《Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3 (Recontinued) ^_^》Cha 31. Trouble.


Since of Chloe's beautiful magic gift giving it to Rascal in need, She noticed of how special he is other then his other friends towards not giving him anything including his childhood of insanity witch kinda made her worried an sad for it but! Things are different now with them,then they will fight to the end. Over trouble Rascal will still gets in lot of things without Chloe's permission or worse even letting him getting spotted but. people and her friends if he's not carful with it since he's like a sweet child towards Chloe in need of temptation. Rascal then wanted to put the cups away buy putting them on the counter to wash for who or someone wants to wash and dry them other than him. After that it was still dark like (8:00) or so. they've noticed that no one was out there over buy blena an also fang as well. Hmmm Maybe I should wake Chloe up just for safe.. Management of course an not be so Ignorant all the time he said. He then wakes Chloe up for re-check that if there safe or not,since he's still learning how to act human for a change. "Ugh What Rascal? She said to him in mean An tired form. Uhhh Hey Chloe I was just wondering why don't we go outside walking in the dark forest for a chance please?! He said towards her when getting up. Well alright since I'm not scared of dark forests when I was little. Wait you were scared when you were a kid? He noticed while looking at her confused. Well.. Yeah even for you to say. Witch that reminds me do you have any idea of what you were scared of as a kid perhaps? She ask when looking at him back. Not entirely as a child but.....? It's pretty much completely complicated so I don't really wanna talk about it. He said Okay~Chloe.

Even for there funny expressions on there faces when telling jokes an all that. they suddenly saw beautiful stars up in the sky when sitting together with there phones and taking some wonderful photos of the night sky. Soooo Chloe do you like it so far out here?~ Rascal. Why yes thanks for bringing me here to look at the beautiful night sky~ Chloe *When still being tired but very impressed.* My Pleasure Dear. And thanks for the gift. he said. eh it's nothing since you're not so bad after all.~Chloe.

Over looking at the stars towards each other Rascal noticed of how open he is with his passion an smiles towards her while so nice in standing up with the new bad guy, since it just started in time over 4 years in the story when still enemy's for such a long time. They've been hanging out for a little while however. Chloe didn't really wanted to still discuss about the issue out the new bad guys an even that dark light Phoenix egg in the Shadow Realm. since she's over it but not to talk about it to much with them but still. She also had a very nervous feeling that if they honestly know about her hiding something though them however. she's not doing this on purpose to hide it away form them. She's only doing it for his and also her sakes just for the best of over arguing for now.

It has been. "8 o,clock" over in her world. so she felt like she wanted to go back to bed an the middle of night but however she decided to just hang out with him for a little while, just to get him out more in need,since her friends are still chatting in the library of legends when texting her in the group chat on her iPhone after all. Soon as they were going on there phones, going on there photos, They've noticed of how much they been taking an laughing so they discussed to stop for a little bit. I see that you took to much photos I see.? he said towards her. Oh uh yeah I did she ask to him while giggling. After the nice talk over an over again the two suddenly seen a little red star up in the sky when spotting it when noticing that it gotten closer and closer while Approaching them.


Rascal: Wait What is that?!! *He Screamed*

Chloe: Huh I don't kinda know, but I'm not liking it.

Once talking about it. it quickly got quicker and quicker noticed it had beautiful sharp horns amazing smile,Totally red an had a tail, looking Straight at them form the distance when holding it's book.

Rascal: w-Who is SHE?!

Chloe: Gasp is that a red girl?!!!!!

They've said making it the one to talk when flying towards the air in the middle of the night sky.


New Figure: Finally after all these years I've finally founded the one who I was looking for, looking for the best one form in the old story. Buy Looking at a little stupidity stupid betrayer betraying on nogos sweet non command on action,how pity.

*She said to them when still sitting down then got up very very fast*

*Chloe's mind*

WAIT SO THERES ANOTHER ONE OF THEM!!!! How and why is this happening! am I going crazy I've bet she's useless an non powerful then blena I'm hoping.

*New figure reading mind*

Now Now, sweetheart don't be so pity on yourself just because of you thinking that I'm a joke in honor an don't have any powers to Streak and passion in the dark Abyss like this.

She ask at Chloe giving her a hard time when still being Furious that she can read minds in people's heads even for hers two.

New Figure: It means right now darling like now?!

*She said when flying at her face*

I'm sorry but who are you another pedestrian walking or something? *he ask?*

The new Figure suddenly heard his voice right buy Chloe on the left when being scared towards himself in a way.

New Figure: I'll deal with you later blue girl.

*She said* Right to Chloe giving her a hard time and touching her hair In disturb form,looking at Rascal while him stepping back 4 feet against her in shock.


