《Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3 (Recontinued) ^_^》Cha 29. Discussion.


This afternoon,after the rise of the sunset. they both went back to Chloe's house to sort it out for there selfs so she wouldn't be involved with her problems but her friends or also maybe her parents and grandparents. They went to sit back down next to the table and waited for her to come witch she is an enemy to us while fang with first instead. Rascal still wanted to ask her a question about the others but it would consider her to understand but..over on his favor he decided not ask of it..,probably it would worry her an even of the better. She when on her phone to chat her friends talking about of what's going on here Chloe said while Rascal stayed out of it for a while since his head was spinning a little. Chloe decided to call Emily for a little while when being in panic mode.

Emily: Ok Chloe since it's almost thanksgiving week the teacher told us that we had a week off toward it so it shouldn't matter about the troubles form yesterday that we sorted out,however it well come back well not for them but the other ones in the book.

Emily talked about the two other bad guys in the book when Chloe, sitting on the couch, listening and thinking about that it would be scary to explain around the action towards it.

Chloe: Well it shouldn't be that bad right? Besides our friendship is counting on us to discuss it when always talking in the future or maybe anything to sort it out in our heads since the story's just begun over in our path.

She quickly talked over about it while Rascal stayed supremely surprise but scared an quickly quiet about his self towards her Conversation with Emily since he's like a child to her to be precise.

Emily: Since me and obviously candy sincerely knows about this well have no choice but to expect it in our path when taking them down to the new bad guys buy through them to summon nogo once again.

Noticed Emily talking.. Rascal heard nogos name then to just decided to listen in to the conversation on Chloe's phone while being scared to himself since he never belongs with him ever again and even for that he's clearly scared of him and even for his own childhood as a kid. But buy Chloe's negative energy?. safe him so he's probably acting and talking to history that makes Chloe the one, the one with passion, still scared but she can kinda fight it off between New recruits when fighting in battle. Even for him he'll happily call her his new master when being so nice to him an even fighting against her friendship side.

Emily: Since I'm just thinking that it's speculation or something... but disputes me while talking to it to it you and our others friends will.? explain it after lunch how's that sound.?


She said when being worried but yet still nervous form it.

Chloe: Sure we can do something,.something to be involved buy it with are friends.. anyways thanks for answering me Emily.

She said when trying to not get scared over with it with Emily.

Emily: No Problem. * as they both Hangs up*

After Chloe talked to Emily...Rascal came next to Chloe,laying down next to her on the side couch when being scared buy himself. Chloe are you and you're friends going to sort this out at lunchtime or something like of what lucky said? He said when holding her hand like a child.

"Don't worry so much about it Rascal."I'm sure it would be okay for now since there's just two of them anyways. she said made him very calm towards her beautiful Crystal blue eyes when holding hand. He then blushes towards her when being extremely calm over her being calm as well but although they'll get used to the new bad guys after all. Boi I've never seen you that startled Rascal she said when putting her hand on his hair feeling it. After that. she quickly get a response message on her iPhone 7 then noticed her friends chatting her when putting together as a group chat so she wouldn't be stress of an hole hour talking and texting. Both were nearly confused about it but it will all work out at a lunchtime routine. Chloe was all done texting and chatting her friends then decided to be there at. (5:00) to sort it out since are friendship needs to grow and all being involved with there resources self management.

Blenabutterfly didn't came to hunt us like fangknight did. but the first over in our honor towards the sunrise day. She then was all done petting his hair then when back on her phone again. It maybe give her in idea since it's (5:20), she would have enough time to get him a new phone case on her old iPod. It was such an successful surprise towards him when she inspirational was done getting him one of her old phones, without Technology he can't be alone with it. Chloe then went to the store for a few seconds to give him a phone case that he told her that he wanted a purple and blue sparkle case on his iPod while he was holding it.

Chloe: Ok Rascal I'll be right back, don't get in anymore trouble like before you understand.

*She said when holding her purse and iPhone*

Rascal: Alright be quit okay.

