《Save Me (VegasPete)》Chapter Five


“Worst betrayal always comes from the people we trust a lot.”- Garima Soni

When I entered my father’s office- where he usually is as if he is hibernating, I saw him caressing a photo.

That is one of the unsolved mysteries that until now, I can never find the answer. There is always this photo that I will find him holding and looking at. That is the only thing where I can see my father have different emotions in his eyes.

“You called me?” I asked.

My eyes followed the movement of his hand placing the photo in his cabinet and locked it.

How special it could be isn’t?

“I will be giving Pete two weeks to gather information and kill Macau.” He said casually as if killing Macau is like telling Pete to kill a chicken.

Why is he even so dedicated to kill the two? If he wanted it long before, both Vegas and Macau are easy targets when they were young.

“To see if Pete really doing his assignment, I want you to spy on him. Report to me if everything he told me was accurate.” Pa said as he plays the chess pieces on his table.

He really intended to put Pete in this position as if Pete will be the barrier and will also take the blame at the same time. Using Pete is both a great move and a bad one.

“Did he agree?” I asked.

“Yes. See? His loyalty is in the Main Family.” I saw a smile forming into my father’s lips. “Why will he choose Vegas who caused him pain?”

I kept quiet, not saying anything that can cause trouble.

"If you caught Pete not doing his job properly." He stares at me. "Kill him."


Pa then grins and continues. "I wonder what will Vegas feel."

I tried my best to hide the confusion I am feeling right now. Seeing my father behaving like this just makes me feel creepy.

I am also both surprised and not with the decision Pete made.

It doesn’t fit with the clues and puzzles I have.

“Follow my order, Kim. You’re the only person I trust here.” Pa said and smiled at me.

I nodded at him and left his room.

Helping him doesn’t mean I am in favor of his choices. Helping my father means I will gain something.

My goal isn’t to make Pete a sort of dummy or supporting the idea of killing Vegas and Macau.

I am here to find the root of the grudge my father is holding from the Second Family. I want to know where this madness and evilness is coming from like a fire on hell that doesn’t stop burning.

Pa, we’re different.

When I arrived to my room, I found Porche’ sitting in front of his study table almost putting his head on the book he was reading. I sat on the edge of the bed as I look at him.

“Che’. Can I ask you something?”

The moment I asked, he drops his pen but still reading. “What is it?”

“Just a minute.”

When I said that, he slightly turns his head and looks at me with a smile.


“What do you think about Pete?” I asked him.


I am hoping that he won’t find me suspicious as I asked about Pete.

“Phi Pete…” He raised his head, thinking about what to say. “Phi Pete is really kind, bubbly and trustworthy.”

Trustworthy, huh?

I raised my eyebrows, provoking Che’ to talk a lot about Pete.

“What do you mean that he is trustworthy?”

To keep the conversation as normal as possible, I pretended to pick up the guitar on our bed and strum it.

“Because Phi Pete never doubts my older brother.”

With his answer, I stopped what I am doing and look at him. Porche’ is smiling widely when he said that.

“My brother told me that the first time he came here, Phi Pete was the first person he felt comfortable with. He didn’t judge my brother and trust him without any question.”

That is somehow true. Both Porsche and Pete are always together. Sometimes they can be called as the dumb and dumber.

“Are you in doubt with Phi Pete’s character?” Che’ asked out of the blue.

Maybe he was thinking that I do not like Pete to be here.

“You know that Phi Khun is difficult to handle, right?” Che’ continued talking.

“But Phi Pete never leaves his side. I am not even wondering why he is the most loyal bodyguard. He loved and treasures Phi Khun no matter how complicated he is. After being captive by Khun Vegas, he chose the Main Family. We will only meet few people that will stay and comeback to us. Phi Pete did both.”

After Che’ said those words, I remain silent.

Pete has a good character that no one can question but the decision he did is questionable.

Did he really hold resentment towards Vegas? Is he mad on to the Second Family that made him decide to work with my father?

I am in constant debate about clarifying his relationship with Vegas.

I witnessed during the confrontation on how Vegas begged Pete to stay. I have heard those confessions from him.

I won't believe that Vegas do not have any feelings for him now. And the way how silent Vegas is even though my father is already making a move makes me question.

Is he really that heartbroken that he can no longer notice the people around him?

Maybe it was only Vegas who loved Pete… and Pete doesn’t feel the same way.

As for my plan, I followed what my father said. I am also looking forward for finding any clues in following Pete and Macau.

Today, Pete followed Macau and waited outside his school. Pete is wearing a black jacket, cap and a facemask. I also kept my distance so that he wouldn’t notice that I am around.

Damn. This is crazy. I am following Pete who is now spying Macau. We all look like idiots here.

When I saw Pete moved, I also manage to follow him until we all ended to a restaurant that sells Southern Dishes. What is Macau even doing here?

I couldn’t see Pete’s expression because of the mask and cap covering him. When Macau and Pete entered, I stayed outside the shop, sitting on a vacant seat and look through the glass window.

