《The Players BestFriend》Chapter 16


I explained the whole date to Brooklyn, down to Ezra bringing me to his house and then the insane kiss we shared. She was going crazy. She couldn't believe I actually slept in the same bed as him.

"I bet y'all are gonna be dating in at-least two weeks tops. If not before then."

"No we're not! He's Austen's best friend. We already know I would just end up heartbroken again."

She placed a hand on my shoulder, "No, we don't. Maybe Ezra's different. He seems sweeter than Austen and he seems to like you."

"Ezra doesn't like me. He may have kissed me when we played truth or dare but it was just so he wouldn't have to drink his own urine. Just give it up. Nothi'n is gonna happen between us. I don't even like him like that." I sighed, more than ready to end this conversation.

Honestly, I don't know if I like him in that way or not. Sure, that kiss was unbelievable but I don't wanna end up depressed all over again. It's just not worth it.

"Whatever you say, Kylie. Whenever you two end up falling head over hills for each other, I'm gonna say I told you so."

"We won't." I insisted.

Around eleven o'clock, my dad came home. Brooklyn decided to stay the night since it was getting late. She was sleeping in the guest room. She stays the night a lot so the guest room is practically hers. She has clothes in the closet and pictures on the walls. Brooklyn and I are sisters from different misters. I love her so much. I don't know what I would do without her.

My dad bought me a new iPhone 5C because he's been workin' late. That's his way of saying he's sorry. I would rather us spend time together than some new gadget. I love him, but I feel like our relationship is sinking deeper and deeper into this unending hole full of lost love and misery. Hopefully that'll change soon. If it doesn't, I'm going to explode.

I couldn't fall asleep so I decided to text Ezra and see if he was up.

To: The Players BestFriend

'Are you up? I can't fall asleep. :('

It took him a while to reply, but when he did, my heart started pounding.

'Yeah I'm up. I can't fall asleep either. Kept thinkin' about a certain someone. ;)'

Is he talking about me?

'Oh. Okay. How am I gonna fall asleep? I need to get up early for school.'

He never did reply. I was hoping we could stay up texting until I fell asleep. Apparently, he had a different plan. I jumped about twenty feet in the air when I heard rocks hitting my window. I tiptoed quietly to the place the noise was coming from, spotting a figure standing at the end of my house, tossing up small pebbles at my window. I noticed a familiar car parked in my neighbors driveway. Fighting the smile threatening to appear, I opened my window and yelled down at the crazy dude below.

"Ezra, what are you doing here? You're gonna wake up everyone in the dang neighborhood." I shouted just above a whisper.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Neither of us could fall asleep so I thought maybe we could try and fall asleep together."

"Are you crazy? My dad would kill you and me both if he saw us sleeping together!"

"Then I'll have to leave before he gets up." He stated, climbing up a tree that was a little taller than my house.


"Don't make a lot of noise. Brooklyn's sleeping in the room beside mine."

He finally made his way to the top of the tree, jumping from the long branch to my window. He was wearing black sweatpants and no shirt. I was staring at his abs until he coughed, interrupting me.

"Take a picture. It'll last longer." He smirked, causing my cheeks to turn a bright red.

"Whatever. Lets try to sleep now." I sighed, slipping under the blanket covering my bed.

He was laying right beside me. I was turned the opposite way with my back facing him. He snaked his arms around my waist and brung my body into his chest.

"If I'm gonna try and sleep, you're gonna have to cuddle with me." He oh-so-smoothly spoke, nuzzling his head into my neck.

"Doesn't look like I have a choice." I turned on my back, looking up at him through my long eyelashes.

"Got that right." He smiled.

Just as my eyes started to droop, they popped right back open as Ezra's warm breath tickled my neck. "Kylie?"


"This Is gonna be the best night's sleep I've gotten in a while."

My breath shortened at his bold words. I swear this boy is gonna be the death of me.

"Me too." I smiled. "Goodnight, Ezra."

"Goodnight cupcake."

Before I went to sleep, I put my arm around his stomach and laid my head on his chest. His arm was on my back and he was making circles on my shoulder.

I could sleep like this every night.


I woke up to the sound of a soft knock on my bedroom door.

"Sweetie, I'm going to work. Can you give me a hug before I go? I need to get my day off to a good start."

Oh sh**! Ezra was supposed to be gone by now!

I shoved Ezra off of my bed, causing him to let out a loud groan.

"What was that?" My dad asked.

"Just me being clumsy. Hang on. I need to.....uh.... use the bathroom."

"I'll just come in and set on your bed until you get done. I don't feel like standing out in the hallway." He slowly turned my door knob, the panic filling every inch of my body, growing more and more by the second.

"Ezra, what am I gonna do? I'm gonna get in so much trouble!" I asked, begging for him to help me.

