《The Players BestFriend》Chapter 25


Well here goes nothing......

"Hey Loren! It's so great to see you!" I said, forcing a smile.

"Hey girl! I'm so excited for tonight! I was thinking maybe we could play a game of truth or dare with the guys! And then, us girls could go up to Adrienne's room and talk about everything!" She said, smiling so widely her face may get stuck in that overly excited position.

"Sounds great!" I replied, trying to slowly walk away.

"Well I'm going to see what the guys are up to. Knowing them, they'll be drinkin some beer or playing video games. Or maybe even both." She giggled. "Make yourselves at home."

As soon as I knew she was gone, I turned to Brooklyn.

"Gah! She is way too perky!"

"Yeah but she's nice. Don't be so bitter."

"I'll try, but can't make any promises."

"That's my girl." She smiled, checking her phone.

When she looked at what I'm guessing is a message, she started turning really red and smiled like an idiot.

"So who's lover boy?" I asked, smirking.

"Oh. Uh.... Just some guy I met at a party. We've been texting for a while."

"Oh really now? How come this is the first time I'm hearing about this?"

"Because it's nothing serious. Just flirty text messages every now and then."

"Well I can clearly see you like this guy. You don't blush for just anyone. The only time I saw you blush is when we were at the Austin Mahone concert and he stood right in front of you singing. You were grabbing his hand and blushing as red as a fire truck."

"Well he was looking right at me. He was like looking at me; Not just some fan." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

After that concert, she kept saying her and Austin had a connection. He apparently looked her straight in the eyes and winked at her. She could have sworn he was talking to her and not the rest of the screaming fans. I let her have hope for the first few weeks but it got pretty annoying so I had to set her straight and ruin her Auslynn dreams. Yeah, she came up with a ship name. It got that bad.

"Whatever. Now, about this boy.... Are you ever going to see him face to face or is it just gonna be a......technology relationship?"

"I hope we actually see each other, but he's kind of got a girlfriend......" She said, muttering the last part.

"What?!?" I asked, shocked. If I had a drink in my mouth, I would have spit it out.

"He doesn't like her anymore. They have a terrible relationship and she's cheating on him, but if they break up, his parents will get pissed. She's their key to a new position in her parents business. Her parents are his parents' bosses." She said all in one long breath.

"You have to tell him y'all can't talk until him and this 'key' are finished. You need to start your relationship clean of any drama. Trust me. You don't want to bring everybody and their momma's into your relationship."

"I know. I just don't want to ruin what we might have. I really like this guy Kylie."


"I can tell....." I said before a light bulb turned on in my dark head. "Hey! Is this the guy that broke up the fight between Austen and Drake?"

"Yepp. That's my man." She smiled.

"He's cute." I smirked, watching her reaction with amusement.

"I know right! He has gorgeous chocolate brown eyes and a killer body! And you can't forget about his passion for pizza. I mean, we talk about pizza at least twice a day; If not more."

"Yepp. You two are made for each other." I grinned. "What's his name?"

"Luke. He's 19 and currently in college. He's majoring in education. He's gonna be a high school social studies teacher."

"I'm glad he has a plan. Most guys don't."

"Yeah me too." She said proudly.

I'm glad she's finally actually developing feelings for someone. Brooklyn's known for just dating someone for the heck of it. She's never dated anyone she truly cares about. She said it saves her a few broken hearts. If you ask me, you need your heart broken once or twice to know what its like. You need to know the risk you're taking the minute you walk into a serious relationship. There is a 50/50 chance you will end up with a broken heart and there is a 50/50 chance you will end up with the person you're going to grow old with. Love is worth the risk as long as you're willing to put your whole heart, mind, and soul into it.

"Hey babe! Y'all ready for this game of truth or dare? It's gonna be good. Mason said no rules but I swear, if he or any of his friends try to kiss you or do anything like that with you, I'm gonna beat the crap out of em." Ezra said, clenching his fists. Aww! He's so protective and cute!

"No you're not..... Wait..... There's more people? I thought it was just gonna be us." I said, confused.

Great. More people to deal with.

"Yeah I did too but Mason invited some of his friends over and some of them brought girlfriends. Adrienne invited some friends too. Well, just two: Britney and Kandis."

"Oh yeah. Forgot about Britney being here. Where are the skanks anyway?" I asked.

"They, along with Loren, went to clean up the deck for truth or dare. Their parents won't let us play inside because the last time we did, some sh** broke and the electricity went out for a few hours."

"What kind of truth or dare are we playing?" Brooklyn asked.

"Well it's definitely not your childhood game." Ezra sighed.

This should be fun.


"No way in heck am I gonna do that!" Cody exclaimed.

He's been acting different but in a good way. I've never seen this side of him and I think I like it.

"C'Mon dude! Just strip and run down the road! Its not that hard!" One of Mason's friends, which I just learned was Kendall, replied.

"Yeah but that's not all! He has to yell he's gay and proud too!" Mason's other friend Logan said, laughing.

"Dude! I'm not doing that!! I'm not gay and never will be!"

