when fighting and destroying the chapters in the books but grew back. I positively don't know what there going to do to me. If they trust me I'll give Exchange for them to help me along with my desires, If they don't trust me then I have know choice but to kill them when returning the favor form 4 years of my masters Death except for Chloe,Chloe's much different from all the other girls because she's smart an intelligent an would do something to do when someone gets hurt at her school since she's been though rough times as a child when no one was friends with her.

(As I said to myself when finding my way through the clouds through Chloe's house in the middle of the snowstorm when snowing at night light fall.)

I would never turn her evil to me unless? if she fights against me then i will also have no choice but to not kill her but place her in my jail sell in my Circus forever instead of the rest of them because she does not know what she has done whenever setting me free or sacrificing myself to be apart of there trust? Who knows maybe so,but I'll think about it.

(Flying in the snowstorm)

When flying though the snow storm of the windy weather. Rascal then tried his best to go though it when using his powers like teleporting & all however they were to weak for him. "Ugh so windy" (He said to himself) once flying in it. Was his first time first in weather like this. Things were pretty much getting out of hand for him when all of the sudden he seems to be startled at a so wired object noticing that Fangknight was in front of him in the middle of the snow. Rascal then quickly went back while going all the way down to the clouds to get away form him as quickly as possible, however that didn't stop fangknight. He quickly teleports to his face when punching him far away to at least 10 feet away.

Rascal: What the!?

Fangknight: Hahaha You think you could have leave for you're master just for saying goodbye? You are such a joke to him. (He said over protecting his powers over the whether of insanity and despair.)


Rascal: What do you want from me. I've never have cause any trouble of the people until I've became good over a tear drop and I have nothing to say to you!!! (He said when giving excuses)

Fangknight: Oh Really? Then how about you explain why I'm here then. I am the fangknight the second generation of nogos religions then Creating me an also to everyone else How's that for excuses??

He ask when flying up with more power of nogo.

(Gets inside Rascals head)


He ask him then flu back quickly over the weather flying back to Chloe's house. (Flys quickly)

Fang suddenly used his powers trying to kill him around the clouds of snow until Rascal was blocked in the between the clouds. What are you doing stay away from me y-YOUR NOT REAL!!!! He asked him

When putting his hands on his head. Hahaha" fangknight giggles at him" You should of think before you left over humanity.!! He suddenly uses his powers to try to fight him however his powers were to weak to defeat him over his stress of the snow storm. You think that's going to stop me, think again you mortal. Fangknight said using his powers controlling the winter and time. What do you want from me?! Rascal ask him when fang uses giant cloud hands with lighting, holding him when escaping though his thoughts. What I want is you're soul and also your old friends souls mahahaha. He ask him. No no no Rascal then emerge the big cloud hands with his cards and ink and pulled out a book out of Chloe's room. then use it as it's beat. He suddenly painted the story black when making the clouds turn purple,black while fang did the same. His powers were more powerful then Rascals until it came out of control to himself. Fang suddenly had the ability to steal all his powers away from him and to even steal all of stuff that he did over the pass years of him being Second in command. You will never stop me. I'm to powerful over nogos command hahahaha!! *He's to powerful Ugh c-Chloe help Me!!* He said in the middle of fangknight defeating him in blood while crying. Had Enough joker!?

He ask him" You should of hide when you had the chance and you didn't even exist when people started not to talk to you as a child when being involved with him over you wanted to be a jester in you honor, in you're circus. And those dream balls and mask that he gave you, was nothing an was weak from your childhood an bullied you in your story and making real friends like ulric,brute an booha when being a monster. You want a life in you're story well that's not going to happen and I don't know why you're here an how you're alive. He ask towards him when getting shock buy his lighting. I WAS GIVING HOPE BUY A TEAR TOWARDS NEGATIVE ENERGY, OVER HIDING MYSELF FROM HER.!!!! He said. Oh so it's a girl? Was she able to really set you free with her tears and Negative Energy. Fangknight said when still holding him with his huge cloud hands. And how do you know my friends said Rascal. Isn't it obvious you are apart of them when nogo was still alive and giving us life and giving this story a terrible ending and even for you you are weak such weakness towards you and you're friends. Fangknight said when still shocking him with his lighting over Rascal almost passing out. And that girl who gave you life was a Warrior. A Glitter Force Warrior of kindness how desperate are you going to be when trusting them in you're story? (Owahhh) (NO MORE STORYS MAN, STOP) He ask him. STOP READING MY MIND!!!!!!! Haha you are a joke such a joke with to much feelings when betraying nogo in you're path. what a Worthless joker. You will die a worthless death. (He said) (STOP IT!!)


