《Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3 (Recontinued) ^_^》Cha 28. Meeting!


Chloe and Rascal were all done fighting the Buffon but in snake version since he still has self management to talk to Buffons for such a all time. Blenabutterfly was sincerely impress with the long fight of the old bad guy teaming up with an ice princess with her.

Blenabutterfly: Wow I'm impress,impress of how good you guys have foght through my snake Buffons before it was normal hehe I didn't realize. Anywho it was very nice to meet you two, Can't wait to report this to my master see ya soon creepers. Blenabutterfly out.

*Teleported while the sky became normal*

They noticed how they known her evil name after she teleported back to the sky while saying bye over down chatting when fighting an Rascal saving Chloe buy the two cutting Buffon snakes in battle.

Chloe then "retransform" to talk to him about the second person, when walking back to her house to go back while going back to the library of legends to pick up the art book of legends while hiding it for a day so her friends wouldn't know.

(Going back to the library of legends)

They went back to go get the art book just in case no ones was out or in there when teleporting. Everything was ok but still very scared of there chapter becoming an nightmare,still on the book towards a few months ago. The book showed the new evil characters over looking at it,it was the second lady that we defeated and her name was "blenabutterfly"and the first one was fangknight. They both were very suspicious towards one of the other characters witch there were only to missing. Before fighting them they noticed that the magic of the glitter charms been falling on the ground but only two of them when done battling,one of them were extremely different but they weren't evil over Rascals freedom or command before he stolled them but one was a apple charm and the other one was a pearl charm. When looking Chloe got up when putting them in the glitter box while Rascal was still looking at the new bad guys in the art book while fighting blenabutterfly.

She was pretty hard to fight but at least they defeated one of her Buffons but hardly harder then others.

Chloe: Wait how did we get more glitter charms, I thought it was over since Queen euphoria was gone and we were safe, but I guess that was just the beginning of the story in need and even for them.

Rascal: Maybe this is the reason why or whoever made the art book is through new over self management to be precise?

Chloe: Idk I'll have to see, But still.

They both acted clearly confused went looking at it when all the sudden Chloe then heard her friends teleporting to the library of legends just to hang out or trying to find Chloe again. She seen her friends coming though the mushroom house while she quickly put the art book of legends away,hidden it in bed while Rascal Stayed invisible while going up on the mushroom ruff. Oh Chloe there you are we've been looking for you Emily said. Oh hey girls I was just getting my stuff together for my new project and what ideas were going to. That's good to know said Lilly. Chloe then explain again of what happened right now before when she got attacked buy an new character.



Lilly: NO WHAT!!!

Kelsey: You can't be serious Chloe you saw another one!

April: This Can't be happening why.!

(They've said in per terror)

Chloe: I know it's hard to explain since it's just getting harder for us to fight them.

April: But were princesses they won't even fight us since we're powerful buy them.

Kelsey: Indeed so twos ok right ?

Chloe: I know it's hard to describe her since I've forgot to take a picture of her while fighting with someone....?

(*Don't say it Breeze~ Rascal*)

Since Chloe forgot her speech,her friends were nearly confused on who was helping her during the second fight with in.

Lilly: It's a girl?

April: Who was fighting with you?" some kind of human ?

Kelsey: Tell us who was fighting with you.

They said looking confused but freak out while sitting next to the table.

Chloe: I mean no,.... know one was fighting with me but I know for a fact that she's really powerful.

She said when changing the subject.

Emily: Really she yelled when putting her hands on her while staring at her.

April: Uhh Emily what are you doing?

Emily: To make sure she's telling the truth or not.

She said over staring at her hardly.

Chloe: I have no clue of what I just said, I was just saying it to myself or if I was dreaming or something hehe.?

Over Chloe's expression Emily was nearly confused about another person helping her but although Emily will expect it......For now.

Emily: Well if you're definitely dreaming about it I'll expect it.

Kelsey: But what about the truth?

April: Yeah.!?

Lilly: Nvm About that? let's just Focus on the second evil person,other then thinking of another person who was helping her or dreaming.

Emily: Alright. she said when sitting back at the table.

They all discussed the new figure of blenabutterfly in when somehow Lilly founded the glitter box on the stair step,when looking at it they've noticed that they gotten more glitter charms only two and a few more ways to go witch it was confessing. They then talked about something important over talking about and why this is happening to them. When chatting they all looked at Chloe an said if you were the first one that already knows about this since she's the first one seeing them while she was just here at the mushroom house. Chloe were you the one who already seen this ? Emily said. Yes I seen this when I just got here while going to my maps an stuff like that. But why is this happening again! screamed April. Idk Maybe this story's becoming an new chapter I'm guess!!!??? Kelsey explained. That's what I was telling you guys, it's because that the story's not over yet witch means one thing?? Emily yelled in scared form. They all got freaked out while Chloe was still talking about it to her friends about it,but as long she keeps this secret towards herself about Rascal it should be fine, since he's clearly hearing it from this conversation when still invisible, looking around the house and stuff.