"I'll hide in the shower." He suggested, running towards my en-suite, me following right in behind him.

A millisecond later, my dad walked into my room. Phew! That was close.

"I'm just gonna take a shower here. I have a shirt in my car. We can go to school together." He smiled.

No matter how much I wanted to, I have to drive Cody and Brooklyn to school

"I can't. I take Brooklyn and her brother to school everyday."

His smile dropped.

"Oh okay. Well if its okay with you, I would still like to get ready here. I don't have time to go home and get ready."

"That's fine. Don't use all of my shampoo."

"Who are you talking to? Is everything okay Kylie?" I forgot he was even in my room with Ezra and I being stuck in such a small room together.

"Uh...yeah. Everything's fine. Just having a morning chat with myself." I let out a forced laugh.

"Umm.... Okay. Hurry up. Why are you taking so long?"


I ran out of the bathroom before he started getting even more suspicious.

"Sorry. Just really tired this morning." I faked a yawn, walking down the stairs into the living room.

"It's okay." He smiled, opening his arms for a hug.

I gave him a small hug. He huffed but let me go.

"I'm going to be working late again tonight. Won't be home 'till midnight. You can invite a few friends over for a sleepover if you'd like."

"Thanks, dad."

"See you tonight. Love you."

"Love you too." I smiled, closing the door.

As soon as I knew he was gone, I ran up to my room, tripping on the stairs.

"Ow!" I exclaimed, holding my foot.

I guess I woke up Brooklyn because she came stumbling out of her room.

"Are you okay?" She asked, yawning and stretching.

I lied, "Yeah I'm fine. I'm going to take a shower. My water is running."

"Alright. I'm going to eat some breakfast." Brooklyn smiled, walking down the stairs and into the kitchen.

When I walked into my room, I saw a half naked Ezra walking around with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Once again, I was caught staring.

"You can touch them if you'd like." He smirked.

"No thanks. Im going to take a shower." I replied, walking into the bathroom.

I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower. The water was already warm from Ezra being in here just a few minutes ago.

I took a ten minute shower. Normally I take about fifteen minutes but since I have company, I tried to hurry up. I blow dried my hair and put it up in a high ponytail, leaving down my bangs. Not really feeling up to caking on makeup, I just put on some base and mascara. I peeked out of the door to see if Ezra was paying attention to me. When I knew he wasn't, I quietly walked to my closet. I shut and locked the door behind me. Looking through my clothes, I decided on wearing a knee length dress. It was bright pink with black lace covering it. I chose to wear black sandals with it. When I stepped out of my closet, I felt Ezra's eyes watching my every move.

"Take a picture. It'll last longer." I mocked him.

"Don't mind if I do." He grinned, pulling out his phone and taking a picture.

"Ezra! Delete that!" I demanded.

He smirked, "Nope. It's now my home screen."

"I'm serious! Delete it now."

I tried snatching the phone out of his hand but failed miserably. Instead, I fell onto the floor. He started laughing and I gave him a go-to-hell look. That made him laugh even harder.

"I'm glad you find this amusing." I stood up. "Now, will you please delete that picture."

"No. It's a good picture, Kylie. Let me keep it." He grinned.

I knew I wouldn't win so I sighed in defeat.

"Fine. You can keep it."

"Thank you." He smiled, walking towards my bedroom door.

"Where are you going?"

"To go eat some breakfast. Duh." And then he walked out of my door.

Brooklyn is going to have a field day with this.

I crept my way down the stairs. I stopped when I heard them having a conversation. I started eavesdropping even though I knew I shouldn't.

"So are you planning on asking her out on a date anytime soon?" I heard Brooklyn ask Ezra.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"We're just friends, Brooklyn."

"Cut the bullcrap. I know you like her more than a friend. Grow a pair and ask her out."

I decided to stop before I found out something I didn't want to know. I walked into the living room, silently asking Ezra to leave so I could talk to Brooklyn.

"I'm gonna go. I need to get gas before I go to school. See you ladies later." He stated, winking at me.

Once he was gone, Brooklyn turned towards me and crossed her arms.


"I couldn't fall asleep and neither could he so he came over and we slept together. Nothing happened."

"He likes you, Kylie. Don't lead him on if you don't like him back."

"I'm not leading him on. It was just something friends do."

"Whatever. Get your stuff. We need to go pick up Cody and head to school." She ordered, grabbing her purse.



"I hate school lunches." I complained, looking at the disgusting food they call lunch.

"Don't we all?" Cody agreed.

First period was horrible. Mr. Jimmy was really mad at Ezra and I for being absent yesterday. Luckily, he gave us an extra day to work on our project since we weren't at school.

