《Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3 (Recontinued) ^_^》Cha 34. The Battle.


(Kelseys POV)

We've been told that if that was a big tree. But somehow is appeared to be a man blending in the trees. We've noticed that it had a hat on and hold his book in his hand, have Orange and green on him and a cape looking straight at us but the distance at the park.

(What the heavens is that!) Cried April!! I don't know some kind of creature. As I said to April going behind me.

New Figure: Well Wall wall look what we have here an amazing team wow so energetic.

(He said looking straight at them.)

They suddenly noticed that his English was a little bit confusing and non proper during the process when meeting an also thinking. They suddenly went back a few feet next to the park while he came closer and closer towards them when still holding his book.

(What do you want form us Kelsey said)

New Figure: Oh nothing just here, playing with the glitter force but only two I stand corrected that there where five of you girls, and that's what my friends told me in the darkest shadow Realm?!

(He said looking at them)

April: WHAT?!

Over Kelsey being confused an very involved with this new figure. She suddenly noticed that the evil new characters are a new chapter in there story after all and even of a click of a button witch pop told them that there was 4 of them.

(April's POV)

We both were very confused about his culture towards us giving a speech about his and even his placement called the darkest Shadow Realm other then that they are exactly like the old bad guys before like a few years ago Hmm probably like uhh maybe 5 years ago when setting nogo free again but however it maybe new to us that nogo would or wouldn't probably made different evil characters in the darkest despair when setting him free once again when we all went underground in the despair.


No no no this isn't happening. No wonder the book gave us more characters instead it gave us trouble when fighting them. They probably are a like of the other bad guys but Despise me an Kelsey. We we're actually getting ready to fight him.

New Figure: Haha. You know orange and green are my favorite color so that's mine color. Oh And time to reveal my master emperor nogo once again.

(He said when getting his black paint) an in fact the futures getting pretty good (Puts paint on book)

(People moaning) and so dark!!!!

Kelsey&April: OH HECK!

New Figure: Yay Negative engine yay sillyGarden on the case!! (He said when saying his name)

(Clock Strike. (4/12) (world going black)

(Turning into Orange an Green in the sky)

Kelsey: Wait his name?

April: indeed he actually said his name!.

Come on Kelsey it's glitter time!!

(They said when nodding to each other)

Once they transformed into there Warrior forms right after at least (20 minutes) in the middle of the park next to kids and people still moaning while sillyGarden was impressed by the color of with he sees towards Glitter Sunny & Glitter Spring in battle.

SillyGarden: Hehaha so much beautiful negative energy and also over the colors of orange and green haha. (He ask towards them when still flying)

Sunny started to ask something to him but however he already drawed a Buffon down in the sky when in fact she want to ask that anyway.

(Buffon come on done!!) He said when it reached down.

(A tree 5ft Buffon) BUFFON!!! (It said)

Spring: What are we going to do!!!!!

Sunny: I don't know, but I'm not liking it one bit.

They said when trying to defeat the Buffon. The Buffon went in a double punch way next to glitter sunny and spring, hitting them buy he the trees. They suddenly got up when never giving up towards the new over the Buffons witch were dark and still dangerous in battle. Sunny we gotta do something yelled spring. How? he's two powerful over his 5ft Buffon!! Sunny ask in scared form. Haha you will never stop myself from danger of me Buffon. He said in mean form. The girls felt a disappointment of why this was happening again in there world. Why are doing this!! Why can't they leave earth alone.~Sunny


I know right.~Spring. (BUFFON PUNCH!) Cried the Buffon. Haha I'm so unpredictable!!!! Yelled sillyGarden. Sunny man you clearly don't make any sense sillyGarden or whatever you're name is~ Sunny. Yea indeed~Spring.


Buffon crush them!!!! (BUFFON!)

He said when getting man buy he reactions.

Spring: We're not going to let you do this!

Sunny: YEAH!

They said getting there weapons out ready to strike at any moment. The Buffon went in a circle over spinning itself, trying to hit spring and sunny again like before but missed making it very extremely dizzy for him to see whenever it's about to go again when bing cautious. (Uuuhhh BUFFON DIZZY!)

SillyGarden: Oh What dizziness you have Buffon don't worry I'm dizzy to. He said when doing the exact same thing (spins) phew yay ima copying you hehe.

Sunny: Wow what an idiot!

(She said towards the darkest Buffon and him)

Spring: We need a plan sunny!!

When spring ask for sunny for an idea. She actually agreed with her agreement then decided to use there powers together to fight it off buy the Buffons dizziness when fighting.

Ready Sunny yelled spring. You bet yay!! They use there powers all together when turning into a big fire speed ball, not just one but 10 of them. Hitting the tree Buffon of all they got. NO Cried Silly. Then finally defeated the 5ft tree Buffon when getting ready for them to stop and got all of there strength and hitting the Buffon an good style. When they were done they've finally wave at SillyGarden buy and to never come back towards earth again.

SillyGarden: Ugh DRAE YOU glitch spring and glitches sunny. (He said) teleporting up in the sky!

Uhh that's not it. It's glitter sunny and this is glitter spring use proper English creepy lefty! Kelsey said when they both retransforms there selfs.

SillyGarden: OH But OUT!! (Said when TP Back)

Kelsey felt pretty angry and still shock while she quickly grab April then went in a hurry to quickly tell Emily and the others asap!!!!!!

Kelsey: Hurry April we have to tell the others.

April: Agreed!!!

(When Running)

(End chapter)

Yay hope you guys enjoy!!!!

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