
Kristsingto need more awards fr, GMMTV i have my on you 🤨

Deafening music boomed the whole building. it is slowly getting filled and crowded with other artists and photographers, some have greeted Krist or made small talks with him then they'll return to what their intentions really are.

Krist sat back down, the vacant seat beside him makes his heart sank as if a piece of him has left his body.

His leg bounces in boredom, some had called him up to get drinks, but he refused and told them that he doesn't like any of those things.

Lies, if Singto was beside him he'll be chugging the whole thing down his throat because of Singto's assuring words.

The mc walked on the stage, tapping the microphone, checking it. As well as the other one on the right side. my manager told krist that she'll go get him some water and some candies to chew on while he wait.

The Mc finally spoke and greeted everyone through the booming speakers. Everyone smiled and waved to each other so did krist.

Of course they announced some stuffs before the awarding starts.

"Let the show begin." Everyone clapped and seconds later the room is only filled with music through the speakers thats on every pillar of this building.

Some bands and girl group performed, by girl groups i mean sizzy. They performed their latest single called 'Love Score' featuring nanon.

When they finished. Every gave them a round of applause, the others focused on their phones and such other things.

The Mc got back to his place where he is earlier. He stood there with the envelope,

"That was a lovely performance by sizzy! Thank you very much," They bow their heads in thank you. And so are the mentioned people earlier.

"The first one, Oh. For the First Best Female Face goes to.." drum rolls


"Mook worranit!" Everybody cheered, clapped and even yelled! Its no surprise that she won, lets be honest, she's beautiful!

She was guided and got up on the stage, received her award and gave a little speech. Once she's done everyone gave cheers to her.

"For the Best Series of the Year goes to.." Krist slowly crossed his fingers hoping it's one of his good friends' series since its been 30 minutes and still they're not getting mentioned.

"TharnType!" Lot have screamed on the back as well as clapped for them, mew and gulf walked up the stage hand by hand. Seriously, I'm not gonna be surprised if they announced that they're dating, krist laughed at his thought.

The mc had called, joongnine, perth and saint up the stage, everyone congratulating the four. Krist rose a thumbs up since saint had told him that he's kinda nervous earlier.

Four of them have received their award and gave speeches one by one.

Krist opened his phone and shot his P'Sing a message telling him that he's nervous.

"Best Teen Actress Goes to- Mook Worranit!" Everyone cheered and cheered, the photographers not leaving a single glimp as they're so focused to her, and to some actors too.

"Oh Wow we're almost done to finishing today's show!" The mc joked of course everyone faking a laugh

Singto P.🖤

P' its really boring here without you.

Wish you were here

Krist frowned, maybe he's busy. This is the first award show that they're not together.

Stretching his hands, he looked around to see if anyone who's close to him had seated behind him, sadly. Only photographers were there.

The guy rose a finger and clicked the button

He thanked the person who took it and faced the stage again, Him forcing to not frown. Some had talked to him like jennie, lee and other gmmtv stars. Asking if he's fine, he answered them with no hesitations.


"Oh what do we have here, Best Teen Actor Award goes to-" krist focused to what he's about to announce.

"Prachaya Ruangroj!"

Krist jumped out of his seat, cheered, screamed and shook his arms high, That's his Singto! That's his beloved Phi! He Cheered As if he won it! Krist clapped and screamed. Sadly he isn't here.

Singto P.🖤

You won!

I'm so proud of you!

You deserve it, like really you do!

Still no replies, Krist straighten his posture and plastered a serious face. Waiting for the other following awards.

The Mc had called Brightwin, Bounprem and other actors that wasn't there to pick their achievements.

Krist got bored again and again, the deafening music before is only a white noise now, His thoughts zoning out but still focused on the Mc's words.

"Sadly, Our Famous Singto isn't here today." The crowd awed.

Everyone loves singto, Krist thought to himself.

"Our final title for this years Awards is Best Couple of the Year" badum, badum badum,

Krist's heard pounded in his ribcage, but still kept that calm expression, his leg bounced,

"Krist Perawat and Singto Prachaya from the series: Sotus and Sotus S!" The mc Announced as he walked away, the crowd screamed and applauses to what they heard, the fans outside screamed as if their life depends on it.

Krist bowed and thank everyone around him, him standing up and walking towards the stage. Still shocked, the guards helping him walk up the stairs.

Krist bowed, the lady gave him two trophies as she guided him where to go next.

The crowd still not finished congratulating him.

"Thank you na kab for this lovely award. sadly, my partner isn't here to grab his awards. Thank you to everyone who have supported us through the years and still here with us till this day.—" and his speech goes on and on.

The crowd cheered still as he finished, he climbed down and hugged his fellow actors.

His phone vibrated continuously but he didn't bother to open it.

The show finally closed, a lady lined them up and made their way in front of the tons of photographers, they smiled here and there. Posing with their awards.

As time passed

Krist and his designated manager came back to their own hotel rooms.

Unlocking the door's passcode, krist loosened his tie as it has been wrapped around his neck for ages now, earning a long heavy breath.

As he grabbed the door handle, krist lazily swung the door open with his eyes droopy from the heavy makeup that he's wearing.

"Oh you're back."

Krist's body stopped when he heard a familiar voice inside his room, slowly looking up he saw the person he wanted to be with the most, singto.

He dropped everything on the floor, even all his valuables are now dropped on the carpeted floor as he raced his way to singto

Singto fell back when krist's body fell on top of his, singto muttered a few words such as "you're home." And etcetera.

There were a few minutes of silence and their embrace is still the same embrace a few moments ago till krist;

"Did i do great today P'Sing?"

Busting a small laugh from a odd question

"Yes kit, you did better than great."



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