Pete is sitting almost three tables away from Macau. I can see him trying to hide his face and just looked down. That’s it.


I saw Pete pulling out a small pocket size notebook from his pocket and a pen, writing something. But then, he immediately placed it back when the server gave him food.

So he is checking Macau’s daily schedule, isn’t? What a good move.

The next thing I saw, Macau is still eating but Pete went to the direction for the restroom.

Why is Macau eating so few? His face looks like he wanna die eating those foods.

I thought I will find something especially today but none. Macau’s life is literally boring that if I were Pete, I will quit on the first day.

Macau only went to school, stay at the shop that sells Southern dishes for more than an hour even though he looks like dying while eating, went back to school and was picked up by the bodyguards to go home.

How can Pete find information to him if Macau is not doing anything?

The second and third day was the same as the first. I am also getting impatient with this.

I don’t understand why my father is so confident that there is something to get from Macau. He is just like Che’, an ordinary student who goes to school, hang out with his friends and go home.

Today, Macau went to a store outside the campus where most of the students gather after their dismissal. They like to eat here and have conversation with the other student.

I glanced at Pete who’s sitting far away, keeping an eye on Macau. If he keeps following and not provoking Macau then I’m pretty sure that he cannot give my father any information and his life will be in danger.

“Ow.” I muttered when I saw a familiar figure approaching Macau.

I glanced at Pete but I saw him panic, sitting farther and hides himself more. So he doesn’t have any intention to talk to Vegas.

“Phi Vegas! Why are you here?”

I keep glancing to both direction of Pete and Macau. There is indeed a space and by only looking at Pete’s eyes, I can already see the madness he is feeling.

I can’t see a single hint of longing from his eyes.

Poor Vegas. His unrequited love may also end to death if Pete continues to spy on Macau.

“We need to go home.”

Shit. I hang my head low and pretended that I am scrolling through my phone when Macau and Vegas separated themselves from the crowd and went nearer to my direction.

I cannot also spy on Pete, they might catch me here.

“We need to go to the hospital.”

Vegas said calmly.


“Pim just gave birth and left the baby there.”

Another one?

I wonder, will my father spare this newborn once he finds out because it could be a new successor of Khun Kan.

“Are we getting the baby?” I heard Macau asked.

“No. I will send him to the orphanage and let him be abandoned. I will be working on it.” Vegas said and walked away first.

When Macau also followed, I roam my eyes around only to find out that the two already left. I also lost track to Pete.

Damn. They all moved so fast.

Nevermind, I know that Pete is following them. I grab my phone and texted my father.

After pressing the send button, my eyes squinted when I saw something from the other side of the road.

Did I just saw Pete and Vegas talking?

When I was about to go nearer, a group of students accidentally hit me that distracts me from looking at them.

“Sorry, Phi.” The students apologize that I can only nod at them.

When I look back, there are only students at the same position.

Is it true or a mere hallucination?

When I arrived home, Pete is already inside and Khun was hugging him.

“What are you doing?” I asked when I saw Pete’s face. He looks so helpless.

Khun looked at me and rolled his eyes. “Pete left for the whole day! What did Pa ordered him that he is always leaving?”

You may not be able to take it if you find out, I said at the back of my head.

I looked at Pete, for a nanosecond- I am sure that he is strangely looking at me but immediately change into a smile.

“Please help me here, Khun Kim.” He begged and tries to convince me to get my brother.

I shook my head. “Please handle my crazy brother.” I said and went upstairs.

“Don’t leave again, Pete! I will tell Pa to give you an easier assignment to you will stay here!” I heard Khun talking.

If you just know what Pete has been up to. Speaking of that, Khun is mad to both Vegas and Macau. Maybe he will also benefit if the two will die especially if Pete contributed to it.

I also don’t think that Pete will leave.

He already agreed with my father’s assignment which means that the failure of it is equal to his life. Pete will be forever stuck in this family.

When I enter the office, Pa is already waiting for me.

“Pete told me that Kan’s son is already born.”

Accurate. Whatever I saw, it is also what Pete said to my father.

A person like Pete doesn’t know how to lie. It is a good move that my father put him there. Never did he lie to what he saw.

“Yes.” I answered.

“What is the name of the kid? Pete didn’t say anything about me.”

I can sense his suspicion also but what Pete said is true.

“Vegas didn’t mention about the name, Pa.” I honestly told him.

I saw him nodded and smile. “Invite the Second Family for a dinner on Friday and tell them to bring the newborn baby.” He ordered.

What does he want?

“What about Pete’s mission?” I asked.

“The nearer the enemy, the bigger the possibility of knowing something.” Pa smiled at me. “Let’s see what will happen if Vegas will be in front of him. There is still a string between the two. We will see… is it really Vegas or us?”

He said Pete’s role is to kill Macau and I know he is lying. He is also using Pete to trap Vegas as he knew how much he liked Pete.

If Pete already made up his decision to side with my father, why is he still testing Pete's loyalty?

I saw Pa knocked out all of the chess pieces on the board.

"One wrong move will be his end."

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