《KristSingto One Shots》2 Weeks Away


"Goodbye. I miss you"Arthit says, before getting off the phone. To say he was sad was an understatement, he was devastated! He's been alone for almost 2 weeks and barely survived, how was he supposed to handle 3 more? "Relax Arthit, 3 days go by just like that"He says, snaping his fingers. "He'll be home soon"He encourages himself, but he groaned afterwards anyways. Kong was away with his family for 2 weeks to celebrate his graduation.

Arthit missed him terribly but he knew he would feel even more terrible if he forced the boy to cut his time off with his family to be with him, even if that's what he wanted. Call him selfish but he just really misses his boyfriend, and what's wrong with that?He's been crying himself to sleep most nights because of how much he misses him, yes, he's gone totally soft for the younger but he likes it. It was hard getting used to sleeping alone, eating alone, waking up alone and practically doing everything he would normally be doing with his boyfriend, alone.

He gathered all his energy into standing up and going downstairs to fix himself something to eat. "In 3 days he'll be home" Arthit reminds himself as he fried 2 eggs. Once they cooked he sat on the table with them on a plate and some rice. Then his phone dinged, signalling a message.He opened it and smiled when he saw who it was from. It was actually a video, Kong was at another one of those fancy social gatherings rich people have at their houses. There were plenty of people present, Arthit laughed knowing how awkward his boyfriend is at social gatherings when Arthit wasn't around even if he's been attending them his entire life.

Then the camera flipped and Arthit could see his lover's face, he was smiling. "I wish you were here phi, I've been standing here for 10 minutes now and I don't know what to do"He says, and the video ended as Arthit shed a single tear. He was touched that even in a room full of people Kong was still thinking about him. "I wish I was there too"He says,putting his phone down and looking around the house as he remembered how it felt more lively when Kong was around.

Now it was dark and silent, the life was sucked out of it. Arthit ate a spoonful of rice and eggs as he picked up his phone and pressed open the gallery icon. He smiled to himself as he chewed his food and swallowing it while he scrolled through his pictures with Kong. He felt a little delusional for missing him this much even if it was just 2 weeks. He spent an entire 15 minutes like that; eating, crying and scrolling. Once he finished he placed the dishes in the dishwasher before going into the living room. Then he recieved another message from Kong.

"Phi turn on the TV, channel 11 ;). Text me when you have"

Arthit chuckled as he took the remote and turned on the TV, switching it to channel 11. Arthit almost shed another tear when he saw that Kong was on TV, with his father speaking.

"I already have, what are you doing on TV?"

He texted back, 3 seconds later Kong's phone bleeped and a smile etched on his face. "How about you Khun Khongpob? Are you enjoying the party so far?"One of the news casts asked as the camera panned to his boyfriend's face. "Yes, I am. But I definately would have enjoyed it more if a special someone was here. That someone is actually watching right now"Kong says, smiling at the camera as Arthit laughed, by this time he was recording it on his phone. "Oh really? What do you have to tell them then?"The same person asked and Kong smiled. "I know you're watching right now, I wish you were here. This party would have been much more fun with you, see you soon. And by soon I mean really soon"Kong says and Arthit's tears flow from his eyes as he struggles to keep his hand from shaking


"This person must be special to you then"Another says and Kong nodded."Yeah,very important"He answers. "Why didn't you bring them with you? If they're that special"Arthit watched Kong smiled sadly before answering."Well because I'm not they're only responsibility, they have other things to do and I don't want to get in their way". "Well we'll get out of your hair then. Enjoy the party"They say and the camera pans towards another person as Arthit ended the video and turned off the TV

"What does he mean getting in the way? Doesn't he know he's my number 1 priority?"Arthit scoffs, but then he remembers he doesn't always show it much so it's normal Kong would think that way.Arthit shook his head before going upstairs and deciding to sleep. Atleast he can't feel his emotions if he sleeps. Because these days sleep isn't just rest any more, it's an escape. An escape from the real world and into one your mind makes. It didn't take him too long as he sobbed himself to sleep

2 hours later Arthit had woken up. It was already 9 pm when he woke up, he had slept around 7 pm which was the longest time he had been able to sleep. "I guess I just haven't been getting enough sleep"He tells himself, then he realized. "Who am I kidding? I haven't gotten any sleep at all"He says. For the entire duration of Kong being away he just couldn't sleep no matter how much he tried, so he decided to just fuck sleep and stay awake, it was easier anyways. He looked down at himself and saw that he has lost a lot of weight, he looked like a walking toothpick. When Kong was around he would cook big meals like fried food, spaghetti, pancakes and everything. But now all he ate was fried eggs & cup noodles, sometimes he wouldn't eat at all.

