《Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3 (Recontinued) ^_^》Cha 32. Double Trouble!


Things have been pretty much ok. The two went back the her house after the defeat of TricksDemon and Buffons around midnight on 8 o'clock. Chloe then pretty much got all ready for the talk oh the third character in the story while her wearing jeans and a blue shirt right after going out the door. Telling Rascal bye an that she'll be right back while shutting the door on her way out. *Walks* Afternoon Chloe was walking where she noticed the sun was starting to rise to the distance,while going on her way to tell her friends. They were not in the library of legends anymore but turns out. They were over at Lilly's house for a drawing experience with the new bad people. Right after drawing the evil characters in there story of what they kinda look like in the book even for others as well. Chloe went over towards Lilly's house when suddenly she missed thanksgiving right after going to her friends house. So then she knocked on the door when emerging though her door they grabbed Chloe's arm, dragging her in Lilly's house over them being pretty much upset and scared when looking at Chloe when missing out on her friends thanksgiving dinner around that. Chloe Where were you.?? Said Emily. 'No where she asked them.''I was busy, sorry I've missed out on thanksgiving I was not in the mood.' Noticed Chloe's frustrated expression, her friends started to feel less worried for Chloe when not telling the truth or positively hiding something towards them when looking at Chloe angrily.

'Chloe You are definitely hiding something from us. Scream Kelsey." Yea said the others. She then gets surrounded buy all the girls when saying. I-I'M Not honest. And sorry that I'd missed thanksgiving an also I'd wanted to give you guys some news "she asked to the girls. 'What-What is it said April. Yeah said the others. Ok I'll tell you gather around girls. She said when they all sat down on Lilly's couch.


Chloe: Yesterday I had a big huge fight when fighting someone, it had horns with a tail, red and yellow on it and it was also a female character but very scary an disturbing,when she touched me in gross form.

When telling them they suddenly also felt very disturbed as well,when being scared again that there's another one within a third character to be precise.

WHAT! As they said all together when siping tea and spiting it out over Chloes talking in the middle of Her speech over her,sipping her tea in scared form to herself as well. "You are serious Chloe?"said-Kelsey. 'Yes I'm telling you guys the truth like before when telling about the others, just like in Lilly's drawing experience. But although I don't know what blena looks like again when telling you girls once again.' Hmmm come to think on it. There should be another evil character. witch in a forth one actually. Emily said while Chloe was explaining towards them. "Yeah could be since it was in the story when telling in wired form.


Kelsey: I'm pretty sure she's definitely telling the truth,since we have no other choice but to even coming across a new chapter probably.

April: I agree with Kelsey.

Lilly: Me Two!

Emily: Me three also!

Candy: Me as well!!!

(They said when asking some information)

Kelsey: Ha! Am I always right?!

Soon ask the girls were down chatting about the third character of the story. They suddenly get scared of the discussion of talking form Chloe's expression when playing games an all that and talking some more when implying into this character in style.

Emily: Ok Chloe since you're having to tell us the truth will expect it towards you since it's happening again. Just like one of the old bad guys like years ago of us in battle with them.

Chloe: Exactly. Even form the start but this is different real so you all may be conscious towards her because she's nuts for hurting us.

Lilly: Wait so is fangknight. Second in command buy any chance?? (She said in scared form)

Chloe: Well I don't know perhaps??

Emily: Well since it's serious over him fighting though me the first. I've bet he is second in command probably well I don't know.

Lilly: Well already then, then we must need to know who or what they are in the art book of legends.

Noticed Chloe's expression over Lilly's talking she gets pretty nervous once again since Rascal Still goes there for reading the girls books routine.

April: When we go. Chloe I have a question for you. Do you know what her names is who defeated you an the middle of the night? *She ask looked at her*

Chloe: Her names ThicksDemon and she's the 4th character in all of nightmares plus there should be another character in the book as well since you guys said so about it. (As she looked at her back)

The girl's heard herself when tell even so. They already noticed the 3th time when Emily started talking about it in the book of legends. Things got all quickly quiet buy her telling about it when thinking that if the art book would maybe have something to do with it, probably when asking towards it of the chapter 20/30 to be precise on the agreement.

Kelsey: Well don't get all crazy an quiet guys. We have a book to catch in the library of legends.

Since when talking about it Chloe was still scared for Rascal to clearly taking care of himself while her an also her friends going to the library all the time when Chloe was daydreaming over being involved with Kelsey. (Chloe's mind hope they won't find Rascal)

(Stay safe) It was finally snowing outside really fast while Emily checked her calendar,noticing that it's December and it was finally winter now. Emily was all done checking about it then all of her friends went back to there homes when getting there coats on in the snow then head out Teleporting to there bookshelves.