New Figure: Clowny Boy?. Look. I know you don't know me an my other new powerful friends for a chance. But I would gladly suggest that you should keep your blaming mouth Shut just as for me talking to this sweet little pity gal in return. She said in a scary form at him.

*Rascal's mind*

My?! So so she has gone crazy?!

New Figure: "Indeed betrayer" * As she in mired him When trying to turn her hands at him touching him in disturb form.*

Rascal then quickly stepped back a few feet back while clearly disturbed at her gross face while Chloe. went in front of him. giving a bad look on her face when sincerely Shock but highly upset in her mind letting her Emotions not to talk like that to him like that.

Chloe: Stay Back From him you beast creep. I don't know why you're here abusing us in the middle of night but I suggest that you are one of them when constantly fighting us for no reason.

She answered at her while her being very Impress buy her argument an attitude towards her and him when saying.

New Figure: Hhmmmmooooo I'm so scared blue girl watch ya gonna do about it? Hmm perhaps you to have wonderful consciousness towards one another when showing kindness to someone who feels in need an being turn down on nogo when being against him And the others haha how does it feel clowny boi huh ?

*She still in a motivation way that her staring*

Chloe: That's got nothing for you to be aware of towards us. and I know he use to be evil for a long time but maybe it's time to say something to you perhaps. *She said in a mean tone* WHO ARE YOU WHAT WE HAVE TO ASK FOR A CHANGE?!


*As she asked her*

New Figure: Oh *giggles* Oh Pfftt how silly of me I forgot to Introduce myself My names Thicks. "TricksDemon"And sorry to Interrupt the show of your silly Enemy Betraying nogo and letting you taking care of him but anyway. I've came towards someone with a beautiful jewel that belongs to me and also the others.

Rascal: You Mean this ? *He Said*


TricksDemon: Oh how beautiful so you Brought it just for yourself to keep? HOW Dear You!! So selfish.

*She said while he put it in his pocket*

Rascal: It's not for you to keep silly woman!!.

He said,giggling and went flying up to the sky next to the trees while Chloe getting ready to transform towards the disturbing character in all of legends.

TricksDemon: Eh Keep it. I assume that you like it so much that's fine. my friends honestly have more then that to reveal him since it's just the beginning in a new ending witch reminds me? why not do it myself for a change. She said when opening her book turning the sky red and Yellowstone to her corses. MAHAHAHA Time to reveal of him once again in our new evil path within insanity since it's going pretty good at this rate. She said when flying back up in the sky towards people moaning on the benches an all kinds of places in her honor of her serving him as a 3th command in a real story nightmare.

(Clock Strike.) (3/12)

TricksDemon: Hahahahaha Yeah give me all of the negative energy you've got ladies an gentlemen. this will make me also so very popular to my master as well!!!!!

(Chloe transforming at least 10 minutes this time)

Rascal then quickly gets instantly scared again then went behind Chloe when changing into her Warrior Princess form. He honestly didn't know what to do in this fight but he'll fight towards her so they can be even with each other.

Breeze: Leave This place!! *She recalled*

TricksDemon: Hmmmmm Nah. not a chance oh and so clever of you giving the new not bad but good person in your story art book I recalled hahaha I maybe think he's not going to change at all for instance I should say.

*She yelled*

Breeze: Enough chatting horn girl let's just get this over with. She said when rascal protecting her in helping your vision.

TricksDemon: Ugh Very Well then. Dark Buffon


(Object- a Stone rock 19 Feet tall)


Rascal: OH No Breeze watch out that things very scary!!!

Breeze: Don't worry Rascal I've got this completely under control besides this one's much easy then blena butterfly's Buffons in need of 2 days ago.

TricksDemon: Oh so you know that blenabutterlfys Buffon were magic? that can turn from any Areas they want an battle and even being. Animals haha what a buzz kill!. *She said*


TricksDemon: Dang such moody but I like that in a gal now that's the Spirit.



*He said pushing her away form the 10 feet Buffon*

Thanks again Rascal she greeted him in good mode

Soon as the fight was almost over TricksDemon wanted an answer of how and why did they founded the Jewel jester Crystal and gave it to the long lose old bad guy like the joker over in return of a Warriors tear through the book of enchantment through someone you care about, since it's forbidden to think about it to in and it would be very dangerous but. Chloe does not care about it she can still change him. he needs her in his life when fighting and actually acting like a human in the world an not making him looking like a fool towards nogos ugly plans when telling him out for no reason. His childhood was worser than giving him a chance to trust him however it didn't at that time when making his story go blank like it never happened in life. But for Chloe she change that because she made him a good story in his paths with no mind Controls and no evil despairs since it's the end of his evil years conquering the earth. But now that he's changed. He can make the world a beautiful and better place in life when keeping it safe buy the evil her and the rest of new.