Yes, this is what happens when Arthit misses Kong so much. It does things to him he didn't think were ever possible. He's fallen pretty hard for the boy..actually no, he's still falling. It's like a bottomless pit where you feel like you've already fallen pretty hard in but you're actually nowhere near the ground. Once again he decided to skip dinner. He went downstairs again and went inside the kitchen to make himself orange juice. After finishing the juice, he decided to clear his mind and stay at the roof top. He put on one of Kong's hoodies that was 2 sizes too big before taking his phone, his wallet and their room keys. He stepped outside the room and locked the door behind him.

He took the elevator to the rooftop alone. Once the doors opened, he stepped out of the elevator and took in the smell of fresh-air. Arthit always stayed at the rooftop to clear his mind, but now his mind was clouding up with thoughts of Khongpob. "And he promised me I wouldn't cry because of him" Arthit tells himself as he sat on the bench overlooking the city proper. He takes his phone and opens it, revealing his wallpaper that was a picture of Kong that he took on one of their dates." I wish you were here right now."He says. "Your arms around me felt like home. You don't even have the slightest idea how much I miss you."He continues, holding back the tears, he was surprised he still has tears to cry. "One of your hugs would be nice right now. I just want to be where you are. I miss you all the way to the moon and back"He says, kissing the picture.


"But like you said, I must be patient and strong. And I swear I'm trying to be strong but I just miss you so much. Will you just come home already?"Arthit says.


A/N: This was happening while Arthit was sleeping for 2 hours, so therefore before the rooftop

"Father, can I go home tommorow? I know it's not until 3 days but I just..."Kong pleaded. "Miss him that much?"His father asked and Kong nodded. KhunKerkkai laughed, his son was a lovesick boy. Kong told him about Arthit not so long ago, it shocked him and took quite a while to get used to. But he knew better than to meddle with his son's lovelife, as song as Arthit stayed loyal he was okay with him. But heck, even if he wasn't okay with him Kong would never break up with the boy, he's fallen THAT deep into the pit of love. "I wish P'Arthit was here, it would have made the party better"kong says, more to himself than to his father.

Khun Kerkkai shakes his head at his son, he really is head over heels for his older boyfriend. Eversince the day they arrived 2 weeks ago all Kong would ramble about was Arthit. Everything he sees reminds him of Arthit, everything he does reminds him of Arthit, everything is better with Arthit. Kerkkai watched his son as he sighed while he stared at his phone that had a picture of Arthit displayed on it. He felt sad for his son, he noticed how sad he was even when he was with them

Don't get him wrong, he wasn't mad at all. He understood,thrrough personal experience, the feeling of loving someone so much to the point that not seeing them for a while drives you crazy. If you ask Kerkkai they didn't even have to be away for 2 weeks, it was just a challenge. Now he wanted to repay his son for enduring so long, he was thankful to have a son like him. "You know"He says, catching his son's attention.

"You don't have to wait for tommorow to go home"He says. smiling when he sees the wide eyed smile his son was giving him. "Really?"Kong asked and he nodded. "You don't even have to wait to finish the event, just go. I'll tell your mom"He says and Kong hugs him"Thank you so much father! I have to go!"Kong says, breaking the hug and taking a taxi home.

When he arrived at their house, he rushed to his room and practically shoved all his clothes inside his duffel bag. It was chunky but he didn't care, he wanted to see his phi. He decided against texting him when he got inside the taxi to the airport. He got on the first plane back to Bangkok from Chiang Mai. "Just wait phi, I'll be there"He tells himself before falling asleep as the train took off.

1 hour and 22 minutes minutes later the plane arrived. As Kong exitted the airport, he took a taxi to their apartment. He was so giddy to finally see his phi after an eternity of 2 weeks. When he arrived, he literally ran to the elevator and pressed on their floor. His heart was beating loudly at the thought of finally seeing his phi again, it felt like he was meeting him for the first time. Once the elevator doors opened he ran to their room only to be met by darkness and silence.

"Phi Arthit?"He called, but there was no answer. He looked around the room but didn't find Arthit anywhere. He placed his bags inside their room first before wondering where he could be. Then he remembered the rooftop. Because he was excited he took 3 flights of stairs to the rooftop and looked through the glass door. And there he was, P'Arthit. Kong silently opened the door and walked towards his boyfriend in the same manner to try and surprise him.He was unbelievably thin. 'Has he even been eating?' Kong asked himself.

" I wish you were here right now."He hears Arthit say so he stops in his tracks to listen to him."Your arms around me felt like home. You don't even have the slightest idea how much I miss you."Arthit continued. Kong noticed he was holding his phone so hechecked to see what was on it, Kong smiled when he saw it was a picture of him. His heart melted at the thought that it wasn't just him who had gone crazy."One of your hugs would be nice right now. I just want to be where you are. I miss you all the way to the moon and back"Arthit says, kissing the picture. Kong smiled."But like you said, I must be patient and strong. And I swear I'm trying to be strong but I just miss you so much. Will you just come home already?"Arthit says.