(Chloe's POV)

I was waiting until they were done talking while looking at the two glitter charms I was honestly confused about it to when saying this to my friends. I didn't know it was come to this well as long as it's important an serious towards the meeting while talking about it. Emily then texted pop to make sure everything was ok towards and who were the two characters in our world, however there more then two pop said. To us that there is four of them in the book towards them over nogos reveal. To me I was nervously scared that if they absolutely still known about Rascals Freedom That I've done witch they clearly told me about him again and also his friends for a few years. Emily are you sure that the worlds in danger because of Rascal and the others since of our queen. "Kelsey explain" I'm Afraid so," since of the old bad guys been pixies for years lucky pop told us that they are doing just fine in jubiland when playing Emily said. Indeed plus I'm thinking if the new recruits have a home or not since like the Shadow Realms been still stapled an not nearly crushed in years pop explain. To me I'm glad that Nogos enemies are gone somehow idk why were still talking about them towards new bad guys "Lilly gambled" I then told them over nervously with anxiety. Uh guys thank it's Thanksgiving today. I said while looking at the date of the calendar and changing the subject once again. Oh yeah right we almost forgot about that said Emily. But we still needed to know about the 2 bad guys and the ones who are reveal!? ask April. Well.. will talk about it later since it's just two I mean what can possibly go wrong Kelsey said while me being scared. Over done chatting I gotten some water when my mouth was nearly soar and nom. when telling my friends about it but as long as it's not important like before or yesterday it should also be fine.


Rascal then had an idea for Chloe while going back up to the Roof and still invisible when looking at the hole meeting of the glitter force. He was still confused to about the chat over with Chloe about the to glitter charms when defending blenabutterfly. He felt Depress when still thinking about his childhood when Chloe gave him another chance and almost killing the world over nogo. He use to steal the glitter charms a few years back when Being mind controlled over his evil plans In the shadow realm. It's was unsuccessful four him to be like that when being brainwash and sad Somehow his friends weren't really human at all they were pixies before when nogo told him to make them monsters to give the whole world a bad ending over teaming to stop over meeting the glitter force. But that was just the beginning now over that nogo gave himself some new characters in the book to reveal them once again. Rascal doesn't seem to care over it since there's no other way to reveal him once, because it would be impossible because it was his plan to reveal him but, turns out his powers that he gave him were gone and now Chloe Actually give him a second chance in return to make him an nice person with kindness and normal powers. His friends over a long time Think that he was annoying but You can tell in his heart that he means no harm,when his childhood giving them a life but an evil life an no care towards it with self passion an also no kindness. However that also changed because of Chloe or Breeze Give him love with negative energy And feelings.

So what are we going to do we can't hardly do this forever like before. Lilly said

We don't know how to stop it since it's pretty dangerous for us to handle!!~ Chloe

Well if it's more serious then will discuss it as a glitter force meeting in my house tomorrow alright. ~Emily

Then finally went back to there houses while teleporting and wait until tomorrow to sort it out since it's just to no matter. Chloe put the glitter charms on the table over Lilly putting it on the chair instead of the table however Chloe does not mind about it since she's just scared while talking about it. Rascal then went back down to discuss about there problems when chatting like before with Chloe's friends. Chloe I have an idea why don't we at least concentrate on you battling with me like before he said maid her kinda didn't wanted to because she's still wondering about the two characters in the book over being stressed and pretty much scared over him to get spotted buy her friends as well. Sorry Rascal but did you remember the plan that I said while my friends were here? She said. Ah right sorry I just wanted to say that so you wouldn't be stress all the time he said when being confused. It's ok,after all we still know how to sort it just for are selves in need in the library of legends.

(Next Night)

They all went back to there homes to think about what or who are the other Chloe in there chapter but although Rascal pretty still wants it to keep it for himself especially for Chloe since there hearted from each other when working together like a game however he sincerely does not want Chloe's friends to be apart with this nonsense of her Conversation an stuff, but he does not nearly mind,since that he tells himself the they don't know about anything towards it. Chloe check her phone and it was 7:00 at night during the talk. Rascal sits down on her bed to think it over hisself so it wouldn't be a problem for him an her. Ugh I hope things will be ok tomorrow.... I hope He said while putting his arm on his chest when closing his eyes,thinking about teaching how be or act at being nice.

It's been a few freaking years of his master death probably he just didn't liked him, It was a reason why he was parish him, because He wanted to be more powerful when just using him as a tool in his childhood. But luckily I'll always will help him out with stuff just like what I do all the time with others.

She then sat down holding her glitter pack and glitter charms at the table in order to think it over for a while for her to process the motivation. It's getting pretty hard for her self to think of this new plan of what new bad guys are going to be planning to awaken him or worse. She already know Fangknight and blenabutterfly,however she's not so certain of the other to characters so it should be fine......for now.

(End chapter)

God this is super long,but I did pretty well on it,so it will take me a long time to get the other chapters out on Wattpad My apologies soooooo I hope you enjoy my amazing ship of the story of this week.


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