As he rapid her blanket around his body an waiting*

Chloe: Great,*as she sighs in closure*

*Opens door* *Closes door*

(Chloe's POV)

I want to get Rascal a new phone case for his or my old iPod just as he can text me more often an so to myself as well. Around (5:47) I went into the store around so many people an all buy despise me and my Conscience I didn't seem to mind. I then went an founded a purple an blue phone case who is the exact same size as my iPhone but it shouldn't matter after all He still has power inside of him. After I've bought it with my money. I went putting my phone in my purse so as people won't steal it. Sometimes when buying it,reminds me of our color like a galaxy color in space an even are clothes instead Of our inspiration. Myself was clearly thinking that the case was not the same size as my iPod but after all. He'll still has his powers inside before that I'd seted him free in at least once but a few days or so but for me it shouldn't matter he's special then the one of the old bad guys so he his self desires in his path when thinking towards his beautiful feelings in life.


*As I said it to myself*

I then went back home while coming across town with his gift for him although it's maybe big but at least he can give that attention to himself to get it all set when shrinking it.

Chloe: I hope he likes it. *I thought to myself*

(Goes home)

She then went home to open the door to say Surprise to Rascal then gave him his new case, witch it was a little bigger then smaller but no reason.

Rascal: Oh cool it's Perfect thanks Chloe. He said

Chloe: No Problem,now you can have my old phone

She gave him the beautiful phone case that she bought then went back to sit down for a little while when the time is right for her to leave and have lunch with her friends at noontime way. She has pretty much been pretty poor all a little bit because of her parents and grandparents were always busy making the house more money an paying rent an all,her parents told her that they will be back soon since there spending the days at the hotel over being cold at her house and her grandparents were also going shopping as well. but for her she knows what to do in shopping time routine buy herself.

Chloe got dress,and wearing jeans and a light blue jacket towards outside and getting ready of her friends when texting them.

(In group chat)

Chloe: girls I'm coming to have lunch so be ready for me alright.? *She asked*

Kelsey: Okay Will wait for you since I'm already there, just waiting for Emily and the others.

Lilly: I'll be there in a little bit.

April: Me an Emily will be there. She told me that she's going to leave her phone at her house just to tell you guys that oh and she also brought candy with us as well.

Chloe: Whoa well that's good to know???

April&Emily: See ya then.

*Stops Chatting*

They both finally went to join each other at lunchtime through over buy (5:50) to chat for about an hour just as well for the two bad guys, however it was ok to still talk about them but we still have to be on the lookout for them just in case.

*Being cautious*

Lilly: I've made it!!!

Chloe: Same!

Emily: Cool

April: YAY

Kelsey: Hey guys!

Candy: HAI

*As they both sat down to chat while eating*

Emily: Soooooo. guy's since we've known about them. What kind of powers do they have exactly??

*She asked then told them*

Chloe: Well uhhh.?

Lilly: Idk now could we stop talking about them!?

April: mhmm?!

Kelsey: Emily listen. We hardly know them when you guys were fighting them and we can't really know about it so how should we know to respond toward it?!?.

Emily: Well I don't hardly know about it but I know they have the same experience towards Rascal and then others form 4 years ago in return.?!

April: Hmmmm Well you're not wrongly wrong.

Lilly: ?Exactly what I was thinking?

Chloe: Yeah.

"When Chatting",Emily agreed on everyone's opinions then finally decided to explain and think about there powers when being cautious but however Chloe forgot to take a picture of the person blenabutterfly when also explaining about it,but it should be fine over talking about it of who or what she looks like in mind. for now when chatting.

Candy: Gurls I'm done eating now can we go to the library of legends.?

Emily: Alright We can go to the Library of legends.

*They said when asking her*

*Chloe's Mind*

OH BOI Noticed how they've said that, made me scared since now Rascal visits there a while when being bored!! Well I. Hope it won't be serious since we've hidden the art book of legends as well to be reasonable and responsible. *As I nodded*

April: Sure we can do that again, Just for getting to know our new enemy's at the mushroom house.?!

Kelsey: I'm Down.

Lilly: Uhhh Sure?..

Candy: Great Let's Be of!!

*Walking off*

Even for them they've decided to agree to one another then went to there houses again to go back to the library of legends when getting there stuff around late so they can do it early other the sunny out while over thinking towards getting to know there new characters in there story.

(End Chapter)

Hope you guys like it so far, dang I'm getting so far down between all the chapters yay!!!!

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