"I already am"He answers and Arthit jumped in surprise before tunring around. "Kong?"He asked and Kong nodded with a smile. "No, I'm just imagining this. What would Kong say if you told him you missed him so much you suddenly see him?"Arthit says but Kong chuckled. "Phi, it's me"Kong says. Arthit immediately got off the chair and ran to hug Kong. "You psycho! Do you have any idea how much I've missed you?!"Arthit exclaims, as Kong carried him while not breaking the hug.

"I missed you too"Kong says, sitting on the bench with his clingy boyfriend in his arms. "You have no idea how crazy I got"Arthit says, breaking the hug and crashing his lips with Kong's. The kiss lasted for quote a while and it was full of love and longing until both pulled away. "I missed your warmth"Arthit says, hugging him again. Kong on the other hand was still surprised from the kiss because his boyfriend has never been the clingy one, but he loves this side of him. "I thought you wouldn't be home until 3 days?"Arthit asked, climbing off his boyfriend's lap and sitting on the space beside him instead.

"Well I couldn't take it anymore"Kong answered, looking at his boyfriend's face. Only then did he see the effects of him leaving. "Phi your face is a wreck"Kong says. There were huge dark circles and eye bags on it, he was skinnier than he'd ever been and definately looked pale. "Well, I haven't been taking care of myself lately"Arthit admitted, there was no point in lying now. "Here, get on my back. We're taking the stairs back down to the room"Kong said. Arthit climbed onto his back and he made way for the stairs

As they descended the stairs Arthit told Kong everything that happened to him through the entire 2 weeks up until they arrived inside the room. "Have you eaten?"Kong asked, slowly placing Arthit on the couch. "N-no. I was thinking on s-skipping dinner"Arthit confessed, watching Kong shaking his head. "Stay here phi, I'll cook us something to eat"Kong says, disappearing into the kitchen. He decided to cook pancakes as it was easy on the stomach, he didn't want to shock Arthit's stomach with heavy food.

Once the pancakes finished he brought them to the dining area with the honey. "Come on phi, we need to eat"Kong says. Arthit stood up and sat beside Kong on the chair as he poured the honey over the pancakes. "Here phi,say ah"Kong says, taking a sliced part of the pancake and feeding him. "How does it taste?"Kong asked. "Definately better than the eggs and cup noodles I ate the entire week"Arthit replied, he missed this. Kong taking care of him even when he can take care of himself just fine. "I guess it's dangerous for me to be away for so long"Kong cheered.

"Very"Arthit says, opening his mouth as Kong fed him another piece before eating one himself.

They continued like that for a while. Kong fed Arthit and himself while he retold the older male how he spent the entire 2 weeks and how much he missed him. Once they finished, Arthit fixed Kong a bath as he cleaned the dirty dishes. After taking a shower, Kong exited the bathroom fully clothed. "Come, let me dry your hair for you"Arthit offered as Kong smiled before taking a seat on the bed infront of him while Arthit began drying his hair. "I missed this P'Arthit, your affection"Kong admitted and Arthit simply smiled.

"Me too"Arthit says, leaning on his boyfriend's back and taking in the familiar smell of his lavender scented shampoo. "Phi, can I kiss you?" Kong requested. He felt stupid for asking, he knew Arthit wouldn't say yes but he did anyway. He was shocked when Arthit chuckled and pulled him in for a kiss. Both Kong and Arthit melted into the kiss, they missed their intimacy. After pulling away, both gasped for air. "I love you phi. You know that right?"Kong says and Arthit chuckled. "Ofcourse I do" Arthit says, chuckling when Kong pouted. "What?"He asked. "I said I love you"Kong repeated. "And I said I know"Arthit says, knowing exactly what Kong wanted but he wasn't gonna give it to him that easy

"Why can't you just say what I want to hear phi?"Kong pouted and Arthit simply laughed before cuddling next to his favorite person in the world. "I love you"Arthit says and Kong smiled. "What? I can't hear"Kong says and Arthit shakes his head. "Khongpob Sutthiluk I love you" Arthit says, loud enough for the entire hallway outside to hear. "Much better"Kong says, kissing his boyfriend's forehead. "Want to sleep?" Arthit asked and Kong nodded. "But you need to rest first, I'm still waiting for a call from my dad"Kong says and Arthit nodded. When they both got comfortable, Arthit slept on top of Kong as he played with Arthit's hair with one hand and holding his hand in the other.

For the first time in 2 weeks Arthit had been able to sleep with a smile. Kong stared at the beauty infront of him and smiled. His father wasn't going to call him anytime soon, he just wanted Arthit to sleep first because he knows the older needs the sleep. "You need to rest while I need to soak in the reality that I'm with you again"Kong says, carressing his most precious treasure's hair and smiling before closing his eyes and drifting off to dreamland himself.

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