I gave Rebecca the message Austen wanted me to deliver. She didn't really care. She was actually glad. Rebecca apparently has a boyfriend a few hours away from our town. He wasn't spending enough time with her so she cheated on him. I knew how it felt to be cheated on so I gave her a little speech about cheating. She felt guilty and ended up calling her boyfriend to confess and apologize. He accepted her apology and is coming to town to spend a whole week with her. She was so ecstatic, she kissed my cheek and gave me a bone crushing hug.

"Kylie, Ezra and Austen are walking over here." Brooklyn whispered to me.

I looked over my shoulder, and sure enough, they were walking straight towards us. I started to fluff my hair and checked my teeth to see if any food was in them.

"I thought you didn't like him." Brooklyn smirked.

"I.....I don't. I'm just trying to make sure I don't look stupid." I replied, looking away.

When they reached our table, Ezra kept looking at me. Feeling a little uncomfortable, I cleared my throat. He caught my drift and looked away. Austen was just standing there making googly eyes at the red head sitting at the table next to ours.

"What do y'all need?" Cody asked, annoyed.

"We need Kylie to come with us to the library. We need to interview Austen for our project." Ezra replied.

"Oh right, forgot about that. See you guys after school."

We started walking towards the library. A few girls looked at me like I was some whore they had to compete with. There's no competition. They can have either of these boys. I think....

"How did the delivery go Kylie? How did she take it? Wait. I already know the answer to that. She was devastated like every other girl I blow off." He smirked like he was proud of what he's doing.

"Actually, she was glad. She has a wonderful boyfriend that she's completely in love with. You were just a one time thing." I laughed.

"Oh." He looked away, embarrassed. What an idiot.

When we entered the library, you could smell the books. There were "nerds" and "geeks" everywhere you looked. They were so concentrated on what they were reading. A few were starting to grow a hunchback from leaning over to read so often. The librarian is what you would call a "sexy librarian". She had long gorgeous blonde hair. She was wearing bright red lipstick and a black business suit. Austen and Ezra noticed how pretty she was and went over there to talk to her. Annoyed, I went and looked at a few of the romance novels. My favorite author is Nicholas Sparks. He is an amazing author. I want to meet him one day and ask how he writes like that. I've read almost every single one of his books. There are only about two or three of his books I haven't read. Sadly, the ones I haven't read were already checked out. I walked over to the area arranged for reading and sat down. Ezra was looking around the library for me so I hid myself behind a magazine. I will do anything to get out of interviewing Austen. Someone lowered my magazine and I looked up. His gorgeous eyes were looking down at me.

"Trying to hide, are we?"

"I don't want to interview him. It's gonna be so hard to hold back what I want to say."

"You'll be okay. Remember what I told you before. If you get uncomfortable, just squeeze my hand and I'll tell him to leave." He smiled reassuringly.

"Okay. Let's go. I'm ready to get this over with." I said, dragging him over to Austen.

When we got to where he was standing with the librarian, I could hear her laugh. He just asked for her number. His playboy charm worked on her even though she was three years older than him. She gave him her number and he kissed her hand. I remember when I thought he was just being a gentleman when he did that. I feel sorry for her.

"Austen, let's go sit in the corner over there to interview you." Ezra stated, pointing to a corner in the library beside a group of strange looking kids.

When we started walking over there, I noticed Ezra and I were still holding hands from when I dragged him over to Austen. I tried to take my hand out of his, but he tightened his grip. I looked at him confused and he just gave me a small smile.

Ezra started asking Austen questions and I wrote down his answers.

"Alright the last question for you is: Do you believe young marriage results in cheating?"

My heart stopped the minute he mentioned cheating. He noticed I was uncomfortable and started rubbing my hand. My body instantly relaxed by his small yet huge gesture.

"Cheating can happen during anytime in a relationship. Young marriage is just a dumb decision. You should never tie down to one girl or in a girls case, one guy." He smirked as he continued. "Cheating is something that happens to people who get too attached to one person. It's bound to happen. Whoever gets cheated on deserves it." And with that, I squeezed the he** out of Ezra's hand. He flinched but stood up and told Austen to leave.

"Thanks bro. We're done here." He glared at Austen.

"Make sure you put the thing about cheating in your essay, Kylie." He smirked as he walked out.

He is such a freakin' di**!!! I gripped Ezra's hand one last time before I let go.

I laughed, "Thanks. I was about to attack him."

"I told you I would. I always keep my word." He smiled, flashing his white teeth.

"I'm fixing to go to sixth period. Try and interview as many people as you can today. We have an extra day but I still need to write the essay."

"Of course. Do you wanna come over tonight so we can work on it?" He asked, waiting for my response.

"I'd love to. Maybe even stay the night again? I could use a goodnights sleep." I asked, before I realized what I was saying.

His eyes widened, but then soon went back to their normal size.

"Yeah sounds good. See you tonight." He was sporting the widest grin on his face.

Tonight is gonna be....fun.

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