《Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3 (Recontinued) ^_^》Cha 33. The 3th Glitter Charm.


(Rascal's POV)

Once I've left Chloe's house real quick. I wanted to fly around for a little bit since I was a little bit bored after all. So allowing myself flying around in the middle of winter, i love how amazing winter is even for the same as Chloe. The reason I've said that was because Chloe's my most favorite, she even took care of me like a child an never got away with it form her forth glitter force friends. Well she already know about a few things when setting me free a long time ago. okay first she always ask for me to stay hidden. Second she already knows about me an her life of my masters Death. when talking about his heart in the shadow Realm of the despair even for me talking about it that reminds me. I have to go up there to check it out myself so it wouldn't be a problem. after all it is the masters heart after all. After when I got up there I've finally noticed that I still had a glitter charm in my pocket that I need to give to Chloe and it was also a ring charm after the fight of the disturbing woman towards us even for that I'll still be careful as always. After looking at nogos heart it finally turn into a egg with the color of red under the bottom. It wasn't easy to find his heart be at least it could be a surprise for me and to also my old friends, when thinking about them I was not alone but yeah. they still think that I'm a little bit bossy towards them but it still doesn't matter an they would also never forget the things that I've done for them. But it's time to move on and start my differents in my story. Not that I've Mention that? I hardly won't know that if my life or me is going to change or not like now caring even for me or to Chloe. And for saying that I don't know if my story's going to be Bad or Good and I can't even put my finger on it unhappy ending or happy ending who knows (he sighed) But any-who I must deliver this to Chloe ASAP.


(Flying back)

(At Chloe's house)

(Chloe's POV)

I wanted to want for Rascal when he comes back. Ah nevermind it's non of my Concern to ask. Even know he can take care of his self. I know that I maybe protected him as a child witch kinda made him blush a little hehe. Since he's Really Tall when trying to put my fathers coat on him. My parents are ordering me to Guard my house an to even pay rent on it however I at least have my grandparents in town and plus they gave me all kinds of weapons if a person brakes in my house when me getting a strike at it so that's good to know. My friends friends really don't mind if I stay home on my own so I won't find the book of legends on my own around my friends. I called my friends when asking them that I don't really feel like going back to them to find the book once last time. But although I'll just say I'm doing chores. "Okay Chloe that's alright will find the book ourselves and will expect it have fun" (Emily said to me) I then said ok and hung up my iPhone 7 putting it on the table next to Rascals and sitting down looking at the window when saying to myself that hope he's going to be alright out there in the middle of winter.

(I hope he's ok I said to myself)

(Kelsey and April Walk in winter)

(Kelseys POV)

Emily told us that Chloe's going to say at her house doing some chores or something. I told April about it and saying that it's nothing besides it's her believe. Oh it's nothing Kelsey,maybe she is busy so there's no need to force her into it and don't worry she's still apart of the glitter force. (She said to me) Well. Okay I guess. Sorry I'm just worried for her. As I said to her. (But I guess it's just her believe) Come on Kelsey she'll get over it. If she's not busy then she could hangout with us all the time. April said towards me. Come on April she's always Freaking busy. I ask her. so? It should be fine after all she needs her time alone and we maybe bother her to much. If a person is tired an does not want be involved with to much attention. Don't force them understand? Ask April. Ok ok I understand just asking about it" when talking to my close friend April I completely let it go an move on with the agreement on April's talking about Chloe's decisions in winter time activity's when saying this to myself that she's busy all the time but who am I kidding besides I'm always busy myself. (As she sighs) once me and her started talking a lot. I suddenly felt a dash of wind went flying around or through us when me who I was confused about it. Why is the Wind blowing next to us "I said to myself. "Maybe it was supposed to do that I believe? (April explain to me) Uh that's not where I'm referring to also. it shouldn't do that at all!? I said when going, holding April's hand in scared but good form when got scared also.'Kelsey what's going on?! The winds getting stronger' I don't know!! When asking her that I completely look in the between the two trees next to the park in the middle of the winter while April spotted something up in the trees leading in towards the color green like a uhhh salamander or probably lizard i think. Even when looking, Me and April suddenly went walking towards it noticing it had a hat on its head. Opening its eyes and Mouth and an unblinding itself and revealing that it had Orange pants and also a light green shirt when holding a book in it's hard. Who and what is that? April explain. Noticing how we disgusted it.


It was a man while us looking straight add it.

New Figure: Huh?

(To be continued)

(End chapter)

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