Soon as he said that to him he finally tried to release himself from fangs cloud arms though discussions however that didn't seem to work. Fangknight suddenly waved his arms around and around when putting his arms,throwing him out of the clouds over 80 miles,falling form earth. You thought that you could of escape me well to late,happy trails,falling to you're deathly death joker! He said throwing him out!

Rascal: AHHHHHHH NO!!!!

Fangknight: Bon voyage hahahahaha!!!

(Fangknight said when teleporting back)

He ask shutting him down to the earth.

After he hited Rascal out of the earth. he suddenly felt very down and passing out within almost dieing but yet still Breathing and falling down and down.

Once after the fight of fang fighting Rascal then defeated him he came back to his own darkest shadow Realm when going over a teleportation.

(Rascal falling down into the earth)

(Meanwhile At the mushroom house)

(Emily's POV)

It's been like 1 single hour on trying to find the art book of legends but despise me and my friends we never give up. I told everyone to search around the place when all of a sudden Lilly went into Chloe's mushroom bedroom so did everyone else did the same on every single bedroom as they possibly can.

"Guys I think you might wanna see this" Lilly said towards us while me went closer to see. April and Kelsey went first to see it while me did the same but Second when looking. Lilly when into Chloe's stuff to look on were it was located in, however I didn't see on where was it in the first place. What What! An why would Chloe do this to us. Why would she hide the book away from us? it's not like her doing that like putting her friends in danger of hiding secrets away form you're friends as well why Chloe Why!!!!!? "Girls I think Lilly found it!"

(Kelsey explain to us) "What the. why would Chloe hide it in her room of the art book of legends!?

(April said) I know right I said back to them. Well will talk about that later, what's important is getting though the book. "As I saw while picking it up then putting it on the table.

Soon as we noticed an saw the book over in Chloe's mushroom bedroom, the girls first figure that it was different but despise themselves. They already know about the 30 characters with Chloe, however there's so much moreover in a fairytale though fanart an everything "Guys should we read it perhaps?"

(Lilly asked them) Well ok let's just get this over with. (Kelsey said) When They all started to read it they realize that Chloe was not alone with answers. Turns out Chloe had something else over against her sleeves. While keeping secrets from them and not telling the truth. However. it was there old Second in command Friend from 3 or 4 years ago.

(The Joker of Rascal) WHAT!!! They all explain towards themselves) Why would Chloe hide this away from us (Lilly said.) Hm I don't know but however. it said in the book that she had wished him with her negative Energy buy a tear drop of the full moonlight of the colors of purple and blue and making him apart of the glitter force even from these pages of 20/30?. (Emily Said)

Why would she do this. (Kelsey asked) She hasn't known of what she has done, when setting her Enemy free by keeping secrets away from us,Why it's not like herself like WHY?! (April explain!) turns out she just wanted it for her (Kelsey said when being annoyed) well we should do something, we must alert her. Why April she lied to us. She lied to the hole glitter force buy making a fool of herself when setting her any free plus I don't know of how he was alive out there in the despair. I thought we killed him in a pile of goo because he didn't had feelings an didn't belong to the others. Now that there's new bad people we have no choice but to tell her about this. (Emily explain to the girls.) but BUT she lied to us. Don't worry about it Kelsey. As long as we explain to her about this she'll understand about it and same to us. since we know when reading the art book of legends. And don't worry girls she's still apart of our of the glitter force friendship. She wouldn't have done this to herself on purpose you know. but will talk about that when we get to her house. (Emily explain again) yeah I'm afraid that we're going to have a little chat with her I believe Kelsey asked then when agreeing with the others.

Then what are we waiting for, let's all get going back. (Lilly asked them!) Yeah~April.

(Running out of the mushroom house)

(End Chapter)

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