"It's just for a dang dare! We all know you're not gay! Heck, you just made out with Adrienne right in front of us which I don't really approve of but you still did it! Just grow a pair and do the stupid dare!" Mason shouted.


"Fine." Cody said, defeated.

I laughed as he stood up and started stripping. He took off his shirt and pants. Next was supposed to be his boxers but I, being the good Samaritan I am, convinced them to let him keep his batman boxers on.

He walked out towards the road and started running as fast as he could with his hands flying everywhere yelling 'I'm gay and I'm proud' to the top of his lungs. We all started laughing our butts off. I couldn't breathe from laughing so hard. Brooklyn was on the ground holding her stomach and the guys were doing their normal guy thing: trying to look cool while laughing with their hands over their mouths. One of Mason and Adrienne's neighbors threatened to call the cops if we 'dumb rebellious teenagers' didn't stop yelling and go to bed. Old people these days.

When we all got back out to the deck, Cody immediately put all of his clothes back on. Everyone was patting him on the back.

"I gotta admit; I never thought you would do it. I'm proud of ya buddy." Mason laughed, grabbing a glass of what I'm hoping is coke, but knowing what Loren told me earlier, I knew otherwise.

"Yeah little brother. Didn't think you had it in you." Brooklyn smiled, patting his back.

"Yeah well I did. Now get on with the game." He said, sitting back down in his position in our oval.

It was a circle at the beginning of the game, but people moved and now it was a lame oval.

I glanced at Ezra and he was looking at me with a smirk on his face. Why was he smirking?

"Alright Ezra. Your turn. Ask away." Logan said.

"Kylie. Truth or dare?"

Ah. That's why he was smirking.


"Nope. You have to pick dare." He declared.

"No I don't. There's no rules. Remember?"

"Yeah but you haven't picked dare yet. Live a little." He grinned.

What are you up to Ezra?

"Fine then. I choose dare."

Why did I just say that?

"I dare you to have a steamy make out session with me right in front of everybody." He smirked.

"The heck I'm not. That's something you do in private."

"We haven't kissed all night. You owe me this."

"I'm not gonna win this am I?"

"Nope." He smirked, getting up and sitting right in front of me.

"You're gonna pay for this." I stated before our 'steamy make out session' began.

He laid me back and started kissing my jaw line slowly making his way to my lips. Once his lips met mine, I started letting myself go, getting lost in our own little world. It was slow at first but we deepened the kiss. I started running my hands through his silky hair. He gripped the back of my neck so he could get a better angle. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. I licked his lip begging for entrance. He quickly granted it. I slipped my tongue into his mouth, exploring every inch of it. I put my hands on his chest and started making my way down to the hem of his shirt. I roamed his toned abs with my warm hands and could feel his heart beat quicken along with his breathing. He put his hands in my shirt and went to my back. He lifted me up and set me in his lap. I wrapped my legs around his waist and locked my ankles around each other. My arms were now around his neck as his were around my waist. I leaned against him even closer then before. I moaned as he explored my neck with his warm lips and started biting it. All of a sudden, he stopped. I looked up, wondering why.

"You're right. This needs to be done in private." He smiled, breathing heavily.

I forgot we were in front of everyone and when I realized they were all looking at us wide eyed, I started blushing like a maniac.

"Woah! Thanks for the show!" Mason and the rest of the guys started cheering.

I looked over at Cody and he seemed to be angry. I don't know why, but I feel like it has something to do with what just went down. Britney was glaring at me, probably wishing I was dead.

"Alright well that's the end of this round of truth or dare." Kendall said in a game show hosts voice, helping his girlfriend up.

"Wait.... I want to ask someone." Britney smirked evilly, looking right at me.

"Uh.... Okay. Just one more and that's it. I'm ready to go talk about girly stuff." Loren said, jumping up and down excitedly.

"Kylie. Truth or dare?"

What am I gonna say? If I say truth, she's gonna ask me something I'm not prepared to answer, but if I say dare she's gonna make me do something that will either embarrass me or hurt me. Either way, I lose.

"Um... Truth."

"What was it like being cheated on by the best thing that's ever happened to you? How did it feel when you found out he cheated on you with me right after you two had sex? How does it feel being a fat, ugly, whore who will never be loved?" She asked, hovering right above me.

I was shocked. I don't know what pissed me off more: Her knowing we had sex or the fact she was bringing up the past I clearly didn't want to talk about.

"None of that is ANY of your da** business!!!! You are such a low life piece of sh**!! You have to mess with other people's lives just to get one little bit of happiness!!! Well news flash Britney; I will never let you get to me. I'm not afraid of you. Ezra and I can date each other if we want. He doesn't and never will want your stanky a**!!!! You can have Austen all to yourself! I don't give two cents about that a**hole!!!! Now, get out of my way before I make you!!" I exclaimed, finally going off on this slut.

Her mouth hung open. She couldn't move because she was frozen in her spot. I shoved her out of my way and she fell into the large cold pool. I grinned and walked inside. It's about dang time.

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