(BUFFON SMASH) *Cried the Buffon*

Breeze suddenly reacted to the Buffons smash then quickly went to the way left buy not getting hurt though fighting the first time in battle Times.

Ooooooo So decent but formula *Said TricksDemon*

She then made it very hard for to fight it while Rascal was still in the fight helping her instead since she's a little bit struggling with her reactions of the Buffon rock. I'm never letting you hurt glitter breeze he spoke.

Wait so she's glitter breeze? The least Warrior princesses?. She asked her for information.

Breeze: Yeah Duh? As she hited the Buffon when talking.


TricksDemon: Whoa I didn't know but I'm definitely shock yet impressive By the enthusiasm of your Warrior name.

After when defeating the rock 10 ft Buffon during the night sky. Breeze suddenly made her powerful powers into a winter fall when emerging through the Buffon then exploded it just in time around (9:00)

(Buuuuuufffffooonn!!) It said.

Ugh not again well guess I'll have to settle in for this day perhaps.

Rascal: Yeah Maybe you should creep.

Chloe: Maybe what I'm guessing for you to do is to leave this place and don't come back of what I'm admiring for you since you lost an we won again so I suggest that you leave me an not my enemy alone you have your choices and we have hour own so get over it.!

They said when they both looked at her while still flying in the sky in shock or how she's so powerful even for Rascal in need. How brilliant.

TricksDemon: Ugh Whatever, I don't have all the time to be giggling at you two of killing my darkest Buffons in style. So be ready for more when I return once again!!! *When teleporting back*

Rascal: Hahaha like we care in our own safety.

*He said as so as she left into the sky*

After the battle breeze retransforms back to her normal self for at least 10 minutes this time and to think if she wants to talk about this towards her friends about the third person in the book. However she'll think about it tomorrow around thanksgiving and even to Rascal as well.

I hope you're not going to really show this to your friends,they might get freaked out like before you know? *He said at her in a mysterious way.*

Don't worry so much Rascal. Listen it shouldn't be that hard to sort it out just like the second chapter over towards them besides I'm still apart of the glitter force after all. *She said to him in a good way*

Well I hope you know on what you're doing on this round. because I'm not really liking it for a chance and also that disturbing woman looking at us at night was extremely creepy.~ Rascal

Indeed an don't worry I'm sure I've got this completely under control when telling them I promise they won't go hard on me like before but the others okay?~Chloe

After talking when walking back to Her house.Rascal noticed another glitter Charm on the ground next to the rocks and branches, it had a better charm blue ring when picking it up and to even show it to her in the morning when she tells her friends around noontime like all day when asking.

Chloe are you sure that you're going to tell your friends about this again *He said towards her*

Chloe: Well I'm sure it wouldn't be pretty that useful since it's night.

Rascal: What do you mean?

Chloe: I'm mean it's nothing serious that's all since it's just one fight over though us in battle buy TricksDemon or whoever she is. Has got nothing to do with us when fighting her. And she just wanted the jewelry like on your phone case or something. Sometimes I don't understand why she wanted it in the first place. I want it it's fair and square. Man she's so creepy and also very disturb over us I assume for us I believe.

Well you're not wrong I guess.~ Rascal

Soon as they were done chatting about the 3th bad guy. they then went back to the house when getting ready to go back to sleep upstairs when getting some water then went to bed. Over on then first thing tomorrow Chloe will tell them after thanksgiving. over though all there is no circumstances when telling after all since it's fine.. For now.


*In the Darkest Shadow Realm*

Fangknight: Well did you find the Jewel!?

TricksDemon: Well not Exactly. honestly I wanted them to keep it since it's nothing important anyways.

Blenabutterfly: YOU WHAT!?

Fangknight: Ugh well since it's nothing important I'm ok with it since I'm not a hider or a Jewel collector anyways.

Blenabutterfly: WHAT Why did you give it to them!?

*She said with a mean tone!*

TricksDemon: Because I wanted to for instance since it's just a worthless junk after all. even for the old bad guy who was sincerely second in command along time ago. so going to change that? he's going to be apart of the glitter forces battle towards us when battling us.

Fangknight: You're serious? * He said in confused*

She then nodded while Blena looking at her suddenly surprise but yet still moody on the top.

BlenaButterfly: Well already then guess I'll just have to get use to it since I've always have my reasons when collecting all jewels as much I have anyways.

*She said when giving so much advice*

TricksDemon: Well you should of said that before you put it down on earth.

*As she asked*

Blenabutterfly: Fine I wouldn't rush over it when going to earth.

TricksDemon: Good.

Blenabutterfly: meany troll.

*She said when looking at her.*

TricksDemon: I heard that.

*She ask when arguing with her.*

Blenabutterfly: UGH

(End Chapter)

Pretty long but it should do,Happy Thanksgiving!!🍁🍁🍁🍁

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