(Chloe's POV)

I went out of Lilly's house when looking at the winter was starting up while telling my friends back an that I'll see them in the library of legends. I finally reached my house then before when I taken my coat off things have been pretty quiet when seeing that Rascal wasn't there once again. Nah maybe he's just going for a walk or flying maybe flying around the sky in the middle of winter. "Hey I'm home" I said but no respond at my house. Oh who am I kidding, he can take care of his self for a change so there's no need to worry but still I'm wondering. I'm just well. what worries me is because my friends are clearly getting closer on me of my secrets over me being nervous to much but scared of the less and stressful when thinking of my enemy, b-being free over my Dignity. I mean yes. I'm still apart of the glitter force team and we're finally princesses now so there's no stoping us but now that there's new characters in our story I feel like the others might get hurt including Rascal as well plus. He's change so yeah there's no other way his master is dead and doesn't tell him what to do anymore and doesn't being turned on as well but as long as I can explain to them about it they will expect me and understand buy my mistakes but I'll probably will have a long talk right along with it.

Soon as she was talking in her head while looking at the window she quickly hurried back to the library of legends and said this to herself that she has the hidden book in a safe place with a good way.

She was finally here an same as her friends as well it didn't take her that much time in fact she wasn't late however pretty early and same as her friends as well even to impress her or something different.

Emily: Oh Chloe you came *When looked at her*

Yes I've cam just an time as she said wearing winter clothes and same to everyone else. The library was always normal however the books are all placed up and the trees are normal an so as the beautiful lights and more but however things were different while going in. When going inside Chloe felt a nervous in her body an that they were still finding the glitter responsible evidence in the mushroom house. The table was okay and everything was normal but although but something was missing the art book of legends. Wait somethings missing around here. Yelled Emily look at the table. "Yeah said Kelsey" 'Where could it be!' "April looked around" When seeing that it was missing they all were nearly confused except for Chloe when sitting On the stairs "I think it should be in one of the rooms" Lilly, explain towards going up looking at the 16 rooms. When going though it they didn't founded any Evidence since it's stressful for them to find.

Emily: Okay girls will find it tomorrow since it's stressful for us to find it.

Kelsey: Who could of done this?

When thinking, they made an agreement to discuss that they'll find it tomorrow over Chloe sigh in a phew form over Emily an the others agreement.

Yeah Let's find it tomorrow (yelled Candy) okay said the others. When going back to there houses they all suddenly think an feel like that if Chloe was still hiding something form them, but although they'll get over it. For Now.

(Waking back to there homes!)

Chloe: Buys Guys.

Emily: Buy Chloe.


Is it just me or Chloe's been acting wired for over the pass mouths at school towards us all the time said Emily. "Don't worry so much about it Emily. I'm surely sure that she'll get over it plus she did told us about the 4th bad guy. 'Kelsey Explain' well alright then, sorry I'm just curious, that's all. Well it's okay I don't see the problem about her, I think she's okay. April said, Yeah asked Candy and Lilly being involved.

They said when looking back towards Chloe's house

(As she sighs)

(In the darkest Shadow Realm)

Fangknight: Guys I think we should do something today like playing perhaps. since you guys lost over between the glitter force. (He said when looking at all of them)

Blenabutterfly: Well yeah even that is what you said?

TricksDemon: Indeed.

Fangknight: Well for a chance, I've brought someone right along with us to play with the glitter force.

TricksDemon: Really Who(When looking confused)

(As he nodded)

Well? Bring him or her over here so we can see blena said towards him and her. Well ok then he said when being him along to door.

New Figure: Hello Everything (he said)

Blenabutterfly: Oh so it's a he ?

TricksDemon: Hmm he sure looks cool.

Blenabutterfly: And he doesn't even know how to speak normally normal English.

New Figure: Hey I can well a little bit.

Fangknight: You ladies behave towards him when he comes back to play with the glitter force once again. since we us the darkest generations already had our fun anyways so there's no reason to worry. If he fails don't worry I won't give him of peace of our mind. I'll just make it useful to myself when asking all of us going together to stop them. How's that sound ladies.

(He said when making and exchange for them)

Blenabutterfly: Hmmmm Far Enough!!

TricksDemon: Hmmm okay sounds good.

Fangknight: Great Now. Fly on ahead man!

New Figure: Greaty Great!!

(He said when TP while he jump out of the air!)

(End Chapter)

Ta Da!! Made Another one of this hope you guys enjoy this amazing presentation. I really Appreciate everyone's support on it. More are coming real soon so stick around!!

    people are reading<Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3 (Recontinued) ^_^>
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